
Thaleia; The Epoch Of The Princess

Aelia, born first in the royal family, was a cruel, bloodthirsty woman who derived pleasure from seeing her enemies bleed to death. After being rejected as the Priestess of Thaleia, Aelia realized her purpose for the great Kingdom, to serve Her as the forerunner for the next King, alongside the chosen Priestess, Phaedra. Having to work together to bring Thaleia's reputation from the mud, Aelia and Phaedra got to realize that the two were not as the other thought, that maybe they could successfully align the variables for the next King. What happens when the Kingdom finds out about the unethical desires of the Princess? How would the presence of a god change the not so average lives of Aelia and Phaedra? What becomes of Thaleia?

DaoistqO6Dx7 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The First-born Royal

The Great Kingdom of Thaleia was as they say "the apple of the eyes of The Supreme". Though being a rather small Kingdom that rested in the middle of four surrounding Kingdoms, Thaleia could be said to be the most gifted which of course riled up the feathers of the neighboring Kingdoms.

At the moment, The Great Bendel of the North, the animosity they held towards Thaleia was palpable in everything they did, from trade to the consistent abuse of their bandits. One couldn't blame them, other than being The Supreme's favorite, Thaleia was blessed with rich soil, mountains, good leadership, obedient and rational subjects and the gift of pure magic that came directly from The Supreme.

In addition to the natural riches of Thaleia, there also existed a particular pond sealed away in an array of trees, whose path is only known to the Royal family. This was because, legend had it that when The Supreme was creating, She had rested by the pond after a hectic day. It was heresy that was not proved right or wrong by the Royals, they only sealed it away from the civilians.

In the pond swimming skillfully but noisily as he would not stop bragging about the looks of his newly wedded wife, was a grown man that looked younger than he would prefer. He had beautiful short brown hair however the color of his hair could not be accurate as the presence of water has successfully given him a darker color.

He had pale white skin which was as a result of being shielded in the strong walls of the castle, or under a small canopy carried by servants when he's out on a walk to acquaint himself with his people.

He was the young king Augustus of Thaleia.

"Do you not feel that it is but a punishment to have us staring numbly at your nipples while you brag about your wife, Your Majesty?" A young woman asked. She wore simpler clothes from the rest except the King that was half naked swimming in the pond. She had on a sunflower yellow dress that was so long that it covered her feet. Her black curly hair was braided to the left resting softly on her shoulder.

"His nipples or his erection?" The other woman replied loud enough for the king to hear. He hastily used his hand to shield the obvious bulge in his pants from the eyes of his company.

"Augustus, get out of the pond, we have to return to the castle. Do you not wish to embrace your wife? We've been hearing about her non-stop since this hunting trip started or are you just words?" The only person that would dare to take the first name of the king so casually and even impertinently mocking the king was none other but the firstborn royal, Her Highness the Princess, Aelia.

Short chapter, but I promise you, it'll be good. Next chapter will be longer.

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