
Tethered Soul

In a futuristic world where Transportals can warp space and time as a means of transportation, Kazu lives a comfortable and lucky life. He has everything he wants: a loving family, good friends, and a bright future. But his luck runs out when a Transportal glitch sends him to a strange and unfinished world made by an inexperienced God. He is stuck in a realm of madness and chaos, where he cannot die or leave, and where luck is scarce. He suffers endless pain as he is eaten by monsters and reborn again and again. He loses his mind and his morals, and becomes a dark and ruthless person. He uses his resurrection as a weapon to fight his way through the chaotic land, unaware that he is creating myths and legends that affect the people and the destiny of this world. He is seen as either a savior or a destroyer by different groups, depending on how they view his actions. Some even worship him as a deity. He meets many allies and enemies, some of whom have hidden motives and secrets. He also learns that he can use magic, the power that rules and shapes this world. Join Kazu’s exciting fantasy journey that will surprise your imagination and challenge your expectations. See how he tries to survive and escape the realm of chaos, where nothing is certain and anything is possible. The novel is mostly told by Kazu in the first person, but it also has some chapters from other characters’ points of view that show different sides of the world and the story. It is a fantasy adventure with elements of science fiction, humor, misunderstanding and mystery.

torus_writing · Fantasy
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28 Chs

I, ... #Horum

I am the World Creator, the Sub-Logos, the god among gods.

My original name is Kalamahkhu-makulahka, but you would find it too cumbersome or too ancient for your ears. It's an old name, from a time before I became a Sub-Logos. Only those who have reached that level of power and creativity can understand that your name has no significance; rather, your presence defines who you are.

But still, I value being addressed by name. You shall call me Horum instead. That's the name I chose for myself when I became a Sub-Logos. It means "the one who creates" in my native tongue.

I, Horum, World Creator, take great pride and joy in my first creation. It's the result of many cycles of hard work and dedication. I wonder… how many soul volunteers will there be? How many brave and adventurous souls will want to live in my world and experience its wonders and challenges?

Creating a conscious world from scratch is a formidable challenge. I have experimented with various methods and approaches, but none of them has yielded satisfactory results. The conventional way is to create a complete world first, then add more details and complexity until I reach the finer aspects. But this way is too tedious for me. I prefer to start from the core and work my way outward, and let the world nurture itself by my mere presence.

I have created many worlds this way, each with its own unique features and characteristics. They are like fruits of different shapes and colors, hanging from a cosmic tree. But somehow, none of them can support the existence of Nature Beings, the living creatures that I want to populate them with. Nature Beings are special beings that have a strong connection and harmony with the natural elements of their world. They can manipulate and communicate with fire, water, earth, air, light, darkness, etc. They are the seeds from which intelligent beings sprout. They are the kind of beings that enable transactions between the realms, making everything connected.

But it seems that none of my worlds can sustain them. It's like planting vegetables on a barren land. The land can be used, but not for the purpose I want to achieve.

Should I create another world and try again? Or should I just let these barren worlds drift away and revolve? I have expended so much power and energy, yet all I can do is let them grow on their own.

I gaze at the most recent world that I have created, which is identical to the others: barren and lifeless. I could still mend it and modify it, but I feel like I lack something fundamental that I can't quite grasp. Something that would make this world truly alive and conscious.


As I scrutinize my creation, I detect something unfamiliar with it. Something that does not belong here. What is it?

An anomaly. A foreign entity in my domain.

Its body is fused with the elements of this world. A booger? No, this is a sentient being? But that is impossible. How can this be? How did it get here? What does it want? I need to investigate further.


I attempt to communicate with the entity, but it does not respond. It does not seem to have any awareness or intelligence. It just exists.

Why are you here? This can't be! You can't exist here!

I realize that this entity is from another universe, a different reality than mine. A reality that I know nothing about.

I never expected to encounter a being from another universe so soon after my ascent to Sub-Logos, the level of existence where I can create my own worlds. Is this permitted? Why can't I read its thoughts or feelings?

I see.

So that's why the Octave, the supreme creator of our universe, warns us not to interfere with what the other universes are doing. They are too different and unpredictable for us to comprehend.

Should I reconstruct its body?

After I reconstructed the booger's body, I mean, the sentient being's body, it had four antennas. Or were they legs for mobility? Or maybe both?

All in all, I could not learn much from this booger. The rules and behavior of another universe were very different from ours.

I picked up the booger and returned to my Draft Space. Maybe there was something else I could do with it.

I wonder how long this inert booger will sleep. I've been waiting in my Draft Space, but he hasn't opened his eyes yet. I can't learn anything about him or his universe until he wakes up and talks to me.

Maybe I should report this incident to Logos. But no, only the Octave knows about the existence of other universes.

I resolve to wait patiently for him to wake up, curious about what he will tell me. Maybe he can show me the wonders of his universe.

As he wakes up from his sleep, the space around us transforms. I marvel at the beauty of his world. It is so different from mine. The colors are more vivid, the shapes are more elegant, and the sounds are more gentle. It is like a rainbow that fills the sky with its glory. Does he see it the same way, too? Or is this just a projection of my imagination?

We have the same face, but am I older than him? He looks more youthful and naive than me.

The Draft Space is where I turn my imagination into reality. I test my ideas here before I make them real. I let him use the creative power of the Draft Space. So he will only see what he knows here and not be shocked or afraid if he sees something strange or impossible.

He says something I can't understand, "Awergfs@sfg$&."

Pardon, what did you say?

"achyfd@#$&aws." I am perplexed by his speech. I have a faint idea of what he means, but this is baffling.

Maybe, it is because I reconstructed his body that I can grasp some words. And he has a misconception about something.

The soul is a memory complex in technical terms. This means that every experience, knowledge, and wisdom that a being has ever had is stored in the soul. But I cannot access it at all. There are some kinds of invisible or encrypted barriers that prevent me from reading his mind or memories. I do not know if they are natural or artificial.

I have to solve this problem first. He seems to realize that we cannot communicate at all. He makes some weird gestures with his antennas, such as waving them frantically or curling them into circles. Kick my ass? A greeting gesture in his world?

Anyway, this is pointless. I create a complex algorithm prism right in front of him.

I gathered all the linguistic knowledge I could find from various sources. I added some emotional cues as triggers, as well as extensive conditioning. This enabled him to understand and speak any language that ever existed or will exist in this universe. Now we can converse.

"Here, young one, take this." As soon as he touches it, it is absorbed into his body, and I see his soul integrating it.

I want to learn more about his world which has such stunning scenery. It has bright colors, smooth shapes, and gentle sounds that make it look like a paradise.