
Testing Fate: A MadaSaku Love Story

Sakura only followed her new neighbor into his apartment because she was drunk and locked out of her place. It had nothing to do with the fact that he was pretty and offered to share his dinner. She has a boyfriend, and he's hiding the fact that he's a dangerous assassin from her. They shouldn't be together, but fate has other plans. Starts SasuSaku, but endgame MadaSaku

Hina5enpai · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 7

Four days passed since Sakura began staying in Madara's apartment. It was Tuesday night. The woman stayed true to her word, made sure the place was spotless each night before going to bed, and prepared at least one meal daily.

Her phone vibrated in her back pocket, so she paused her job of folding the clean laundry to check it. Then she sighed with a frown. Madara would be getting home late again. Last night, he was gone when she woke up and only returned after she fell asleep. This morning, she saw him for maybe five minutes, enough to hand him a cup of coffee and a lunch box.

'I was being spoiled when he wasn't working. I got to see him anytime I wanted.'

A pretty blush colored her cheeks as she realized she must look like a housewife, cooking, cleaning, and pining for him when he was away. She shook the thought away and returned to folding the bath towels.

Before bed, Ino called her, and the two spent a couple of hours catching up. Sakura didn't tell her how awful Sasuke's been but did break the news that they'd broken up. Guiltily, she confided in her best friend that she had a crush on someone new but explained that it was one hundred percent impossible for it to amount to anything. If she let Ino get her hopes up, it'd be a mess if and when she next visited.

Feeling a little better since she got to have some honest-to-goodness girl talk, Sakura fell asleep with a smile tugging at her lips.

A loud knock came at the door in the middle of the night, startling the poor woman awake. Scrambling to her feet, she tiptoed quickly toward it. Another loud thumping came against the door, and she bit back a terrified squeal, rising to look through the peephole, only to gasp and wrench the door open. Madara leaned heavily on the doorframe, an arm around his middle, bloody, and his face white as a sheet.

"O-Oh, my God! What happened?"

The tall man stepped forward and nearly tumbled to the floor, but she ducked under his free arm and helped him into the room, kicking the door shut behind them.

'That's a lot of blood! He might die before an ambulance arrives.'

She helped him into the living room, "Let me call-" He passed out. Somehow, she managed to not let him fall as dead weight to the ground, easing the descent before quickly shoving his shirt out of the way to see what she was dealing with.

'Is that a… gunshot wound?'

She looked at Madara's pale face in shock before gritting her teeth and rushing into the bathroom to find his first aid kit. With shaking hands, she sterilized a pair of tweezers, glancing at Madara every couple of seconds to make sure he was still breathing.

She couldn't call an ambulance, that much she knew. Due to the nature of his wound, she could potentially get him in trouble. Whatever mess he was mixed up in, Sakura knew one thing: Madara was a good man. Because of that, she narrowed her eyes, took a deep breath, and forced herself to recall all her medical training.

The woman's hands were coated in blood and severely trembling by the time she removed the bullet. There was no time for formalities, so she quickly continued. She cleaned it, stitched it with the fishing wire she found under the bathroom sink, and carefully bandaged it so no bacteria could infect it.

Sakura wiped her sweaty forehead with the back of her hand, breathing slowly out of her mouth as she tried to remain calm. He was still breathing. That was a good sign.

Since she'd done all she could to treat him, she tried to make sure he was as comfortable as possible, given that she didn't have the ability to move him from the middle of the living room floor. She cut his shirt off with scissors, cleaned all the blood she could see from his skin, and placed a pillow under his head. That was when she found it: a gun. It was tucked into the back of his jeans, where a coat'd easily hide it. When she gingerly picked it up, she turned it over in her hands to see his initials engraved into it.

She had to move on.

After removing his shoes, she carefully covered him with a blanket before standing and gazing at the evidence.

'If he really is mixed up in something illegal, shouldn't I dispose of all this so if people come snooping around before he wakes up, they won't find anything?'

She left a bottle of water, some pain pills, and a letter next to Madara that simply said she'd be back by morning; that way, if he woke up and she was still gone, he wouldn't panic. Only after gathering all the evidence, his ruined shirt, all the bloodied clothes and towels, and the bullet she removed from his abdomen, she put it in a trash bag, then put the trash bag into her backpack before cleaning herself up, changing her outfit, and taking a cab out to her family's land. Behind her parent's house lay thirty acres of nothing but forest.

She didn't take his gun because she didn't know how to dispose of something like that. Instead, she hid it in an empty shoe box in Madara's closet.

Sakura was shivering but kept moving her feet. The first snow of the year was falling, and she found it bittersweet that instead of enjoying it with a mug of hot chocolate and fuzzy socks, she was in the forest in the middle of the night, hiding evidence of a potential crime. She came to a stop, her face feeling stoic and frozen.

'Why am I doing this? Why am I not terrified of Madara right now? All I can think about is protecting him….'

Whether she'd fallen in love with him or simply cared about him immensely as his friend, she began moving again. Sakura didn't care if she was only latching onto him because he was there to comfort her after what Sasuke did. All she knows is that he's a good person to her.

Once near the middle of the forest, having been walking for around fifteen minutes, she found a section of flat earth and cleared a large circle of its leaves, twigs, and snow. Then, the woman removed the contents of her backpack, lit a small piece of paper on fire with a match, and watched the evidence burn.

While it did, she looked down at the bullet resting in her hand. It wouldn't burn in a fire. The ground was also frozen, so she couldn't bury it. When the rest of the evidence was done burning, leaving nothing but a smoking pile of ash, she poured some water on top of it before burying it with the leaves and brush.

Sakura walked around to look at it from multiple angles before considering her work done and beginning her trek back to the house. Cabs didn't come out to the countryside unless they were dropping someone off, so she briskly walked toward the city with her hands in her pockets. Maybe ten minutes outside of town, she pulled the bullet from her back pocket, turned toward the dense forest on the right side of the road, and threw it as hard as possible.

When Sakura returned to the apartment complex, she was exhausted and freezing, but more than that, she was worried because Madara hadn't texted or called, meaning he still hadn't woken up.

As she sprinted up the stairs, too anxious to wait for the slow-moving elevator, she fretted, 'What if he lost too much blood? What if he's dead?'


Madara fucked up. He successfully stole the ring that Danzo had him target, but he fucked up.

The only thought in his mind, as he leaned against the doorframe, was that he was going to die. That was the only reason he returned to the apartment, so he could apologize to Sakura for lying.

Nothing lights a fire like imminent death. Nothing else would make him act so irrationally.

She'll undoubtedly find out about his job. When his dead body turns up with a wound matching the one the cops gave to the thief who broke into the best-rated jeweler in town, they'll realize it was him, then his apartment will be raided.

'She'll hate me, but I have to apologize. I have to tell her that I never wanted her to find out like this.'

The door opened, and terror met her delicate features. He opened his mouth to explain but couldn't get a word out. She surprised him by dutifully taking on some of his weight and helping him inside. The woman was saying something, but it was just a rumble in his ears. The Uchiha man tried to talk again but found himself falling forward instead. Then everything went black.

'I'm not dead…?'

Madara's eyes crept open to see the ceiling of his apartment. He blinked a few times, wincing at the sharp pain running through his midsection from the gunshot wound he suffered. Groaning, he lifted the blanket to see a large bandage taped firmly to his abdomen. That's when he remembered what happened. He sat up, cursing under his breath, when the action hurt like hell.

'She obviously did this, but where is she?'

A small piece of paper met his eye, sitting next to his phone, a bottle of water, and some over-the-counter pain pills. He picked it up, his heart sinking in his chest. 'I have to do something important. Call me if you wake up. I'll be back by morning. Please don't die. -S'

Madara felt cold.

'She's not coming back, not after this trainwreck. I don't blame her.'

He took some of the medicine before struggling to move over and lean against the sofa so it'd be easier to stay upright. Then he looked down at his phone screen. The man wanted to call her as she requested, but he just couldn't believe she was actually going to return. Even if she does, what will she say? What will he say?

He might've just signed her death certificate by coming home and allowing her to see him like this. When it comes to Danzo, if someone finds out about "the family", they either join it or die. There's no third option. Madara couldn't ask her to give up her dream of becoming a doctor for his stupid mistake. The type of life he led wouldn't suit her at all. It was much too dangerous.

The front door suddenly opened, the sound making Madara glance around for his gun, only to not find it anywhere. To his surprise, Sakura came bounding around the corner of the hall, one of her arms out of her jacket as she froze and stared at him with wide eyes. His blood ran cold.

'She came back….'

His heart jumped in surprise when she suddenly said his name in the most gutwrenching voice, breaking into sobs as she knelt between his legs and hugged his head to her chest. The Uchiha man was too stunned to even hug her back.

'What the hell is going on? Why didn't she skip town? Why's she crying?'

"I thought you were dead, you asshole! Why didn't you call?"

Slowly, Madara began to pick up details. Sakura saved his life. Then, when he woke up, things were missing, as was she. Then, she came back. Dread filled his stomach.


The woman pulled back, sitting on her knees to look him over as though she worried he was hurt somewhere else. When she saw nothing, those emerald eyes locked onto his, and he asked. He had to.

"Sakura, where were you?"

'She wouldn't….Would she?' The man glanced around, making a plan on what he could grab quickly so he could get a headstart on the cops.

Sakura averted her gaze, standing and moving to remove her shoes, "I got rid of the evidence."

Madara's eyes locked onto her, widening further, "You what?"

She turned to fix him with a stern glare, hissing, "I said I got rid of it."

The Uchiha man's mind was spinning because of the blood loss and the knowledge that the fragile, breakable woman before him had just helped him get away with a very illegal crime, and he didn't even have to ask. The ring was still in his front pocket; he could feel it without touching his hand to it.

It was silent for a long time as he watched her disappear into the hallway, only to return with a pair of his socks and one of his hoodies and sit on the sofa with a blanket around her as she shivered.

"Where did you…?"

"My parents own a lot of land. Don't worry; I walked a quarter of a kilometer before burning everything. No one saw."

That's why she was so cold. She went for a hike in the middle of the night in the dead of winter, all for him.

There were so many things Madara wanted to say, to tell her, to ask, but all he could do was sit there in disbelief. He really thought it was over, that he'd never see her again, only for her to burst in here and curse at him for making her worry.

The man eventually managed to speak, "Sakura, I-" "We don't have to talk about it right now. It's been a long night. Let's just get some rest, okay?"

She helped him into his room, checking on his wound one last time before leaving to sleep on the couch. Madara stared at the cracked door of his dark bedroom with wide eyes.

'I think I'm in love with her.'


'What if he tells me he's a serial killer or something?'

Sakura tossed and turned all night long, unable to stay asleep despite being utterly exhausted. In the morning, she gave up, made breakfast, showered, checked to ensure Madara had survived the night, dressed, and left for school. The Uchiha man was still asleep when she left, so she let him rest. She's never suffered a gunshot, but she could imagine it was taxing on the body.

Around noon, the pink-haired woman began to feel light-headed and dizzy.

'Running around all night in the snow probably got me sick….' she mused with a bittersweet smile aimed at the counter at work.

Even when standing still made her head spin, she could only think about what happened last night. The relief that'd flown through her when she saw the Uchiha man awake was unlike anything she'd ever experienced. Of course, the woman knew she'd developed some feelings for him but never expected them to be so strong.

"Hey, are you alright? Do you need to go home? It's slow today because of the snow, so I should be able to cover things here," her co-worker, a short girl named Matsuri, lay a hand on her shoulder with a concerned frown. The girl's pretty brown eyes widened when she touched her skin, and she lifted her hand to the pink-haired woman's forehead, "Oh gosh, you're burning up!"

Sakura sighed, nodding, "Alright, then. I'll make it up to you."

Upon arriving home, the woman was too tired to even take her shoes or coat off and collapsed weakly onto the sofa, immediately falling asleep. Pressure had built up in her chest and head that was uncomfortable, and she shivered though she felt hot. Before long, she woke herself up.

When she opened her eyes, the room was spinning. Her breaths came in short puffs, but she struggled upright, kicking off her shoes and coat before stumbling down the hallway. Only when she entered his room and saw that while he was still asleep, the man hadn't died did she allow herself to relax. She sighed softly, coming down to sit with her back to the bed.

Sakura pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them before resting her forehead there. The position helped ease her queasiness, but nothing could be done about the pounding against her temples.

One moment she was sitting there, trying to stay awake in case Madara woke and needed something, but the next, she was being woken by the man in question. He knelt beside her, but she couldn't keep her eyes open long enough to see his face.

She groaned, curling further into a ball on the floor, only then realizing that she was no longer upright, "Are you alright?"

"Don't ask if I'm alright when you're like this." The words he spoke muffled, unmuffled, and waved in her unsteady consciousness. "Here, come on. Get in bed."

As her body was hoisted upright, her head lulled to the side, and she felt herself be picked up, "...but you're still hurt…." The woman was suddenly on something soft, and she tried to blink to look at him, "Wait…."

"I'll be back in a minute; just rest."

Even if she wanted to, she couldn't disobey. Though she tried to sleep, it felt like her body was moving even though she was still, and the sensation made her restless. Time passed in a haze before a weight shifted the bed.

"Drink some water, Sakura."

This time, when she blinked, she could see properly and looked up to see Madara sitting on the edge of the bed with a bottle of water in his hand. Maybe it was the fever or how terrified almost losing him last night was, but Sakura didn't want any water. She just wanted him.

She rolled onto her side, grabbed the bottle, tossed it aside, and grabbed the man's hand to weakly pull him, "C'mere."

To her delight, Madara obliged. He lay on his side and cautiously wrapped his arms around her when she snuggled shamelessly into his chest, careful not to touch his injury. It was like he chased away the dizziness. A sigh left her lips, and the woman pressed her forehead to his bare skin.

"You should really drink some water. You're so hot."

Sakura hummed happily, slipping one of her legs between his so they were cuddling closer still, "So are you." Realization hit her, and her eyes opened to stare at his tanned skin, "Wait, you think I'm hot?"

She expected him to chuckle.

Instead, he tightened his arms ever so slightly around her, "I was talking about your fever, but yes."

Said fever made her forget to second-guess herself, so the pink-haired girl's thoughts left her mouth as they crossed her mind, "I was sure you thought I was plain. You never try to make any moves on me."

There was a long pause, so she closed her eyes again to let them rest.

"Did you want me to?"

An amused hum left her lips as she grinned, "Have you ever looked in a mirror?"

This time Madara did chuckle, "That must be the fever talking. I'll take it as flattery, so thank you."

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Did you want me to make a move on you?"

He took his time forming a response again, "Have you ever looked in a mirror?"

Sakura giggled, her fingers running over his side to rest her palm against his back, "Now I know you're lying."

"How is that?"

"Because I never wear makeup or dresses around you."


"Well, Sasuke said-" she shut her mouth quickly when a moment of clarity told her she was being too honest.

It was quiet between the pair for a lengthy moment before Madara bent his body slightly around her, pressing his lips into her hair at the top of her head, "It's alright."

Tears welled in the girl's eyes, and she squeezed them shut so they wouldn't fall, "He said he cheated because I don't wear those things often enough. He said I'm frigid in bed and focus on school too much…. He said it's my fault."

The muscular arms around her became tense, and she held her breath while awaiting his response. When it came, it wasn't what she expected.

"You probably won't remember any of this, so I'll just say it. He's a complete fool. If I didn't know you'd hate me for it, I'd…. never mind."

Sakura straightened her body so her midsection pressed flat against him, "You can say it; It's fine."

Madara sighed, "A woman like you doesn't need all those things, and to fault you for caring about your future is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. As for you being frigid, well…." Sakura's eyes opened because she'd expected him to skip over that part. "I can't speak from personal experience, but having spent time around you, I severely doubt it's the truth."

Suddenly, the woman couldn't tell if the heat in her face was from the fever or the blush.

When she couldn't find a response, the man added, "Sometimes the issue is who you're with. Maybe you two just weren't compatible. Don't let it get to you." He continued quickly, not giving her a moment to respond, "That's enough talking. Get some rest."

Even feverish, Sakura could tell he didn't want the conversation to develop further, but she didn't feel like being quiet, so she simply changed the subject. His hair had fallen over his shoulder to tickle her face.

She took a deep, slow breath, letting it out at the same measured pace, "Thanks for letting me use you like this. I don't feel so dizzy anymore."

Long fingers traced up her back and into her hair, brushing against her scalp in an effort to somehow hold her closer, "Thanks for coming back."

There was no question about his emotions that time. He'd obviously been terrified Sakura'd run, call the police, or both. If she were sane, she probably would've, but this was a woman who used to beat up boy bullies in middle school. That aggressive nature didn't just disappear.

Finally, Sakura's body allowed her to fall asleep, and she was sure she'd never been more comfortable in her entire life.


Sakura was sick because of him, and Madara felt awful about that, but he was more concerned with the conversation they had just had. He pressed his face into her hair, curling slightly more around her. The woman smelled so sweet.

The Uchiha hoped she wouldn't remember the words they had just exchanged because she'd likely never have said them if she didn't have a fever. Then again, as his fingers brushed against her scalp, pastel hair between his fingers, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she did remember everything.

Whether it was the deliria talking or not, Sakura made it clear that she was attracted to him. Honestly, he thought she saw him as a brother or something. He's not conceited, but women don't often hide their responses from him, so the fact that the pink-haired woman seems immune to it made him unsure.

In the end, Madara decided to let fate decide.

'Whatever happens, happens. Regardless of what she says when she wakes up, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.'

Though he tries to tell himself he'll be fine either way, he'd be brokenhearted if she remembered everything and woke up to tell him it really had been the fever talking. It wasn't like they confessed their love for one another, but physical attraction could lead to something else, something more. At least, that's what Madara believes. He's never had a relationship that lasted more than a weekend.

With that concern addressed, the Uchiha man focused on what was before him: Sakura. When he woke up to find her unconscious at his bedside, his heart nearly stopped in his chest. Only upon kneeling to see the red hue of her face and the furrow of her brow did he realize she had a fever. It was apparent that she'd been sent home from work because she was still dressed prettily in a pair of black leggings and a long-sleeved tunic shirt with red and white flowers on it.

'She looks good in red,' he mused as he glanced down at the long hair he ran his fingers through absently.

It felt better than he remembered, holding her like that. Though her body was thin, it was firm, and the sensation of her pressing it against him entirely was something unable to be imitated by another.

Since she admitted to having checked him out at least once, he didn't feel as guilty when he looked away from her hair and down at her body. Sakura's breasts were on the smaller side, which Madara couldn't care less about, but her legs and ass were unparalleled. That was a fact the Uchiha man was forced to admit to himself day after day. Not staring as she flounced around his apartment in shorts was a different battle he wasn't used to fighting. It was a wonder how she'd never caught him looking.

Madara took in the more minute details, pulling back slightly so he could see her sleeping face. Big eyes, a tiny nose, and perfectly plump lips made her look like some sort of doll, especially with the pink hair accenting everything. Thick, long lashes framed those emerald eyes. They were usually so lightly colored they were almost white, but today she was wearing a little bit of makeup, so they were black. He thought she looked pretty either way.

Even though she was feeling under the weather, she still put in some effort. A thin, silver ring was on her index finger, and a dainty silver bracelet hung from the same wrist. Dark eyes traveled upward, a tug coming at the corner of his lips.

'I think I know what I want to get her for Christmas,' he confirmed, noticing for the first time that she had her ears pierced.

Sakura suddenly groaned, her lips pursing and brow furrowing as she grumbled unintelligibly and rolled over before moving closer so she was against Madara's front.

The air in his lungs evaporated when he felt her bottom press against a specific part of his body, and he gritted his teeth. His hand had fallen lazily over her side, but it'd take little effort to take advantage of the situation and touch her greedily. He didn't do it. No, because then he'd end up telling her out of guilt.

To keep his cool, he closed his eyes and tried to settle down and fall asleep. If and when she ever gives him permission to touch her intimately, he'll take his time exploring every inch of her body. All that's left to do is pray she feels the same as him.