

This is the machine translation of Manga 'The Greatest Deity'. Disclaimer:- Also, before suing me Add a review in this book saying to remove the book and I will happily remove it. This book is not owned by me. Is copyright lies with the original owners. Synopsis:- He was once thrown out of the house by his father as rubbish, but he is the most powerful genius in history. Goddess? That is my woman! Great Lord of the Devil? That is my apprentice! Demon Realm Dragon God? That is my mount! Those who provoke me Xu Nian, die! Whoever touches my Xu Nian's scales, life is better than death!

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I want you to Die

Xu Nian walked towards Qin's mansion with Leng Yanran strode, he didn't have to think about how miserable Li Yuan would end.

At the same time, Xu Nian felt a little guilty about Leng Yanran.

His slight rise caused Leng Yanran to suffer such humiliation.

Although he didn't intend to do that, it was because of him after all.

"You don't have to feel guilty. I said before that you can do whatever you want during this trip. I will always support you behind my back and never break my promise." Leng Yanran seemed to see through Xu Nian's mind and said.

Although there was no smile on his face, Xu Nian could see that Leng Yanran didn't mean to blame him at all, which moved Xu Nian's heart.

This time Xu Nian did not say much, but continued to walk towards the inside of the Qin family mansion.

However, he had already made up his mind in his heart that no matter what kind of difficulties Leng Yanran would suffer in the future, he would stand behind her just like she did today, resisting all the wind and rain for her.

Soon, Xu Nian came to the inner door of the Qin Mansion, and he once again met an acquaintance, Qin Hen.

Since he defeated Qin Hen last time, Qin Hen has left the academy and never returned to the academy.

At this moment, Qin Hen's injury had obviously recovered, and his cultivation level had been improved a lot, reaching the status of a four-star warrior.

Now that Xu Nian has opened up spiritual consciousness, it is naturally easy to explore Qin Hen's cultivation base.

It's just that Xu Nian was a little surprised, this Qin Hen's cultivation level actually improved so quickly.

Qin Hen was a little surprised when he saw Xu Nian suddenly, but he was different from Li Yuan.

He knew about the news that Xu Nian killed Ouyang Chengfeng, so Qin Hen did not act rashly, but that didn't mean he was afraid of Xu Nian. Obviously, Qin Hen also had his own backing.

Qin Hen looked at Xu Nian and snorted coldly, "Huh, how dare you come back?"

"Why didn't I dare to come back? Could it be possible that Qin Hen could leave me behind?" Xu Nian asked with a sneer, he wanted to see what Qin Hen had on earth.

Qin Hen heard Xu Nian's words, his eyes flashed with a bit of resentment, and he sneered again: "Just so, since you are here, don't even think about going out today. At Qinglin College that day, you severely injured me and humiliated me in public. Father, you have to pay back what you said today!"

Xu Nian kept a faint sneer, looking at Qin Hen who was full of murderous intent.


Xu Nian stepped forward, his figure suddenly turned into a gust of wind and swept towards Qin Hen.


However, just as Xu Nian was about to approach Qin Hen, a vigorous roar came from the depths of the mansion, like thunder.

Then a huge palm print that was half a person tall came from the mansion, pressing towards Xu Nian fiercely.

"Warlord-level master!" Xu Nian's expression suddenly changed, and the spiritual energy fluctuations contained in this palm print were too terrifying.

Under this spiritual fluctuation, Xu Nian had no room for resistance at all, and even had no time to escape.

At the moment when Xu Nian felt the crisis, a beautiful shadow suddenly appeared in front of her, and a slender jade hand stretched out from the sleeves and gently pushed against the terrifying palm print.

That terrifying palm print burst in an instant, turning into a storm that swept all around.

Xu Nian was pulled back by Leng Yanran.

At the same time, three figures walked out from the depths of the mansion, two figures in front and one figure behind.

Naturally, Qin Yuanshan, the head of the Qin family, followed behind, while the two old men walking in front.

The one on the right is dressed in a green robe, with gray hair, and looks somewhat similar to Qin Yuanshan. This person is not someone else, but is the Qin Ba, the ancestor of the Qin family!

As for the other person, Xu Nian didn't know him.

This old man with a black robe, white hair, and tall stature, had a strange breath on his body.

When Leng Yanran saw this old man appear, there was a dignified look in her eyes.

"Be careful, this person is not easy, I am afraid that the strength is no longer below me!"

Xu Nian nodded, and he also discovered the extraordinaryness of this black-robed old man.

This can be seen from the fact that the ancestors of the Qin family were one step behind the black-robed old man intentionally or unintentionally.

"Master!" Qin Hen immediately reverently said when he saw the black robe old man approaching.

This shout made Xu Nian's brows even more frowned.

This black robe old man is actually Qin Hen's master? When did Qin Hen worship such a strong man as his teacher?

As if sensing Xu Nian's surprise, Qin Hen deliberately looked at Xu Nian and made a proud expression.

Xu Nian turned a blind eye to this. The purpose of his trip was not to fight the Qin family, nor to seek revenge, but to take away his mother.

Of course, if the Qin family refused to let his mother go, then he wouldn't mind making the Qin family restless.

"Nizi, what are you doing back?" Qin Yuanshan looked at Xu Nian and shouted.

At Qinglin College that day, Xu Nian made him lose face, and now he looks at Xu Nian again, how can he not be angry.

"Qin Yuanshan, you know the purpose of my return, in a word, as long as you let my mother go, I will turn around and leave." Xu Nian said coldly, his tone was neither humble nor overbearing, and he did not save any face for Qin Yuanshan.

"You..." Qin Yuanshan suddenly became angry, he didn't expect Xu Nian to call his name in front of so many people.

"I'll ask again, are you going to let it go or not?" Xu Nian said again.

"Hmph, your mother is dead, you should get out of here!" Qin Yuanshan waved his cuff.

"What are you talking about? Why did my mother die?" Xu Nian suddenly widened his eyes and stared at Qin Yuanshan, his fierce eyes look like a peerless beast.

Qin Yuanshan was actually frightened by Xu Nian's eyes, and was stunned for a while, and forgot to answer.

"How can I die? Of course I was beaten to death!" However, at this moment, Qin Hen on the side suddenly said.

"I want you to die!" Xu Nian's eyes reddened instantly, his five fingers fisted, and his whole body rushed out like a thunder.

Killing intent!

Endless killing intent!

At this moment, Xu Nian had only one thought in his mind, and that was to let Qin Hen die.

Xu Nian's speed was so fast that he arrived in front of Qin Hen in an instant.

Qin Hen was shocked immediately, and had no time to react at all.

"Stop it!" The ancestors of the Qin family and the black-robed old man shouted at the same time, and then one after another attacked Qin Yun.

At the same time, Leng Yanran also took a step, the prince-level aura surged out, directly greeted the black robe old man and the Qin family ancestor.

"Boom!" With

a loud noise like the sky, Qin Hen was hit by Xu Nian's punch, and his whole body flew upside down like a broken kite, hitting the inside of the mansion, directly smashing the entire wall.

On the other side, Leng Yanran's jade hands are rich and powerful, and with her own strength, she blocked the attacks of the old man in black robe and the ancestor of the Qin family.

The horrible aura is stirring everywhere, the robe is rustling, and the graceful posture is even more graceful and fascinating!