
I want to kiss you (3)

He Huan froze for a moment, but Qin mo had already turned his head and was looking at her quietly.

The cigarette between his fingers was still burning, and the smoke blurred his face, making it impossible to see his expression.

"i want to drink a glass of water." he huan's lips moved.

qin mo stared at her for a few seconds. he put out his cigarette and walked over. " i'll pour it for you. sit and wait. "

with that, he turned on the lights.

The room was bright, and he Huan realized that the living room had been cleaned up. The bloodied gauze and shirt had been cleaned up. She knew that Qin mo was a very particular person and couldn't tolerate messy things. However, she wasn't like that. She didn't put on makeup during filming. Sometimes, she would go to bed too late and wash her face the next day. Sometimes, she would also wonder why a picky man like him was so persistent about her.