
TGD: My Way To Achieve Peace

==== Alternative title; The goddess of destruction; My way to achieve peace. Disclaimer — I'm not good with Synopsis but you know what, Read ten or twenty chapters before dropping it. ==== Yo, this magnificent babe in this room goes by Iris Hope, the goddess of destruction. How do I know it, you ask? Well, let me tell you a thrilling tale... Blah blah blah.... yadda yadda yadda.... (FLASH FORWARD 10,000 YEARS!) You get that picture, right? Anyways, On our main topic... I've been chilling on this planet for a hotminuto now. And gigured I'd put my oh-so-impressive talents to better use. That's why I cooked up my own top-secret organization - Ecilpse shadow - the Lillte Homies of Havoc! They're completely under my finely-manicured thumb. Told you I was a total boss, didn't I? So there I was, casually strolling through a mortal world, when I stumble across these measly assholes trying to, I dunno, take over their tiny speck of a world or something. I could've flicked that ill-conceived rebellion into oblivion with my pinky finger, but I figured I'd let the little rascals have their fun. And that wasn't enough. Then I, who was reincarnated into the body of a bullied person whose own parents treated them worse than trash... ugh, I'm getting dimensional whiplash just thinking about it. But THEN... Then, in middle of my new story... I had to deal with this whole messy love affair with Amelia.. who left me when I was... pregnant with her kid... Ughhhh, Bitch I will kill you for this. ... But of course, a few years later, she comes back to me, love me more and she is more cute than before. Still I stopped liking her when she leave me alone with my child. (After a few months later) ... And you know what? Despite my hate for her, I just couldn't resist that fatally attractive gravitational pull. Yeah, I get back together in relationship with Amelia and we're living our best lives... uh, without much problem until it was time for deadnova protocol organization to be annihilated but this secrets society was controlled by goverment who was on the half step forward to rule the whole world in its dictorship. So I have soo much to done, plan and schemes but... It is not hard for a smart person like me, fufufu. This organization is done for nothing. ========= [Discord — Join it for any questions: https://discord.com/invite/DhUBStB2wd]

A_Jhonny · Fantasy
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71 Chs

CH-13 Something unexpected

Amelia Harper stepped forth, standing before the speech table, her gaze adventure the assembled crowd with an air of aloofness.

"My name is Amelia Harper. It is a pleasure to meet my neighbor in every class." she announced after a deep breath, her voice clipped. "I hope you all stay as far away from me as you can."

With that curt speech, she strode away from the stage, leaving the principal's lips twitching and many students in a state of bewilderment at her cold attitude and terse words.

I, too, found myself at a loss for words, but admired her striking beauty. Amelia Harper had shoulder-length ivory hairs, stylishly framed by wolf-like bangs that caused me to involuntarily gulp.

Her eyes were ebony, lips a blushing pink, her features very cute yet mature beyond her years, long eyelashes.

Standing at an impressive 180 centimeters, B cup breasts, she has a regal, queenly aura, eighth stage of fusion realms, of one that seemed to superiorly deference from all in her presence.

'Whoa there!' biting my lower lips, I dispelled the daze that had enraptured me. My eyebrows shoot up like two fuzzy caterpillars performing synchronized jumping jacks.

The sight of Amelia sashaying towards me was similar to a majestic gazelle prancing through a field of daisies — equally retained and confounded.

Mustering every ounce of my acting prowess (which, let's be real, rivaled that of a sedated sloth).

I plastered a poker face so persuasively, even the principal couldn't decrypt that I was about to burst into tears or spontaneously break into the Macarena.

As Amelia made herself comfortable on the adjacent seat, my cheeks began their impersonation of a pair of ripe tomatoes.

[Master, You are blushing hard!] Harriet tried to tease me. While I rejected without a second's delay.

'No, I'm not.' I still thought that it was merely an admiration for the art of seat-warming and nothing more. Absolutely, positively, unequivocally nothing more.

"Ultimately, you will be residing with your same gender roommate in the dormitory. By now, each of you should have notified your respective room numbers on your smartwatches." the principal told his last words

"For today, you have freedom to do any activities of your choosing. And yes, starting tomorrow, your classes will resume, and your homeroom teacher will provide you with a comprehensive explanation of the rules and regulations. Thank you for your attention."

"Let's check it…" With a tap that would make even the most seasoned percussionist green with envy, I summoned my room number onto my smartwatch's screen; It was a staggering 366

As I pondered the prospect of sharing a shoebox-sized abode with a potential ice cube.

'Please, Heaven, Keep your mercy at me…' I silently prayed to the residential deities for a roommate whose personality didn't make penguins seem like party animals in comparison.

Not one to be deterred by trifling matters like basic human etiquette, I bid a fond farewell to the principal by completely ignoring his existence as he disappeared.

'Why is she still sitting here?' And while my outward air was cool indifference, my peripherals were onto the one and only Amelia Harper, drinking in her presence like a parched desert wanderer swallow down an oasis' worth of refreshing H2O.


Having spent the whole day roaming around the city, I was leaning in front of my dorm room.

"It seems I drank too much today..." I murmured, my eyes hazy as the world spun slightly. The door has an indispensable secret code for entry, known only to me and my roommate.

Tehehe~~ I hadn't imbibed so much that I had forgotten everything.

Writing the code, As the lock disengaged, I pushed the door open and inserted myself into the bedroom.

The setup resembled a compartment, complete with a kitchen, bathroom, and a single room designed for two occupants, featuring a sizable bed.

Shouldn't there be two? Um, what on earth is going on?... But we're roommates and girls, so I guess it's no big deal.

My vision blurred as I glimpsed a woman seated on the bed, in a Lotus position, engrossed in some unknown activity.

"Hello, nice to meet you, roommate, or whoever you are. Call me Iris, and that's all." I struggled to focus on her face, As put my hand on my face to show some manners. "Haa… I'm tired."

Without pursuing more conversation, I quickly was into my nightgown and collapsed onto the bed. I murmured as sleep overtook me. "Good night, roomate!"


As I arise from slumber, my hair was disheveled like a startled woman with wild curls. After showering, I dressed in my school uniform.

Ugh, my head is throbbing slightly, but it's not enough to furrow my brow. I glanced at the clock, It was hanging on the wall. The time was 6:39 AM, and class started at 7:00 AM.

"I still have time!" Heading to the kitchen, I discovered a restorative soup for my hangover.

"Harriet, did my roommate prepare this?" I wanted to confirm what was in my mind.

Despite her being within me, she has the ability to see a one-kilometer radius without any difficulty. With time, It will chart up.

[Indeed, Master!]

"Oh, is that how it was? I don't know her name... let's talk sometime later." And from Harriet's tone, I could already predict she wasn't going to describe the person or their name. It seems she is also not… cognized of it.


At 6:55 Am, I waited outside the classroom. The students of the cultivator program were distributed into different sections based on their grades, with each section accommodating a hundred students.

For example, the top 100 students were assigned to section A, while the following 101 to 200 were placed in section B, and so the list goes on until 700 new students at fusion realms, following a sequential pattern.

"Ugh, they're so noisy." I groaned and stepped inside, only to be hemmed in by the servants of our 'Young Master.'

Don't tell me I have to discipline them... here.