
Dao Enlightenment

My favorite (though I normally skim the dao): Anything by IET

Like so much DAO it's hard to read sometimes. Not sure if this is part of a story that draws western readers.

For me personally outside of the first time you read a character being enlightened toward the myriad of connections between the heavens and the earth, every time after feels like filler fluff that is a good candidate for skimming over.

One aspect here I'd like to point out is how can we make enlightenments useful to the reader. If these connections to world laws don't influence skills, and choices on when and why the main character will choose to use them, and in what fashion, then why write the section at all.

Enlightenments are filler unless you can use them to justify action or world effects.

Does someone do dao better? Let me know in the comments. I'll give it a shot, but please only recommend if the dao enlightenments aren't basically filler.

Tim_creators' thoughts
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