


Caleb Lemiere

I was just finished my meeting and I got into the lift to go up to my office. I looked at the numbers on the lift blankly until my secretary called me.

/"Mr. Lemiere./" I turned to my secretary and he's showing me his iPad screen. I took the iPad from him and checked what's going on. It was news that one of our companies in Canada got robbed. I gave the iPad back to him and called my brother immediately.

I got out the lift and checked if my family's here but none. I got into my office waiting for Isaac to pick up the phone but none.

/"Caleb!/" I turned to see my sister bursting into my office panting. She was running here and I was waiting for her to tell me what's going on.

/"Isaac and dad already left so.. you don't need to go to Canada./" Huh?

/"Okay.. they're still on their way to the airport right?/" I asked as I took my wallet and my suit to go but Athena gestured me not to go by waving her hands.