
are you afraid of me? iv

She pulled out a file. this time, we'll settle the second sum of money. There shouldn't be any problems with the script amendments, right? "

Rong Yue stared at her for a while and handed her a notebook.

"it's pretty good." he huan looked through it.

she found a check. it was a million dollars.

rong yue's script cost a total of four million yuan. the early stage cost two million yuan, the editing cost one million yuan, and the payment of another million yuan halfway through the filming. it was completely official, and rong yue had never said anything.

he huan passed him a check. he took it silently and whispered, " "thank you," he said.

"This is the normal fee." He Huan smiled. I heard that many companies are begging for your scripts. The price has already been raised to 10 million. Congratulations.