
Terrorist's innocent love

Rishabh is shock by seeing him killing his own men cruely, He doesn't react & within fraction of Seconds and too in that cruel way but he do not react & lift kavya immediately in his arms & starts moving towards the border while listening continuous gun shot from behind , Meanwhile kavya is looking at the Rayan from from rishabh's arms & see him killing his men cruelly which makes her hate & disgust him more , She feels extreme fear & hurt as well as betray by seeing this monstrous cruel form of his husband whom she started loving & started trusting , Meanwhile , Rishabh is not worried about his life but he is worried for kavya & at any cost he want's to save her sister's life as he had absolutely no faith in Ryan that he would let him go so easily, Hence, he is moving fast so that kavya can cross the border & goes to safe hands of Indian army which is present on the other side of border, Rishabh is about to cross the border of Syria along with kavya but suddenly rayan scream so loudly & risabh turn around as he fire a bullet just near his leg to stop him , "Once your sister did a favor on me by saving my life and today I am doing favor on her by sparring her life & from today I have no favor of her on me , so tell her to never show me ever in life because if she ever meet me then I will shoot her straight in the heart now go from here before I change my plan & kill you both in most cruel way " Rayan said with extremely anger & hatred , Kavya starts fainting listening his Harsh words for her , "now go from here before I change my plan & kill you both in most cruel way" Rayan starts screaming in extreme intense wrath , Listening him rishabh turn back & put his foot outside the border & cross the border along with kavya in his arms , Kavya look at rayan for the last time while loosing her consciousness & becomes unconscious.

Kavya_cutipie_9844 · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


" You will not tell anyone that you were married to that terrorist " risabh said to kavya when she was lying lifelessly on the hospital bed with syringes attach to her veins ,

Kavya did not said anything to him neither reacts " In some time , some army officers will come to you to inquire but don't be afraid and tell them everything except marriage & after that you can meet family kavu " rishabh said to devasting kavya ,

" Everyone will be very happy to meet you, everyone believed that you will definitely come back and see today you are in your country among your people among us " risabh keep talking to her but she is not replaying neither reacts & keep looking at sky through the window ,

Suddenly rishabh's sight goes on kavya's nupital chain & he immediately stand up from his place & taken out her nupital chain & seeing him taken out her nupital chain kavya 's tears starts falling from her corners of eyes & rishabh put her nupital chain in  his pocket angrily ,

"Don't  worry my princess he have to pay for  your every tear  I will not leave  that Rayan Khan  " risabh declare angrily after seeing her sister lying on bed lifelessly ,

Suddenly a team of army officers along with a lady officer enter into the room of kavya ,

Shreya is also come with team & when she saw risabh healthy & fine her eyes spark in happiness & her eyes fill with tears but she control her emotions as she is on duty right now ,

Rishabh is equally happy by looking her lady love infront of her ,

Risabh gives assurance to her through his eyes when she saw tear fill in her eyes ,

She blink her eyes in anticipation happily but then Rayan  gives another  hint to take care of kavya in his absence ,

Because according to the rule, family members could not present at the time of interrogation so Rishabh have to  left the room so he left the room after Patting her sisters hand lovingly ,

Shreya look at kavya & mesmerize by her beauty as she is so beautiful he pass smile to her but kavya do not react ,

Shreya supports kavya & help her to sit properly  "We know that all this is very difficult for you but we have to follow the rules so miss sharma can you tell us what you saw there , how you end up there , What did you see on your he, can you recognize the people whom you saw, where did you stay there ? " They keep asking the questions one by one but kavya remain silent as she don't know what to tell them neither she want to remember Rayan ,

" Miss sharma you have to answer the questions please co-operate with us " one of the officer in team ask to kavya with irritation ,

Listening his scolding kavya start crying & seeing her in devastating condition Shreya immediately interrupt the officer " sir if you allow me she is already in devastating condition look at her condition ? " Shreya try to explain the officers & they then decided that Shreya will interogate her ,

" Hello miss sharma I am officer Shreya as you know about the rules of army you have to answer the questions & we really expect the cooperation from your side so please co-operate with us because as soon as you answer our questions you can meet your family who is waiting eagerly for you outside your room " Shreya said & listening the name of her family kavya's tears continuously falliing from her eyes ,

She takes a deep breath & starts telling them everything which happened to her from the starting to end except the marriage she tell them everything ,

She gives details of women's condition there , training camps , about Altaaf she tell them everything  ,

" I told as much as I knew please now send my family to me I want to meet them " kavya said while joining her hands ,

" Thank you miss sharma for the details But whenever we want to know something else, you will have to come to answer our questions and now you can meet your family members & yes welcome back " officer said to her with smile & then left the room ,

Before going outside Shreya  tapp the shoulder of kavya to giver her strength & relexation ,

They left the room & kavya wipe her tears & look at her empty neck  without her nupital chain " why did you do this to me Rayan I loved you & you in return of my loves you fill my life with humiliation & pain , I hate you Rayan Khan I hate you more then anything in this world I hate you " kavya said to herself & put her hands on her face & cried terribly ,

" Kavu " suddenly kavya heard the known voice of his father & listening the voice of her father kavya immediately look at above & saw his father , little brother , zara her bestfriend , her maternal aunt looking at her with tears in their eyes ,

Kavya immediately get up from the bed & run towards her father & hug him tightly & cried miserably ,

Ram Sharma being an strict & tough  head officer  control his emotions & hold his tears while taking her daughter in his arms whom he loves so much ,

" Kavu didi " kavya's brother hold her leg & call her with tears kavya immediately hug him " Vishu I missed you so much my baby " kavya said while hugging her little brother tightly ,

" Kavu  i knew you would definitely  come back to us  " zara her bestfriend said to kavya & kavya hug her & cried so much while taking her in her arms " I have missed you all a lot, I have no hope in me  that I will be able to return " kavya said while sobbing & then she hug her maternal aunty  " maasi " she said while crying in her arms,

While hugging her she looks around & starts searching for her mother but she couldn't not find her so she immediately ask to her father " Papa where is maa she did not come to meet me " kavya ask her father & his father said " princess she is waiting eagerly  for you at home let's go to Home " ram said to kavya as he don't want to make her health worse by telling that after her abduction her mother goes in coma ,

Kavya feels awakard when she listen that her mother do not come to meet her & wait for her at home but she did not react & keep hugging her family members ,

She feels peace after seeing her family members presence in her life again because she knows that only her family can heal her broken heart ,

But she broken more when she saw her mother in comma after reaching at her home ,

She blame herself for the condition of her mother & love one's she feels angry on herself  " there I was falling in love with him & here my family suffer because of me " she thought & cried miserably again by hugging her mother & by  looking her condition ,

" Kavya Look, tears are coming out of Kavya Aunty's eyes " zara immediately said to kavya loudly after seeing tears in her mother's eyes ,

Kavya saw the tears " maa please come back to me maa please I need you maa I miss you please come back to your kavya " kavya said to her mother & then loose her conciousness & faint there due to emotional breakdown