

This is the machine translation of Manga 'The Greatest Deity'. Disclaimer:- Also, before suing me Add a review in this book saying to remove the book and I will happily remove it. This book is not owned by me. Is copyright lies with the original owners. Synopsis:- He was once thrown out of the house by his father as rubbish, but he is the most powerful genius in history. Goddess? That is my woman! Great Lord of the Devil? That is my apprentice! Demon Realm Dragon God? That is my mount! Those who provoke me Xu Nian, die! Whoever touches my Xu Nian's scales, life is better than death!

BloodPunisher · Anime & Comics
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is really a treasure

"Take it to death!" Lin Han roared and rushed towards Xu Nian.

This time he directly used his combat skills, blazing tiger fist.

A fist blasted out a scary red flame, and slammed it at Xu Nian fiercely, with terrifying power, and even the surrounding air emitted a scorching breath.

Before Lin Han's fist approached, Xu Nian felt a terrifying heat wave coming and swallowed him in the next moment.

However, Xu Nian let out a chuckle, not only did not dodge, but instead greeted Lin Han's punch.

"Boom!" With

a loud noise, Xu Nian's fist and Lin Han's fist struck fiercely together, making a loud noise like the sky.

Xu Nian and Lin Han both stepped back five steps and were evenly matched.

"It actually blocked it. I haven't seen it before. This Xu Nian actually took Lin Han's punch of the violent pill?" The

people around suddenly widened their eyes, revealing an unbelievable look, and Xu Nian's performance was far beyond. Their surprise.

"The eight-star peak body cultivation of the star realm, it turns out that he has broken through again." The person with vicious eyes found that Xu Nian's body cultivation had made another breakthrough, and shouted in surprise.

As soon as these words came out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It was only a few days, and Xu Nian actually broke through again. How could his breakthrough be as simple as drinking water?

And it's still the eight-star peak, and maybe it won't take long for another breakthrough.

Chen Xifeng and others who watched the battle also showed a surprised look. What was the cultivation level when Xu Nian and them entered the Yudong Sky?

Spiritual cultivation of the peak of the eight-star warrior, physical cultivation of the six-star star realm.

Fortunately, he has directly become a nine-star peak fighter, and he has cultivated the eight-star peak of the star realm. During this process, he has improved three stars. They really can't imagine how Xu Nian has achieved such a big improvement in such a short time.

"I want you to die." Seeing that he couldn't defeat Xu Nian after taking the violent pill, Lin Han's anger was no longer increasing, he roared, and his body burst out with incomparable strength again.

The qi gushing, Lin Han's skin was torn by the horrible qi, his eyes were red as blood, and his eyes were full of endless killing intent when he looked at Xu Nian.


A terrifying red flame gushed from Lin Han's hands, exuding a purple flame.

As soon as the purple flame came out, the surrounding temperature suddenly soared to a terrifying level, making people feel like the skin was burned, and even the surrounding trees could not help the terrifying temperature, and they burned one after another.

"This is the Lin Family's prefecture-level Gang Skill Asura Wraith Palm, is this Lin Han actually forced to such a degree?" The audience outside the venue exclaimed.

Chen Xifeng on the side also showed a surprised look. When he lost to Lin Han, he was defeated by this Asura ghost fire.

Now that one year has passed, Lin Han's understanding of Asura Wraith Palm has deepened a lot, and he has reached the level of proficiency. Moreover, coupled with the blessing of this violent pill, Lin Han's Asura Wraith Palm is no less powerful at this moment. The Samsung Silver Moon Zhanzong made a full blow.

"It's over, now Xu Nian is dead!" The audience outside the field said, sighing for Xu Nian in their hearts.

How to fight with prefecture-level gang skills and violent pill?

However, just when everyone felt that Xu Nian was about to lose, Lin Han had already rushed out again, stamped his foot on the ground, and directly stamped out a big pit, his figure jumped up, his palm was fiercely with a terrifying flame. Shoot towards Xu Nian.

Everyone's hearts were suddenly tense to the extreme, and they looked at the scene in the Xuantian mirror without blinking.

However, the next scene stunned everyone present.

I saw a bone in Xu Nian's hand suddenly, and then I saw Xu Nian picking up the bone and slamming it on Lin Han's arm.


Zi Huo was directly dissipated, and Lin Han's arm bone was also broken by this bone, making a miserable cry, but the bone in Xu Nian's hand was not damaged at all, still white and shiny.

Everyone was dumb and their eyes were dull.

Isn't this the bone Xu Nian got in the cave? They thought that Xu Nian got a waste, but they didn't expect it to be a treasure.

Seeing this, it is definitely a magic weapon!

Yunlan and Han Xin on the side were also dumbfounded. They did not expect that what Xu Nian said was true. This bone is really a rare treasure, otherwise it would not be so hard.

Xu Nian ignored everyone's surprised eyes. At this moment, he had already picked up the bones and hammered Lin Han's chest again, and he said, "Is the violent pill very powerful? I think it's nothing more than that!"

After saying that, the bones were cruel. It hit Lin Han's chest fiercely.

Lin Han felt as if he was hit by a giant hammer. His chest ribs broke for a few minutes. The whole person flew upside down like a kite with a broken line. He flew tens of meters away, hitting the tree in the distance, and it was shocked. The big tree almost broke, and only then stopped his figure, blood in his mouth vomited, and his momentum went down.

Xunian's attack not only repelled Lin Han, but also completely dispelled the violent pill in Lin Han's body. Now the meridians in Lin Han's body have been severely damaged, and it is difficult to recover without two or three months of recuperation.

The audience outside the venue was shocked beyond the reach, all they looked at the young figure holding the bone and swaggering towards Lin Han.

At this moment, they felt that the young man carrying the bone was a humanoid monster, terribly scary.

Lin Han looked at Xu Nian who came slowly, his face was full of strong unwillingness and anger, but his body was unable to move, and he could only stare at Xu Nian.

Xu Nian walked to Lin Han and squatted down, looking at Lin Han who was angry, with a mocking look in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, and I will send you out, but, in order to feast your eyes on everyone, so you have to leave this outfit behind." Xu Nian said with a smirk.

"You...what do you want to do..." Lin Han seemed to understand Xu Nian's intentions and screamed frantically.

However, Xu Nian let out a chuckle, grabbed Lin Han's robe with one hand, and with a frantic pull, he tore off Lin Han's clothes, and Lin Han's body was exposed to everyone's eyes again.

"Xu Nian, I don't want you to die..." Lin Han screamed frantically, killing intently.

But he hadn't finished speaking yet, Xu Nian had already crushed his Golden Crow token, and his figure appeared directly on the altar in the square.

The audience suddenly exclaimed, looking at Lin Han who was lying on the altar, laughing endlessly.

Lin Han's face turned black in an instant, and the hatred in his heart towards Xu Nian also reached an incomprehensible level at this moment.

Within the Yudong days, Xu Nian turned his head to look at the four of Chen Xifeng, only to find that the four looked at him like monsters, especially Han Xin and Yun Lanqiao blushing like sunset in the sky.

Xu Nian smiled helplessly, knowing that what he had done just now shocked them.

However, just as Xu Nian was about to explain something, a slender figure in the distance walked over, and his eyes looked sharply at Xu Nian.

Xu Nian's face also became serious for an instant, and a war intent surged in the depths of his eyes.