
Chapter 2

{Kingdom of Titan Capital}

Siting on his throne Thanos the now king of Titan is at his court planning his next move.

'It's been a 2 weeks now and everything has finally calmed down now with the entire planet under my rule it's time to build up my power base and since I was too busy securing my rule I nearly forgot about my gacha tickets'-Thanos


[Name: Thanos

Gacha tickets:14

System items:800 B1 droids,400 clone troopers and 500 tier fighters]

'System use all my gacha tickets'-Thanos

[Order confirmed












Congratulations lord you have received 2 clone trooper factories,4 battle droid factors,2 ship yards,1 star destroyer,1 vehicle factory,2 droid factors,2 research factors]

After looking at what he received Thanos couldn't help but give out villains chuckle.

"So I won't be stranded on this rock mhhhh but what's this research factory?"-Thanos

[Answering lord the research factory is where you can study how to make other facilities like shipyards and from there you can build it without needing to get them from the system]

'Nice now where was I... oh I was busy with the capital's restructuring since I don't like how it was before first I will destroy the walls and make them into square shaped and I will place my castle in the middle and the surrounding 4 areas will be divided between the military, commercial,law and recourse district and one gate leading from the commercial sector to my castle'-Thanos

'After the 4 district are down walls will be built around them then beyond the wall will be the citizens living space that will take 3 district spaces worth and the last one will have the tourism district so the hotels and amusement parks will be there and then lastly another wall will be built protecting that space the a final wall for defense against attacks and in-between the the first and second wall there will be housed barracks and training camps from new recruits,so all in all my capital will have 3 walls the first is the outer all, second inner wall and lastly the center wall'-Thanos

"Well I have worked out the plans I must send word for one of my construction minister to start with my plans and I must build summon my rewards"-Thanos

Just when he was about to go his wife now qween walked in the room with her guards who are all female orks wearing steel armor that covers their entire top of their body with black battle skirts and are carrying shields on their backs and sword on their sides and Qween Eva is wearing a light grey dress with fur on the shoulders and a black cape that also has fur on the bottom.

"Lord husband may I have a word?"-Qween Eva

'Ahh Eva my now wife at first I thought the only reason she agreed to marry me was to save her people but now that I think about it she my have seen this has a opportunity to secure her power as normally when a planet is conquered the princess is either sold into slavery or becomes a concubine for the conquers surbodinate or the conquer himself but she knew that her people won't be 100% with me so she took the opportunity to propose a marriage between us and also since her race worship strength that gave her another reason to marry me but anyway it's nice having a wife with a good head on her shoulders and she is naturally gifted with a abnormal amount of strength even for orks I would say she has atleast Shazam level strength'-Thanos

"Lord husband may I have a word?"-Qween Eva

"Yes what is it Eva?"-Thanos

"I was wandering how are you going into space because those ship's of yous are only made to carry one person"-Qween Eva

"I was just getting to that want to come and see"-Thanos

"Of course I'll be happy to come"-Qween Eva smiled

"Well then let's get going"-Thanos

Thanos also smiled when they were nearing the throne room doors he secretly summoned the star destroyer he got.When Thanos and Eva exited the throne room and stepped outside the place they where overshadowed by the star destroyer that was hovering above the capital.

"My god is this yous?"-Asked at shocked Eva

"Haha yes it is,it's called a star destroyer and this is this get me into space"-said a smiling a Thanos

"When did you?"-Qween Eva

"It's just one of my abilities don't worry this is just the beginning"said a smirking Thanos

"Well then why don't you show me how you are able to hide something as big as that"-Qween Eva

"But I can't be telling everyone my secret so you have to come alone"-Thanos

"Leave us"-commanded Eva

And after a few minutes they were left alone.

"Well then let's go my Qween"-Thanos

"In did my King"-Thanos

As Thanos and Eva reached the military district Thanos when to the newly built barracks for and summon all the clone trooper factories and battle droid factories infront of Eva and she was shocked that some can just make something like this out of thin air but then after the shocked her eyes flashed with an ambitious glint that did not go unnoticed by Thanos.

'So I was right she is an ambitious women just like me but i wonder how she is gonna take it when I have more wife's but I think she will demand to be recognized as the first qween and thus having more power then the other qweens'-Thanos

"So what do you think impressive isn't"-Thanos

"It is my Lord and with your power you can conquer the universe"-Qween Eva

"Yes but it will all take time first I must conquer this sector"-Thanos

'And also locate earth and just wait for when Vandal Savage does the mind thing to the justice league that makes them go out on a killing spree and I will use my shapeshifter abilities to posse as a ambitious official trying to take over my Empire and make a deal with Vandal to attack on of my planets and after he that's all done I will wait till the reach crises is over then I will move my army into their sector and demand they pay for their crime's'-Thanos

'But now I must just grow my empire'-Thanos

(A/N:Big time skip coming up and basically Thanos would have his empire and will just be waiting for Vandal to strike)