
Thank you is the most precious reward

Deep down into the sea was a magical kingdom of mysterious creatures called mermaids. They were very happy and were afraid of humans .So,they had made a boundary for them which a human could never cross without their approval .There were two little mermaids namely Sun and Shine .They were best friends by their birth and loved each other so much .Their bond was compared as flesh and nail relation .Everyone in that kingdom knew it and used to praise their friendship .One day due a strong tide Shine was swept away towards the beach and a fisherman captured her .Sun was very sad after that but she wanted to find her and still believed that she must be fine . The fisherman was decent so he was going to send her back after realizing that she was adapted to stay in sea only .But a cruel man captured her and also he threaten the fisherman too for not interfering in his work .The cruel man wanted to use her for his benefit .The cruel man had a son who wanted to help the mermaid as he was a nice boy . In such attempt of helping her a boy named Bless ,Fisherman ,his son and a boy named Hope played a vital role and finally after a long difficult attempt they succeed to help that mermaid and finally Sun and Shine again came together and lived happily .

Ishowri_Malla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Bless became emotional

Now finally Bless was back to his hometown and he was so happy ."I am back ,dad", he said by missing his dad. He went to his home and saw that it was totally changed .He entered and saw that his mother was sitting on a chair and looked tensed .When she saw him ,she ran to him and welcomed him in such a good manners which was surprising for Bless but he was satisfied with such treatment .She then cooked food by herself and made him eat .

" Where is Rain ?" He asked to his mother in such a general way. But mother got emotional on that and explained him everything that how he got arrested .Bless was shocked to hear that. He immediately went to the police station and tried to figure the matter out and even he was aggressive towards the policeman .So police informed him that Rain had mistreated his own girlfriend and beaten her so badly that she was in hospital. Policeman also informed to Bless that she was fighting with death and only 20% chance was remaining. Bless felt ashamed on his brother 's doing .He went to meet him .Rain requested Bless to set him free .Bless asked him ," Did you really do that?" Rain without any regret replied ," She was irritating and was just torturing me . Every time phone calls ,messages, orders and so on .She was treating me as a small child and I couldn't tolerate that so I broke up with her still she was bothering me so I was totally out of control and beaten her and you know what brother I wanted to kill her but she is...."

Before Rain could complete his words ,Bless slapped him and warned him never to do such thing again to anyone. Bless rebuked him badly and said," If you would have regret for what you did then I would think about your bail but now I want you to stay here only. You deserve this." Bless was totally disturbed by this .He was so sad and ashamed on his own brother's such activity. He went to Policeman and apologized him to misbehave without knowing about his brother's real character. Policeman accepted his apology and then Bless went to the hospital where that victim girl was admitted . He wanted to meet her so that he could apologize her for whatever had his brother did to her .But her condition was too serious and her parents weren't in sense .He went to her parents and apologized for his brother's doing .Her mother just slapped him and cursed that his family could never live a happy life .He just bowed down and said ," I am extremely sorry aunt and I know that my brother has done a crime and I promise you that he will be punished for it but trust me ,I am here to apologize you and just inform me about the needs .I don't have my own mother and its the first time I got slap from a mother's hand so I will accept it as a reward ."

He himself paid all the expenses during the treatment and even handed his personal phone number to her parents to call anytime they needed help. He then went from there .He reached his home and his mother ran to him and looked for Rain. She asked to Bless, " Where is my son ?" Bless informed her that he had done a big crime and had only 20% chance for his bail till the victim was surviving. Mother pushed him back and said," I knew it . You take revenge as he is your step brother after all. How did I think that you would help me. I was foolish ." She started weeping and he tried to handle her. But she pushed him away and cursed him that he could never have a happy life. He then went to his room and was thinking about the matter .He missed Twinkle but he didn't phone called her because she could easily find him to be sad by his voice and he didn't want to make her tensed too. He realized that how much he loved her after all this incident .

Next day early morning , he went out for jogging and was thinking about the same matter .He was thinking that if any day he could also do that to Twinkle and also he was thinking that what was that victim's crime just to care about her boyfriend and that was her crime that she was punished for .He was badly disturbed with that .So he wanted to meet Twinkle. He messaged her to come to the beach at afternoon time. He was already there and waiting for her .

He saw that a girl was lying down and was injured too so he ran to her and helped her .She thanked him and she welcomed her .Suddenly his girlfriend called her and he excused the lady to pick that call but after he returned he was shocked to see that the lady was disappeared within some time .He looked around and found no sign of her presence but a pearl necklace as an evidence that she was not his illusion but she was actually there with him . He was just thinking about it ,suddenly Twinkle came there and called him .He was so happy to see her and he just ran to her and hugged her so tight . He got emotional and was not ready to leave her for a while.

Twinkle was so tensed that what happened to him just within one day of their departure .She asked him that if something wrong with his health or if he got any family issue .He denied and now he informed her why he was upset and wanted to meet her. She felt so bad for that victim and said to him," Please Bless ,Why are you so ashamed of that ?" He said nothing . She again asked him what bothered him so deep, so he with a heavy heart said," Any day if I started behave the same then please leave me .I don't want to hurt you ." She felt so bad to hear that and just hugged him and said ," Don't think so .You can never do that .I trust you ." She tried all the way to make him calm . She even cracked several jokes and made him smile at least a little .She then asked him to go to her home .He went to her home and he was so pleased to see such a happy family .He thanked her for that well treatment from her family so she kissed on his cheek and whispered ," Don't think so much just go and have a relaxed sleep .And if you couldn't sleep then you can call me without any hesitation .I am always free for you ." He smiled and she said ," Now just stay at the same pose .I want you to see smiling only so never got upset my sweet heart ." He went from there .Still he was upset and that thought was bothering him again and again if he could hurt his girlfriend too any day. He found that necklace of that lady whom he helped at beach so he tried to figure it out if she was a human or if any magical creature so after a deep thinking he finally came to find that she was a mermaid .He was shocked and couldn't believe that he finally met a mermaid .

He couldn't sleep whole night because thousands of thoughts were now bothering him included that mermaid .Twinkle messaged him if he slept .He didn't reply so she called him. He didn't pick it .She again and again called him so he finally picked it and she just rebuked him and said," Do you know how much tensed I was ,never do it again otherwise I will kill you" .She was just rebuking him but he was quite .Finally he gave a first reply and that was ," I love you ." She was speechless and got emotional too because she was feeling it how much sad he was .
