9 Author's Note

Hey Guys, Author here. I'm writing this note to convey my feelings. I'm feeling low in my life or you can say as kind off having a setback. Currently I'm feeling like I have been lost in this large endless tunnel called life with only darkness as your light . I was writing this novel to kind off sharing my feelings to you guys....

But then my intention was purely to convey and show you the reality of life. Love is not something we can force on someone, it purely can be happen or developed in one's heart. I wanted to give a lesson through my stories that if we force someone to love, all we do is keep pressuring the other party to react and in return increasing our expectation of wanting more. In the end when we realised the epiphany of the life, its already too late when we have drown ourselves too deep in the ocean water to save ourselves from heartbreak, pain and agony.....

I guess I was too impulsive to thought that I can write a story better but then not getting a reaction from the viewers or readers I realised that my way of writing and thinking is not that perfect or I'm lacking in some areas, I'm feeling demotivated right now....

I truly take responsibility of my writing and I will try hard to write and think better and publish 10 to 12 chapters still the story is not likeable then I will drop this novel. I'm sorry for saying the last line😔😔 .

Hope for the best and the message I conveyed please give a thought and try to live life without expecting in return through atleast there will be contentment in your heart and working hard for achieving dream and goal.

Your Loving Author,

