
Power and Passion(4)


Today at work, Oliver wasn't in the company, so I felt much more relaxed and efficient.

Men only slowed down my work.

After venting my anger on a workplace crybaby, Ms. Dixon teasingly approached me, "Why do you exude the aura of a fierce and formidable martial arts master?"

I replied while sorting out the documents, "She asks for help here and there, why doesn't she split her salary with me?"

Ms. Dixon chuckled and said, "Alright, how about we have some fun and blow off some steam tonight?"

I ran my fingers through my hair and felt a bit annoyed, "Sorry, I can't."

Ms. Dixon understood my expression and asked mysteriously, "Is it because of Mr. Hudson? Someone saw you two together at a bar last time."

I didn't say anything.

She leaned closer and asked, "There are rumors about you two in the company. Tell me, is it true?"

My heart sank and my face darkened.

Ms. Dixon noticed the change in the atmosphere and left with a few embarrassed laughs.