

This is the machine translation of Manga 'The Greatest Deity'. Disclaimer:- Also, before suing me Add a review in this book saying to remove the book and I will happily remove it. This book is not owned by me. Is copyright lies with the original owners. Synopsis:- He was once thrown out of the house by his father as rubbish, but he is the most powerful genius in history. Goddess? That is my woman! Great Lord of the Devil? That is my apprentice! Demon Realm Dragon God? That is my mount! Those who provoke me Xu Nian, die! Whoever touches my Xu Nian's scales, life is better than death!

BloodPunisher · Anime & Comics
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95 Chs

Conquering the Little Golden Crow

Comparable to ancient Ancestral Dragon?

Feeding on Zulong?

Xu Nian was also shocked. If he really conquered this future super beast, wouldn't there be a super beast as a thug in the future?

Thinking of this, Xu Nian also had passion in his heart, and the sharp sword in his hand greeted the black eagle swooping from the sky without hesitation.

However, this time, the Black Hawk no longer grabbed at Xu Nian with sharp claws, but slashed directly at Xu Nian with the black and hard feathers.

Xu Nian's eyes flashed, and Ling Feng's thirteen swords were immediately used.

The sword light made a trembling sound.

The sword of the New Year directly collided with the feathers of the black eagle, making the clang of fine iron collision!

However, the huge force from the wings still made Xu Nian take a few dozen steps back.


A big tree on the side was directly struck by the black eagle's wings, and it was instantly cut into two sections, and the cut was very neat.

"So fast, so hard Lingyu!" Xu Nian was shocked in his heart.

The black eagle in front of him was really extraordinary. Although the feathers on the ordinary black iron eagle were also very hard, they were definitely not so hard and sharp as to compete with the black iron.

However, the black eagle in front of him, Ling Yu collided with the mysterious iron sword in Xu Nian's hand but failed to leave a trace.

One can imagine how hard the black feathers are.


The Black Hawk was forced to retreat, and attacked again towards Xu Nian.

The extremely sharp Lingyu encountered a black long knife and kept hacking towards Xu Nian.

Xunian relied on the gust of wind to swim and dodge continuously, and the surrounding trees and ground were covered with gullies, all caused by the feathers of the black eagle.

Of course, Xu Nian also had a counterattack, but the profound iron sword in his hand slashed on the black eagle, and it had no effect at all, which meant that the black eagle could completely ignore his attack.

"Boy, try to climb onto this black eagle's back. The neck is its most vulnerable place." The voice of Emperor Yetian sounded in Xu Nian's mind.

At this moment, the God Emperor Yetian had returned to the jade pendant, and Xu Nian's battle was completely in her eyes.

"Good!" Xu Nian resolutely agreed.

At the same time, the black hawk dived towards Xu Nian again from a distance, and spread its wings and cut across towards Xu Nian.

"It's just right!"

Xu Nian saw this, with a sneer from the corner of his mouth, and then inserted the Xuan Tiejian back to his waist, taking advantage of the black hawk's attack, and jumped for a lifetime, and jumped directly onto the black hawk's back.

But it's not as simple as Xu Nian thought. The Black Hawk's back is much smoother than he thought. So the moment Xu Nian jumped up, he fell a dog to eat shit. If Xu Nian reacted in time, he would catch Yilong. Qi covered the palm of his hand and grabbed a feather, I'm afraid Xu Nian would fall directly from the black eagle's back.


The black eagle realized that the human being in front of him had jumped on his back, and there was a high-pitched cry in his mouth. Obviously, how could its arrogant dignity tolerate a human being stepped on its back, so he was in the mountains and forests. Traveling at extreme speed, it seems that he wants to throw Xu Nian out of his back.

However, Xunian grabbed the Black Hawk by the neck, but refused to let go.

At the same time, Xu Nian's fist greeted Black Hawk on the neck.

The strength of Xu Nian's fist was not light, and he slammed his fist with a dull bang.

The black hawk screamed continuously, and Xu Nian's attack clearly made it feel painful.


Get down for me!" Xu Nian shouted while smashing.

Now he was in the air, and he couldn't use many methods. Only by letting this black hawk fall to the ground could it let go of its hands and conquer this monster.


Tweet !" The Black Hawk uttered a high-pitched cry, which seemed to be a protest to Xu Nian. His body was constantly turning in the air, trying to throw Xu Nian off his back.

However, Xu Nian firmly clasped his neck with one hand, and squeezed the other hand tightly. The gods and demons exploded and slammed.

A burst of blood red appeared under the black hawk's feathers, which was obviously a serious injury.

Although Xu Nian could not break the hard Lingyu, the force of the fist was still transmitted to Black Hawk's body through Lingyu, so the Black Hawk soon couldn't stand Xu Nian's attack. Fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Xu Nian was also overjoyed. He directly let go of that hand, which was a violent smash, and he insisted that the black eagle who was about to get up was firmly pressed to the ground.

What about the ancient super mythical beasts?

It is still very weak now, and Xu Nian also cultivates the body cultivation of gods and demons, and the power of gods and demons is not under the power of the beasts.


The black eagle let out a series of screams, and finally fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

Xu Nian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. He was smashed and consumed a lot. If he was transformed into an ordinary body-cultivation powerhouse, even the eight-star-level body-cultivation star realm might not be able to subdue this black eagle. .

"Boy, take out the monster beast ring from your hundred treasure bag, it is specially used to subdue the monster beast." The voice of the emperor Yetian sounded again.

Xu Nian didn't hesitate when he heard this. He opened the Hundred Treasure Bag and took out the monster ring, bit his finger, and dripped blood on the monster ring.

The monster ring suddenly emitted a bright light, covering the black eagle under Xu Nian's body.

The black hawk struggled unwillingly for a few times, and was sucked into the monster ring by this ray of light.

The moment the black eagle entered the ring of beasts, Xu Nian instantly found that he had an extra connection with the black eagle in his mind, and he could actually control the life and death of the black eagle.

at the same time.

"It hurts... It hurts..." Xu Nian's mind sounded with milky milk.

"Huh?" Xu Nian was surprised for a while, but soon understood that this was the sound made by the Black Hawk, but he never expected that the Black Hawk was still a little baby.

"Little Black Hawk, what's your name?" Xu Nian asked Black Hawk with his heart.

Now that he has formed a master-servant contract with Black Hawk, he can naturally communicate with each other, just like he had a glance with the Yetian Divine Emperor.

"No...no name. I was born in this forest. I was lonely and hungry." The Black Hawk whispered again, with a timid voice in his voice.

Xu Nian was taken aback when he heard this. He didn't expect this Black Hawk to be an outcast just like him.

"Well, I will be your eldest brother from now on, and I will give you a name, okay?" Xu Nian coaxed like abducting a child.

"Good!" Black Hawk replied with milk.

"My surname is Xu, you have the same surname as me, Xu Yu, what do you think?" Xu Nian said with a smile.

"Okay, I have a name, big brother, I'm very hungry, can we go find something to eat?" Little Golden Crow Condor said.

Xu Nian laughed bitterly. How did he feel that instead of subduing a super mythical beast, he had picked up a son?