
Tethered Soul

In a futuristic world where Transportals can warp space and time as a means of transportation, Kazu lives a comfortable and lucky life. He has everything he wants: a loving family, good friends, and a bright future. But his luck runs out when a Transportal glitch sends him to a strange and unfinished world made by an inexperienced God. He is stuck in a realm of madness and chaos, where he cannot die or leave, and where luck is scarce. He suffers endless pain as he is eaten by monsters and reborn again and again. He loses his mind and his morals, and becomes a dark and ruthless person. He uses his resurrection as a weapon to fight his way through the chaotic land, unaware that he is creating myths and legends that affect the people and the destiny of this world. He is seen as either a savior or a destroyer by different groups, depending on how they view his actions. Some even worship him as a deity. He meets many allies and enemies, some of whom have hidden motives and secrets. He also learns that he can use magic, the power that rules and shapes this world. Join Kazu’s exciting fantasy journey that will surprise your imagination and challenge your expectations. See how he tries to survive and escape the realm of chaos, where nothing is certain and anything is possible. The novel is mostly told by Kazu in the first person, but it also has some chapters from other characters’ points of view that show different sides of the world and the story. It is a fantasy adventure with elements of science fiction, humor, misunderstanding and mystery.

torus_writing · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Mirroring Each Other #Kazu

As I wandered in the woods, I came across a huge brown bear that was roaming around. When I got close to it, to my surprise, it didn't attack me or show any signs of aggression. It wasn't reacting hostilely at all in this world. It even allowed me to touch its soft fur and stroke its head. After a few minutes, I decided to let it go and loosen the grip on my knife and continue my monster hunting in the forest.

The distinct difference between animals and monsters was now clear to me.

Kazu, out.

I remember a quote from a book I once read: "If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you."

I never understood it before, but now… I sure do.

My heart pounds as I press my back against the rough bark of the tree. I peek through the branches and see the village below me, a cluster of huts and fields surrounded by a wooden wall.

"Does this mean I'll be killing people?" I mutter to myself, feeling a twinge of guilt and doubt.

That is ridiculous, no matter how you look at it, they are monsters.

A wooden wall and a gate enclose the village. Two guards lounge on either side of the gate, looking relaxed and bored. Red markings adorn their faces, like tattoos or scars.

These monsters can wield magic to protect themselves, so a frontal assault is too dangerous. I wonder how to eliminate them. Perhaps I could snipe them one by one, hiding in the shadows and striking when they are unaware. Or maybe I could infiltrate their village at night and slit their throats while they slumber. Or maybe I could ignite their huts and watch them burn in the fire.

But before I can devise a plan for a flawless monster extermination, I hear a sound from the village.

"Buhupp! Buhupp! Buhupp! Buhupp!"

It resembles a horn, but unlike any horn I have ever heard. It sounds like a cross between a frog and a whale. It echoes loud and clear.

I scramble up the tree to get a better view. Through the leaves, I see the six-legged monster with someone. Did it alert them?

A surge of adrenaline rushes through my veins and my palms sweat as I grip the branch. Below me, they gather like ants around a crumb. They spill out of their thatched huts and flock to the center of the village, where a circular pool of water glitters in the sun. A green-scaled monkey who stands firmly beside the pool, hissing words that echo in the air. The villagers nod and murmur in agreement, their eyes glued to the speaker.

It stops hissing and points at me. "The heck," I curse under my breath. "Damn it!" The Six-Legged Monster must have warned them. Are they plotting against me? Are they preparing to attack me?

"Ho… They don't give me time to plan, so… I won't give it to them either."

I jump off the tree and land on my feet. The gate is unguarded. They must have left their posts to attend the meeting.

I follow the sound of hissing and find them crowded around the pool. They are oblivious to the danger lurking nearby, as they discuss their strategies.

"Go ahead talk about your strategies," I sneer.

I stride towards the pool, keeping a poker face.

Someone spots me.

It nudges its neighbor and points at me.

One by one, they turn their heads and stare at me with wide eyes. Even the speaker stops talking.

The silence is deafening.

I continue to walk slowly without stopping or speeding up. I want them to remember this moment forever. The moment when they felt fear and panic and had no time to prepare.


Did I just hear someone gulp? How amusing.

I reach the edge of the crowd. I'm still far away, but they're parting like the Red Sea, making way for me. Fuh… how funny.

They're acting like sheep. They're giving me an easy path, not putting up a fight.

If they all attacked me at once, I wouldn't stand a chance, you know.

But they don't. They're too scared and confused to act.

Such ignorance.

When I reach the center of the plaza, I see the six-legged monster and the leader standing there.

The stares of the crowd burn my skin like hot coals. I feel a wicked grin on my face. Don't look at me too much, you filthy bastards, you'll make me blush.

I glare at the six-legged monster.

It leaps away from me, as if it senses my hostility. Oy, oy, are you running away again? Coward! You think you can escape from me? Think again!

I'll chase you after I'm done here. You're not my priority right now.

I shift my gaze to the one who is holding this meeting. It seems to be the leader of this small community, a village chief or something. It has some red insignia on its chest full of scales.

I snort. This fellow trembles like hell. No. It's not just it. Everyone trembles. Look at what you have done, six-legged monster, you make them nervous.

The village chief of this green-scaled monkey's community is accompanied by a small one. A child? Oy, oy, why are you bringing a kid to an adult meeting? That's irresponsible and reckless.

Stupid monsters. I am so focused on the front that I don't notice them at first, but there are indeed small monsters mingling with the crowd. They look like miniature versions of the adults, with slightly less scales.

You'll pay for bringing a kid to this kind of gathering.

I glare at the little monster, making it shiver even more. It looks terrified of me, as it should be. I walk slowly towards it, holding my knife in my hand.

Then I pause and position my knife on the little monster, right under its rib cage. It is a courageous kid, trembling, but not fleeing. I can see drops of water falling from its eyes. Go ahead, you can run you know… Hahaha.

The village leader stands still, too weak to protect its own kind. Tears glisten in its eyes. "Are you going to cry? Hahaha. Pathetic." I taunt the leader as its watches me with horror.

I sneer at leader and press the tip of my knife against the little monster's chest.

The little monster whimpers as I pierce its skin. It moans in pain, but it stays still, obediently. Good kid.

Plinkkk. Plinkkk.

The blood drips on the floor, forming a crimson pool around us. I ignore it and dig deeper into the little monster's flesh, searching for the prize.

I find it! My knife hits something hard, something that doesn't belong in a living body. It's a magic stone, a rare and powerful material that can create magic. That's why I'm here, that's why I'm killing these monsters. To harvest their magic stones.

I slide my finger into the wound, gently. I touch the magic stone and grasp it firmly. It feels warm and smooth in my hand.

I grin wickedly.

Fuwsshh! A jet of blood sprays in the air as I pull out the stone. I make sure some of it lands on the leader's face, staining its scales.

Ho! Still breathing? The little monster staggers but still stands firmly. It clenches its teeth and glares at me, even though it's dying. What a courageous kid, indeed.

I admire its bravery, but I don't spare its life. I stab it again, but this time in the heart, putting an end to its suffering. Rest in peace, kid. You fought well.


The little monster falls to the floor, lifeless.

As I glance at the village leader, tears stream from its eyes. A stain of blood mars its face.

Perfect. This is perfect! I'm having so much fun.

As I savor this moment, I notice someone advancing from the crowd.

It takes two steps forward, a hero too late. It should have stepped up before the kid perished. Stupid green-scaled monkeys.

It thrusts its hand under its chest, seizing the magic stone inside. It extends its hand, presenting me the magic stone, blood spilling from it.

What the heck? Is it crazy? Why did it do that to itself?!

As if mimicking its action, one by one, others advance. They all stab their chests and urge me to take their magic stones.

Insane. These monsters are crazy! Crazier than me.

Cold sweat breaks out on my skin.

A shiver runs through my spine, making me tremble.

Is this a psychological tactic?

If it is, it's working on me.

Shit. What do I do? They scare the shit out of me. Even now, someone is still advancing.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" I erupt into a maniacal laughter. Freaking psychos.

Such madness. I feel like I'm seeing my reflection.

I stroll leisurely to the exit of the village, ignoring the insane crowd and offerings they wanted to hand.

They win. I lose.