
an lan, i want to kiss you (3)

she buried herself in his arms like a little girl, crying and refusing to speak.

he was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't do anything about her, so he could only keep coaxing her.

she wondered if she had had too many children. wasn't it said that one pregnancy would make one stupid for three years? she had given birth to three and five children. how stupid would she be?

However, he thought that he was selfish. He would rather she continue to be foolish so that he could selfishly have her.

after crying for a long time, he finally coaxed her. he even decided to let her kiss him however she wanted. she could kiss him or even bite him. as long as she was happy, she could do whatever she wanted.

however, the little girl refused to let him touch her after that. she cried and made a fuss.

qin anlan waited for her to fall asleep. he rubbed his forehead and felt a slight headache.

did all women love to cry like this?