

My favorites: RTW, The Card Apprentice, and Forty Millenniums of Cultivation.

I love magical technology. Love the card appliances in The Card Apprentice.

I love utilizing knowledge and magic in a way to engineer your way around a problem. Also like using magic or technology to solve issues for everyday people. The combination of magic and science to further efforts in either always leads to cool content.

魔法工业帝国 - Magic Industrial Empire

Is also strong in magic technology fusion play near the beginning. I'm not sure if it's a QI book, but hopefully we'll see it be translated sometime soon. While I feel it lacks in overall plot, it's still worth reading near the start for the technology.

If I missed novels with some cool, magical inventions that you feel I should consider, please leave a comment. I'll try them out and update this accordingly.

Tim_creators' thoughts
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