
Tethered Soul

In a futuristic world where Transportals can warp space and time as a means of transportation, Kazu lives a comfortable and lucky life. He has everything he wants: a loving family, good friends, and a bright future. But his luck runs out when a Transportal glitch sends him to a strange and unfinished world made by an inexperienced God. He is stuck in a realm of madness and chaos, where he cannot die or leave, and where luck is scarce. He suffers endless pain as he is eaten by monsters and reborn again and again. He loses his mind and his morals, and becomes a dark and ruthless person. He uses his resurrection as a weapon to fight his way through the chaotic land, unaware that he is creating myths and legends that affect the people and the destiny of this world. He is seen as either a savior or a destroyer by different groups, depending on how they view his actions. Some even worship him as a deity. He meets many allies and enemies, some of whom have hidden motives and secrets. He also learns that he can use magic, the power that rules and shapes this world. Join Kazu’s exciting fantasy journey that will surprise your imagination and challenge your expectations. See how he tries to survive and escape the realm of chaos, where nothing is certain and anything is possible. The novel is mostly told by Kazu in the first person, but it also has some chapters from other characters’ points of view that show different sides of the world and the story. It is a fantasy adventure with elements of science fiction, humor, misunderstanding and mystery.

torus_writing · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Good Neighbor #Kazu

My sense of hearing had improved remarkably, very different from before I was transported here. Every time I restart, my senses become sharper in a matter of seconds.

Does this mean that my current body is different from the body I had before I came here? Or does it undergo some spontaneous changes when I restart that I acquired these enhanced senses when I was trapped before?

Well, my vision has not changed as much as my hearing, so maybe the second option is the reason. Does this imply that familiarity with something can alter one's biology?

Kazu, out.

I remember a fierce battle that I fought in the past. It tested my intelligence and planning skills, as well as my patience and endurance. It took place on Earth, long before I was transported to this strange world by some mysterious force. I had a fan with me then, a simple but elegant weapon that I had mastered. I experimented with different ways of striking and slashing with it, using various angles and speeds. But to my frustration, a weapon with a large area of effect could not even touch him. He was very skilled, I had to admit that. He dodged and darted around me, evading my attacks with ease. Sigh… a housefly is a difficult opponent if you use the wrong weapon, no matter how proficient you are with it. I should have used chopsticks instead!


With a loud thud, the beak giant collapses on the forest floor. Its massive body blends with the shadows of the trees, making it hard to see in the darkness. I can only make out its outline, a hulking shape that looks like a black hole in the thick foliage. If I hadn't known it had stumbled, I would have thought nothing was there.

I hold my breath, hoping it is dead. But it is too quiet. Too still. Is it playing dead? Why isn't it moving?



Laser? Two streaks of red light shoot up from the ground and pierce the sky, disappearing in seconds. Beams of energy that can cut through anything. They are so bright and intense that they light up the forest like fireworks. They make a loud and piercing sound that echoes through the air.


The lasers keep firing, scanning the surroundings. They shift direction rapidly, as if they are looking for something. Or someone. I am glad they are shooting upwards, they seem powerful enough to vaporize anything they touch. I wonder what would happen if I get hit by one of them. Would I disintegrate on the spot? Would my immortality save me?

I realize that the lasers are coming from the beak giant. It has some kind of superpower, like Superman. 'Heh, does that imply that the beak giant is a superhero? I would really laugh if that's true.' Besides, I'm not very sure if the laser came out from its eyes.

I decide to hike the mountain instead of watching the giant fight. I wanted to watch as this is the first time I would witness a giant fight, but I can't even see who its opponent is. Maybe it's fighting a real superman, or a swarm of smaller monsters. Either way, I don't want to get involved.


The beak giant screeches again, louder and angrier than before. It occasionally screeches, but somehow the sound is more frustrated and annoyed than the first time, maybe because it can't find its target or because it is injured. It makes a deafening noise that makes my ears ring.

When I glance back, I see that the beak giant already stood up still doing the laser thing.

'What the heck… that is way too close to me!' I think to myself as I see the red beams coming from its eyes. The left side of the mountain range gets hit and part of that peak stops emitting blue hues. They are so powerful that they can destroy anything in their path.

The beak giant's eyes are glowing red, and I can see a network of red veins around its eyes. They always show up whenever a monster with a magic stone activates its magic.

'Hoh, it can wield magic, huh.' I think to myself as I admire the beak giant's power. How big is its magic stone? Is it as big as its head?

Heh, I stare at the beak giant with greedy eyes.



Damn, that was close! The laser flies over my head, hitting somewhere on the other side of the mountain range. 'Let's hold that thought, he he he.' I chuckle dryly, while gripping the strap of my sling sack tightly. 'Let this day be remembered as the day I let the beak giant go.' I say to myself sarcastically, knowing that I have no chance of defeating or capturing such a beast. Certainly not because of the laser. No, not at all.

Huff! Restart. Huff! Restart.

The severed hands of the green-scaled monkey still dangle around my neck, sometimes slapping my armpit. I adjust their position, trying to make them more comfortable. I consider putting them in the sack, but there could be consequences on that, after all these two hands are a medium. They could explode or something, I don't know.

I place the two hands around my neck like a choker, interlocking their fingers and tying their wrists closer. I fasten them in a way that I can yank them easily, in case of emergency. I already put the magic stone that was in my pocket in the sack before I climbed. I wrapped it in a piece of cloth along with another cloth that soaked in blood.

It seems like I have hiked halfway up the mountain. The occasional sound of screech, laser blast and tremor can still be heard behind me. When I look back, I see a familiar rampage. No, not that kind of rampage, this one is more like road rage, but instead of smashing against something, this one just swings in the air. Tough fight, somehow I want to support the beak giant, maybe we can be friends after all. I should give him a name then. 'Hmm, how about Frederick?' It sounds like a neighbor's name. Somehow, I feel that we have grown closer.

'Touché, the boundary between enemy and friend can really be named neighbor.' The uneasy feeling of being a friend and an enemy at the same time, someone who might stab or help me at random intervals. Well, I won't be sharing Frederick my secrets anyway.


I cheer for Frederick while he is battling the fly.

Restart. Huff! Restart. Huff!

"Hah, almost there…"


I can almost see the peak, but I stop my ascent because the noises have stopped.

When I glance back, Frederick is just standing motionless, his eyes no longer glowing. But his mouth is moving strangely. Is he munching something?

Did he win? "Heh, good job Frederick, I'm proud of you, I wanted to shed tears for you." But devouring a fly is too gross, wait, he is a monster so I suppose it's okay.

"Well, Frederick, I guess this is the moment we part ways." I say to the air facing Frederick as I reach the summit.

The other side of the mountain range is very steep. How can I go down? Should I jump? But I might suffer some serious injury, and if that happens there's a possibility that these magic stones would obstruct my resurrection.

I decide to toss the sack first and then jump to chase it. I take off my white shirt, put the bag of blood, the two hands and my holster full of knives inside, leaving myself one knife. I restart several times to get enough cloth. Then I wrap the sling sack and the shirt back, creating a kind of cushion. "Be safe, my precious babies. Mwuaah."

I muster all my strength and fling them as far as I can. I'm about to leap after my precious items when…


A blast of wind erupts from where I threw my items. What the hell, did they explode?

No… that's not what happened. Because, looming over the horizon, a huge shadow of a giant stands just a few kilometers away from where my items landed.

As the smoke clears, the giant's face is faintly illuminated by the mountain range.

"Frederick…", I whisper. 'Don't you dare, Frederick. DON'T YOU DARE!'

So this is what you've been after all along. My magic stones.


He strides forward and stops. My items suddenly levitate and slowly drift towards him.

His beak snaps open and my items disappear into his gullet. I'm powerless to stop him. He has robbed me shamelessly, right in front of my eyes.

"Frederick… you've crossed the line."