

Chapter 345 – Episode 345 – Witnessing One's Lover Being Eaten (Zed's Perspective)

"No way." "Brother Zed, why aren't you standing up?"

Zed found it hard to concentrate as he was forced to listen to a man and a woman engaging in a different level of intimacy in the next room. The two women who came with him were even more aroused, yet Zed's own arousal showed no signs of healing.

"What? Are you a eunuch?" "That being said, it was set up well at first. You couldn't have lost momentum to the man next door, right?"

Actually, that's correct. Zed, who had strong pride as a man and desired to take the lead during intimacy, couldn't overcome such interference. The two women, expecting Zed to engage them like the man next door, were rather burdensome.

"What? Could it be that you're such a worthless man?" Zed's humble pride was shaken by that sound. Zed became angry and grabbed a woman by her hair.

"Isn't it because you're talking so damn loud? When I look at them, they are bitches with small tits and black faces!"

"W-what?" "What did you say after you seduced me? And what are we grinding? Are you saying I have a handsome face? What are we grinding?"

"Shut up, spread your legs, and fawn over me!"

"Ahh!" Zed threw the woman onto the bed.

"You guys are perverted bitches who want to fuck! Hurry up and open up!" Zed scolded them like that. However, the two women who came with Zed were not easily swayed. One of them kicked Zed's groin.

"Why are you hitting me?!"

"Huh?!" No matter how much he was Zed, he couldn't stop the attack from close range. Zed broke down, and the woman who had just been thrown onto the bed lost her temper and straightened out her tangled hair.

"Ha. I was a little hot, but then I met this sleazy guy… It's really cooling down."

"Ugh?" When the woman who had just kicked Zed's groin pretended to hit him again, Zed was startled and politely put his hands down. The two women giggled at his embarrassing state and openly ignored Zed.

"Puhaha. You're so good at blocking even when you're in pain."

"Do you think your manhood must have been really painful?"

"Huh, oh oh…" Zed couldn't refute anything right away. Because he had been hit in a sensitive spot earlier, his body hadn't returned to normal yet. He could only wriggle around like a caterpillar and listen to their laughter.

"We'll go. You piece of shit, Mr. Zed."

"Hmph. Still, it was a good sight to see." The two women quickly got dressed and left the room. In the room that the three of them had entered in good spirits, Zed ended up being the only one left.

"Seed… Haircut." He had the strength to chase after and confront the two women who had just humiliated him, but he was too embarrassed to do so. Zed hit the floor hard and slowly got up. It was difficult for him to come to his senses. What confused him more than anything was…

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! 'Ah, ah. Ah, aang.'

It was the sounds of the man and woman in the next room.

"It's because of those bastards." Zed immediately blamed the room next door. Actually, it wasn't an entirely baseless excuse. They could have happily embraced the two women, but when he suddenly started hearing the sounds of intense intimacy, everything went wrong. Even if the wall was thin, if they were going to engage in intimacy, they should have done so quietly. He didn't like the fact that they were showing off against this wall.

…Meanwhile, the sounds of flesh hitting and moaning still lingered in his ears.

"You bastards." At that moment, Zed remembered a sinister plan. In a situation like this, he wanted to vent all his feelings on the man and woman in the next room. He didn't know what kind of woman she was yet, but from the moans and the sounds of flesh, she was definitely a woman with a taste for intimacy. What if he beat up the man, subdued him, and then confronted the woman next to him?

"Eww… Hehe." The corners of Zed's mouth stretched very long. He soon decided to put his imagination into action. He opened the door, stepped out into the hallway, and peered into the next room where the sounds were coming from.

"Let me have a taste too. Hehe." Zed smiled wickedly and walked up to the door of the next room. The pounding sounds persisted. However, the door wasn't closed. Normally it would be locked from the inside, but it was slightly ajar. Zed was certain that the woman inside was so preoccupied with intimacy that she hadn't bothered to check if she had closed the door when entering the room. Well, it didn't matter. Because it made things easier.

So, he was about to open the door and enter—.

"Lift your ass up more! More!"

"Tsk, tsk." Crack, clap!!

Even though he respected their preference for spanking, the voice sounded somewhat familiar.

"Aaak, aaak—. Ugh… Ugh ♥"

"Oh. It's so nice to feel your warmth."

"How is it? I didn't do that to that bastard… Kooooo♥ … Ook. Deep, Gipperot!"

Haha! "Scream some more vulgar things!"

"Clothes, okay, okay♥"

It's not just one side that's familiar. It was a voice that both the man and the woman were familiar with. Listening through a wall felt different from listening properly like this. Now I think I know who those two are.

… Maybe I was too afraid of finding out.

"Oh, probably not."

Zed opened the door with shaking hands. She could hear the sound, but the man and woman inside didn't seem to notice, even though they were focusing all their attention on their intimacy. Zed left her door slightly open so that only the inside was visible and fixed her gaze on them. And… She wanted to be mistaken, but ended up witnessing the truth.

"Ah… Ah."

The position the man and woman were in was a familiar one. Because the profiles of the woman and the man were facing exactly toward the door, the sight of them being intimate was very clearly visible to Zed. Charlotte was holding her butt up with her hands on the wall and her head down, and Daron was behind her, thrusting into her. And in between… Naturally, his large member disappeared and reappeared repeatedly.

"One, two, one two! "Shake her butt!"

"Woo-huh, huh♥"

"More! More!"

Match! Sigh—!


Charlotte was shaking and reaching climax as Daron spanked her butt. Daron repeatedly opened his palm wide and slapped Charlotte's buttocks as if he were hitting her with a whip. She had already been spanked so many times that Charlotte's butt was red, swollen, and a little bigger.

… This was the Charlotte of the world.

The warrior Charlotte.

Charlotte always put herself first during intimacy.

In front of Daron, she became a vulnerable woman.

This sight was shocking to Zed in many ways. Although she had suspected it before, she was shocked and felt betrayed by the fact that Charlotte was indeed having an affair with Daron. Plus, there was a shallow side of Charlotte that Zed had never seen before. At this moment, Zed felt an overwhelming sense of defeat.


Fu shoot!!!!!!!

Charlotte was easily brought to climax by Daron, to the point where it was almost futile. Zed had never made a woman climax like that in succession.

"What. Did you go again? "You're such a piece of shit, Charlotte."

"Huh… Huh… Uh, when are you going to cum?"

Daron still had his member deep inside Charlotte. He started teasing her by lightly moving his hips.

"Do you want another man's semen while your lover watches?"

"Ugh… ♥"


Now that she thought about it, something was strange.

"Do you want it?"

"Ha… Ah… Ah, of course… !"

"You really are a bitch. "Cheating during intimacy is already a problem, but you're abandoning your lover, taking another man's raw member into your mouth, and begging him to cum inside you."

Is it raw?

"Shal… Charlotte, no way, without contraceptives right now…"

Daron pulled out his member as if responding to what Zed was trying to confirm. A large member soaked with love juices emerged. It was so large that the flesh around it swelled. More than that… Also… There was nothing on Daron's member.

"Why… Why did you pick it?"

"Now that I think about it, it doesn't feel right to ejaculate inside a girl who also has a lover."


That's right.

—That's when Zed thought.

"What are you talking about now?! "You've already secretly ejaculated inside me dozens of times!"

Charlotte herself told Zed in detail the truth he didn't want to know. Charlotte twitched her buttocks as if begging for more and fawned over the member that was only in front of her.

"Intimate with me♥ Intimate with me… You can just cum until it doesn't burst… Tsk."

"So you're going to ejaculate without hesitation?"

Iron—rice cake!


Zed had no idea what to do now. Daron started thrusting into Charlotte again, and Charlotte let out a vulgar moan that was no different from before, seemingly ecstatic. She must be Charlotte's lover herself… In the first place, the 'lover' thing felt completely meaningless.

Either way, those two were engaging in intimacy… No, they were mating. Between living creatures, that is, male and female. It felt like the intimacy he had had with Charlotte up until now was just a game. While they were just looking at each other, the two suddenly stopped.

Daron was smiling as if he was very satisfied, and Charlotte was barely holding on, bending her legs as if she were about to get tired. What they had in common was that they were both shaking slightly.


"Clothes♥ Oh… Clothes♥"


Anyone could see that… It was the moment of climax.