
tang yu, you bastard!(dog food)

the phone slipped from shen lian's hands and she laughed softly.

She did not love Zhang Hengyuan, but she was still attached to the warmth he gave her.

She deserved it.

he finally decided not to care about her anymore, huahua.

finally, he had another woman by his side.

Shen Lian gently smiled. After she laughed until tears fell, no one loved her anymore.

all the people she loved, all those who loved her in the past, did not love her anymore.

Her tears continued to fall as she ate the cake bit by bit until her stomach was about to burst. She spat it out after eating it.


In the CEO's office of Boyi, PEI Qiqi sat behind her desk and read some documents. She was very busy from morning to night.

actually, tang yu helped her with half of the work, but she still felt like she didn't have enough energy for the other half.