
This is my wife VII

after hanging up, he said to sister hong, " "the child is having a fever. i have to rush back."

Sister Hong nodded. hurry up and go. Don't fool around outside in the future. It's not easy for your wife to take care of two children.

Zhang fucai threw away the cigarette butt in his hand and said, " I know what to do. I'm leaving now. You should be careful when you go back.

"Here, this is for you." Sister Hong took out a card.

there was 300000 yuan inside.

it was a small token of her appreciation. although he was an editor-in-chief, he had spent a lot of money on du meili these days. it was not easy for his wife at home.

Cheng Zheng let her go and asked her subordinate to give her a check of five million Yuan. She gave this to Zhang fucai as the medical expenses and a small token of appreciation.

zhang fucai was stunned for a moment, then he frowned, " "What kind of person do you think I am?"