
Lost Chances: When Time Flies Away(5)


David staggered and looked at me nervously.

He seemed to be afraid that I would be angry.

But what did he do wrong?

His gaze pierced through me, and combined with the stimulus of that coat, I lost control of my emotions. I opened my arms and stood in front of him, my eyes red and my voice sharp: "James, what on earth is wrong with you?"

James's fists, which were hanging by his side, were trembling faintly. He pursed his lips and stared at me without saying a word.

Did he know what kind of torture silence was for a person full of expectations?

Despite experiencing numerous setbacks between giving up and persisting, I still found the strength to present my best self to him. This was no easy feat.

Was he aware of it?

It's hard to believe that there's someone who doesn't understand it.

He just didn't care. In his world, there were too many people and things more important than me.