
Terror Trip: The Curse of the 13th Bus Last Trip

An otherwise laid-back bus driver, Li Yao, was assigned by the team leader to drive the rumored haunted 13th midnight last bus. Since then, various creepy and mysterious events have occurred one after another. It turned out that the previous three 13th bus drivers, along with the full bus of passengers, had all lost their lives, and he almost lost his life as if possessed by a ghost. Li Yao was scared to be out of his wits every day. Could there really be a ghost? To get rid of the curse in the rumors, he must find out the cause of the accidents that killed the previous three drivers, but the various inducements from those around him also made his trust crumble one by one.

rainy_ · Horror
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: The Agreement of the 15th Day of the Lunar Month

Old Tang has always been the best brother in my mind, but at this moment, besides fear, I am more angry to see him again.

I truly regarded him as a good brother, but I was played by this old ghost.

When Old Tang saw that the car had stopped, he ran over panting and knocked on the window to ask me to open the door. I shouted at him, "Don't fuck with me!" and stepped on the accelerator. However, at this moment, the car strangely failed to give enough gas.

Old Tang saw that I was about to leave, his eyes widened as if he wanted to tear me apart, and knocked on the window even harder. No matter how I fiddled with the car in the driver's seat, it just wouldn't move.

I thought it must be Old Tang who did something. With this ability, he could just float in directly. At this time, he was still pretending to be a big shot.

I felt discouraged and lowered my head. I thought my life might be over tonight. I reached under the seat and took out the iron plate hand, wanting to fight this shameless old ghost. When I lowered my head, I found a string of black beads under the gearshift handle.

That's right, it's the black bead bracelet that Master Liu Yunbo gave me. I was overjoyed to find that the bracelet wasn't lost. It should have been shaken off when I braked and shifted gears in a hurry just now.

No wonder Old Tang didn't float in directly. He must be afraid to act wild because of the bracelet nearby.

I thought of this and looked at Old Tang still pretending to knock on the window, so I simply opened the door for him. Old Tang got on the car and scolded, "What the hell are you doing? You didn't open the door, and you wanted to step on the accelerator and run away when you saw me?"

I put on the bracelet, and finally felt relieved. Seeing Old Tang's angry look, I really felt a wave of disgust.

"Bro, I was scared, okay? Besides, I haven't seen you for a few days. Why are you here in the middle of the night?"

Old Tang sat down opposite me and showed a look of aggrieved expression, saying, "I can't keep my mouth shut. I said a little too much to you the other day, which brought trouble. Yesterday during the day, I went to Tangwa Village to investigate. Guess what? I accidentally found out that in the first car accident ten years ago, there really was an old man who liked to wrap a white towel around his head. The villagers called him Uncle Liu. I didn't dare stay in the village overnight, so I ran out in the dark."

When I heard Old Tang's words, I really wanted to hit him with a wrench. I thought to myself, "You died ten years ago. Now you tell me that the person who died in that year was Uncle Liu?"

I muttered in a low voice, "Make up, you continue to make up."

Old Tang seemed to hear what I said, and his eyes widened again, "What? You don't believe me? Don't drive this late bus anymore."

I understood what he meant. He wanted to give me a heads-up and make me not believe what Uncle Liu said, but he never expected that I would already know that he was dead from Lao Wu.

I didn't have the mind to talk nonsense with him anymore. I got out of the car to check the engine. It turned out that the valve was broken by the emergency brake. After replacing the parts, I started the car again.

On this journey, Old Tang didn't speak again. It was almost time to reach the company when he finally said, "Bro, did you go to see Liu Qingzhu?"

When I heard the three words "Liu Qingzhu", my anger flared up immediately. He even pretended! I almost didn't run out and fall. Now he even asks me if I've been there.

"I went. He didn't say much, just told me not to go when there are many people... I didn't hear the later words clearly. Anyway, he seemed to be in trouble and asked me to save him," I said secretly pleased with my quick wit, thinking that I would talk on both sides and confuse these two guys.

Old Tang nodded and said, "I won't hide it from you. The No. 2386 Huaiyuan Road is a notorious ominous place. This old neighborhood is dilapidated with no fire protection measures. A big fire broke out in the middle of the night ten years ago, killing half of the people in the building."

I believed what Old Tang said. I had seen this neighborhood. The wall skin was peeling off and it was a dark mass, apparently with a history of fire.

But I'm more sure that Liu celebrated his eight achievements and died in the fire in those years. Now these two old ghosts ten years ago have become partners and join hands to say that others are ghosts. It's really shameless.

Old Tang naturally didn't know my thoughts at the moment. He continued, "In this neighborhood, there is also an old man surnamed Liu. Ten years ago, he was burned to death in the room. This old man was not of good character when he was alive, and he was even more restless after death. Liu Qingzhu stayed to watch this old man and has been living here for ten years."

I looked down at the black bracelet on my wrist. Sure enough, as I guessed, Old Tang was trying to smear others and polish himself by seeing that I was wearing the bracelet.

I pretended to be surprised and said "Oh" loudly, echoing him, "Hey, Old Tang, you go back to work in the company quickly. I feel quite bored without you."

"Brother, I really can't go back to the company for the time being. You take care of yourself. I will contact you if there is anything," Old Tang said, which was completely within my expectations. He knew that he would be exposed if he went back now.

I nodded. At this moment, the car finally drove back to the city. A short distance from the company, Old Tang hurriedly got off the car.

When I returned to the dormitory, I lay in bed and couldn't sleep. I didn't expect Old Tang to disappear for a few days and suddenly show up. I touched the precious bracelet in my hand, thinking that I must not lose it no matter what.

I don't know when, I finally fell asleep vaguely.

The next morning, my cousin, who is in his junior year at the medical college in the neighboring city, called and said that he and his classmates would come to our city to play and visit me in the afternoon.

Although I wasn't very close to my cousin when I was a child, we are still related by blood. Moreover, he is the son of Aunt San, who just introduced Bai Fan to me. With such a great contribution, I must treat him well.

I booked a table at a hot pot restaurant near the company early. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, my cousin came with two bags of fruit.

This kid is very good-looking, tall and strong, which makes me envy. I thought, in this society that values looks, even if I drove a bus, I would be looked up to a little.

My cousin was very happy to see me. After a brief greeting, he began to ask me if there were any interesting things about driving and meeting so many people every day.

I felt speechless. There really weren't any interesting things. Recently, there were many sad things. But I didn't want to tell these things to my cousin, a child.

My cousin ate very happily. While I was picking up the food, he noticed the bracelet on my wrist and said with a smile, "Brother, this bracelet your friend gave you must be from your sister-in-law."

I shook my head and said, "No, it was given by a friend."

My cousin was curious and pulled my hand over, carefully touched the bracelet, and looked puzzled, "Brother, the material of this bracelet is really strange. It's neither a wood product nor like jade."

I "um" and was about to take back my hand. This bracelet was my lifesaver. I was afraid he would break it.

My cousin seemed even more curious, still holding my wrist, and even put down his chopsticks to take a closer look and smell it. He looked surprised and said to me, "Brother, I study medicine and often participate in anatomy research. I'm not joking with you. These black beads look like they are made of human eyes."

My cousin's words came suddenly, making me feel cold all over.

I quickly pulled back my hand and complained, "Stop talking nonsense while eating."

My cousin then smiled embarrassedly and said, "Haha, I just thought the material really looked like the eyes I touched in the anatomy class. Human eyes start to rot in the air in about half a month. Your bracelet has been worn for a long time, so it definitely isn't made of that."

After hearing my cousin's words, my mind suddenly became chaotic.

I clearly remembered what Master Liu Yunbo said to me. He asked me to go to his place on the fifteenth day of this lunar month.

And today is the first day of the lunar month. Fifteen days from now is exactly half a month!!