
Terror Of The Living Dead

A global catastrophe breaks out, leaving the world helpless and determined to survive. The world is now surrounded by apocalyptic threats and there's no way to escape; no one's certain the government would come to their rescue. Emily is locked up in the world's famous restaurant with her insufferable colleague-miserably weak and slow. Her only chance of survival is to cooperate with him. Even if she want to swallow her pride, she isn't sure if her suffering is indeed safer than all the living dead outside. Ted Oliver, the most arrogant and obnoxious human. He goes out of his way to survive which implies killing everyone he found as a threat or easy target. When his secrets is on the verge of being exposed, Ted kills Mr. Christopher, one of the shareholders of Prestige Restaurant. He thinks of a way to survive with an helpless Emily crawling up behind him for protection. In a quest to survive new relationships are formed, trust are restored and unbroken homes are being repaired. Everyone must learn to watch their backs and stab their best friend when the time for survival suffice. Emily must learn to put up with the one man she vowed to never see again after her boyfriend betrayed her and let her to die.

NuellaDuru · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 9

   "We both serve this country, Mr. Sebastian." Lieutenant Ricardo said. "We must act righteously and help those who need help."

       Major General Sebastian walked back to his chair, sat down, and adjusted the table. He went through the stacked files on his desk. A lady in a matching outfit entered the room. Her fragrance and the noise her heels made were the only living thing in the room. She walked to his table, looking even more elegant, her gorgeous long hair flying across the cup of coffee in her hand. She dropped it on his desk and then moved two steps farther away, signaling to Ricardo if he managed to convince him otherwise.

       "Mr. Sebastian raised the cup very close to his nose, sniffing and admiring. His little finger pushed up just like the English people did then took a sip out of the coffee. His face broadened like it were about to explode. Who knew a cup of coffee could make a person feel like they were on a cruise ship with the president? The reflection of the sun penetrated through his window, revealing the wrinkles on his face. His stern voice was enough to sweep his boy up his feet and scurry to close the curtains.

       Mr. Sebastian's lips drew back in a snarl as he read through the letter on his desk. He pulled out a pen from the drawer and then signed the letter. Calling out to the boy, he placed the letter in his hands with a little instruction to follow.

       Recognition dawned on Maya's face. At that moment she realized they were on their own. No one was going to rescue those innocent lives as said on the Television. "Really? That's it?" She broke the cold silence he was giving them. "We are just going to act like they ain't humans."

       "Maya, I've got this." Lieutenant Ricardo gestured. Whispering into her ears, she stormed out fuming at every sight. "Sir, I'm aware my opinion doesn't matter and I'm not in a position to question your decision but,"

       "Good." He narrowed his eyes. Taking another sip out of his coffee he continued, "Then leave my office. I don't want to hear this anymore."

       He wasn't going to back down now. He practiced all morning for this very moment. Taking one more bold step, he went on. "These people are humans like you and me. We can't just let them die."

       "What about the millions of lives that would be lost if we decide to go in there? Did you think about that at all?" Snapped Mr. Sebastian. "Earlier you said we both serve this country. So why can't you think about the country's safety?"

       "I am thinking about the safety of the country!" He inhaled deeply, trying to keep his temper in check. "Those people are a part of this country. They did nothing wrong to deserve such unfair treatment. Sir, what if your family was there? Would you do this same thing, huh?"

       "My family is there." he scrunched up his face. "My son is in there. I don't even know if he's alive or not. Do you think I hate my son so much that I would want him to die!? This isn't a time to be emotional and unreasonable. We need to consider the lives of millions of people here. The world is watching America like a movie right now, waiting to know what would happen next. Do you realize how many people would love to see America crumble?"

       "We need to try at least once. We can't just give up without trying at all." Sadness clouded his features as he went for the window, staring down at their men training. Some of them rested their heads on the wall, looking heavenward while the others sluggishly jogged with their commander. "Look at them? No one is happy with your decision but as always, we can't question anything. We follow orders even if it means breaching humanity. There are people in there waiting to be saved, trusting in the so-called government to come to their rescue but little do they know no one's coming to help them. They don't know the country wouldn't guarantee their survival, they have to fend for themselves. This isn't who we are."

       "This is who we are." Mr. Sebastian paused his lips, clenched his fist together, raised his voice, and suddenly slammed his hand on the desk. "This is exactly," He cleared his throat. "What and who we are. We do what we are told to do just to protect our country. Humanity is an irony for us. America is just like an influencer. Everyone looks up to us. We can't afford to have a bad name."

       Lieutenant. Ricardo gave him the satisfaction gaze. He shook his head slowly in disagreement. "Look at America today; Gun violence, shooting in schools, killing of black people because we feel inferior and intimidated by their spontaneous success in our country, discriminating, and so on. Who exactly are we protecting? The country or the people in the country? A country where someone can just walk into a school and kill innocent kids, what's there to not condemn in our country?" When he got to the door, he twirled around like he had forgotten something. "And Sir, the people are the country. A country can't exist without its people."

       "How did it go?"

       "Our decision is still the same. Tell Draco to get ready."

       "Are you insane?" She increased her pace. "So, we are just going to kill innocent people?"

       "Maya, this is the best solution for our family and the country. I'm sorry to say this but I agree with Mr. Sebastian." he sighed and closed his eyes, tired and emotionally drained. "Let's not continue this conversation any further. I'm in no mood to listen or say anything."

       When Ricardo swung the door to his office open, she stepped in after him. Her determination and courage scream in his head. He poured himself a glass of red wine, walking to and fro to avoid giving in to her scolding.

       Maya's argument was halted when she heard a familiar voice. She drifted to the side to stare outside through the window. The soft but highly disrespectful sigh that escalated her mouth had Ricardo smiling. Without a word, he could tell who she was cursing and imitating.  

       "Isn't he scared that he could just die this instant?"

       "Be careful with what you say. Everyone in here serves our country." he followed her.

       She didn't blink an eye in his direction. Her justified anger towards him and their superiors hadn't quenched. Stepping ahead of him into the elevator, she pressed the button.

       Lieutenant Ricardo's swift move had the Army guy in the elevator jump backward, while his arms moved up in a defensive gesture. He saluted and moved to the side to give them more room.

       "Sexy Girl by DJ Snake?" She asked.

       The young guy took off his headphone and nodded. "Yeah. I love the song."

       "You must be on cloud nine to be listening to music at a time like this. I'm starting to think I might be the only one with a conscience."

       "Every sir has someone he answers Sir to." He stepped out of the elevator, walking past their men.

       "He's right." Ricardo's smile flickered across his face like a hologram. "I'm sorry I sounded like a real jerk earlier. I tried to reason with Mr. Sebastian but Diego's right. Even Mr. Sebastian has someone he takes orders from. He must be going through a lot of pain like us."

       "Here's the real pain." Maya and Ricardo stepped outside.

       The police sirens blared non-stop as angry reporters, journalists and protesters stormed their building. Some attempted climbing in through the windows. Mr. Sebastian's men rushed towards the gate to resist reporters from flooding in. Some reporters poked their microphones at General Gerald as he alighted his cars with his security guards. One of the armed security men fired the gun in the air, dispatching everyone in the way of the General.

       Climbing the pavement, he made a turn and then signaled to everyone to listen. His highly expected command brought about orderliness, everyone gazed at him with sharp eyes and ears, hands holding out their phones and microphones waiting to hear an update.

       Diego rushed up saluted and handed him a microphone. "We've heard your agony and I can assure you that nobody understands your pain more than we do." His lips trembled as his eyes welled up with tears. "Our men are doing everything possible to help our loved ones in there fighting to survive."

       "For how long?" A lady in the crowd screamed angrily. She fought her way to the front, pushing and kicking everyone who tried to stop her. "It's been 14 days and no one's been saved yet! My darling husband is in there. How can you claim to understand a pain you've never felt? Do you have any idea how difficult those fourteen days had been for me and my daughter? I had to lie to her that her dad had some important work to do that's why he's away. I don't even know if he's alive or not."

       "Ma'am, we are,"

       "Yes!" Another angry protester fell out. She caressed her baby bump, her eyes carrying a bag of beans. "My husband and child are there. Please save them. They are my world."

       "What's going on, General Gerald? What's happening in California? Why are those people acting like maniacs? The government has refused the news from revealing any pictures or videos but there's a video going viral on social media." One of the reporters said. She jerked back from the security guard trying to dismiss her. "Why are those people trying to eat each other alive? Is this some kind of virus?"

       "It's just like the coronavirus." Another reporter added. "We want to know the truth. What's going on in there? Why are we being restricted from visiting Beverly Hills?"

       Taking in a deep breath, he said, "You want to know the truth? Beverly Hills has been infected with an unknown virus." After the 10 minutes breakdown of what was happening, he stopped to catch his breath and then continued, "Not just Beverly Hills, other cities like West Hollywood, CA, Culver City, Santa Monica, Inglewood, Burbank, Los Angeles, Glendale, Lennox have been infected. The virus is spreading faster than we expected. This is why we advise you all to stay indoors. It's only a matter of time and the whole of Los Angeles would be surrounded by walking corpses. Sooner or later California would be a den of monsters."

       "So what? There are still survivors in there. What steps is the country taking to save these people?"

       "We sent six of our helicopters in there with 15 of our men in each one. We are waiting to get feedback from them and we'll appreciate it if you people try to understand the efforts we are making to ensure these people are rescued. As of now, no one can go in or out of California for the safety of everyone."

       Maya was dazed as a frog about to be swallowed by a snake. General Gerald deserved a Grammy for best actor. If you were there to see what his face looked like, even you would have taken pity on him. "He's such a good liar." She glanced sarcastically over her shoulder at Mr. Ricardo.

       "Be quiet. He's capable of stripping you off your badge." Whispered Mr. Ricardo. "It doesn't matter as long as the people are satisfied."

       "It does. It does matter. He's lying to the people." Her mouth pulled his eyes to where their men stood. "Look at them. None of our men have been sent to rescue any survivors. He's messing with their heads and it ain't fair. These people put their lives in our hands because they expect us to be there in difficult times like this. I can't believe the same people who should be protecting the country are the same people trying to destroy it."

       "Do you think Joe Biden knows what's going on?"

       Lieutenant Ricardo raised an eyebrow. "President Joe Biden." he corrected.

       "Dude, he can't hear us."

       "The walls have ears. Let's be guided. Everyone here serves our country."

       Draco smirked. "The only wall I see is you."

      "We call the king of England, King Charles and we call Harry, Prince Harry. I don't see why we should address our president without using honorifics. America is nice."

       "Biden doesn't have an issue with it so why should you?"

       "Biden? Joe... President Joe Biden! He is a president so his name should come after President! And no, he doesn't know anything about what's going on!"

       "What doesn't the President know?" The reporter's question threw them off guard. He drew his lower lip between his teeth and narrowed his eyes.

       General Gerald's eyes blazed with rage. He stood like a mannequin waiting for Lieutenant Ricardo to finish the drama he started.

       Being aware of the punishment waiting for him, he stuttered, "Well, I... It's um."

       "President Joe Biden didn't know that he was to address the country today regarding what's happening in California." General Gerald stepped in. "It's our fault. We didn't tell his Personal Assistant that the fixed day was today. Please return to your various homes. Let's not forget that we need to be careful because of the coronavirus. It's still on the increase even though it's no longer a trending topic like it used to be."

       "Look at him being all sarcastic about the coronavirus. If only he knew how many families lost their loved ones during the deadly virus outbreak." Maya clenched her fist. "He's not going to spare you. Lieutenant Ricardo, I hope you're ready to get your ears treated once he's gone."

       "There's nothing new about him. I'm more than prepared to get punished. Maya, no matter how you feel about his decision, don't say a word. Let me and Mr. Sebastian handle everything."

       Maya nodded, understanding better why he cared so much about her. General Gerald was just like a lion. He had no regard for anyone and aimed at anyone who dared oppose him. She smiled reassuringly at him and said, "I won't. That doesn't mean I trust you and Sir Sebastian to handle this or even change that cold-hearted man's decision. I'm just glad to know you still care a lot about me."

       "Hey, I always had and always will. I love you, babe."

       "Gross. Ain't you a little too old to be doing that?" Draco smiled sardonically.

       "How's your online relationship going?" Mr. Ricardo's old man come back didn't affect him.

       He twirled around excitedly. "She's the most elegant princess in the world. She makes me feel safe."

       "He has an online girlfriend?" Not waiting for his reply, she asked, "Who and when? You better tell me it's before any of this started or I'm seriously going to kill you."

       "Of course. To be honest, we haven't spoken for the last 14 days because I've been really busy in the office. I barely go home because of Sir."

       "Who is she?"

       "You know that nice lady that works with that grumpy award-winning Inspector?"

       Award-winning Inspector? She giggled. "Yeah. Mrs. Aguilera."

       "Exactly. Her daughter, Hannah Carter. She's the woman my tender heart desires. I haven't told her how I feel yet. But I'm hoping I get to tell her once everything is over."

       Maya's stomach rumbled. The color on her face dried up. "Wasn't Aguilera transferred to Beverly Hills to work on an assault case?"

       "Yes. You see, Hannah stays in New Orleans with her dad. Her parents are divorced so she stays at her dad's place every summer." Taking the file given to him by General Gerald, he continued, "It must be hard for Hannah. I wish I could be there for her. I just hope my future mum-in-law is okay. She's an Inspector, right? So she should be fine."

       "Everything started from the Inspector's office."

       Lieutenant Ricardo walked behind General Gerald, arms stretched, face up. They didn't utter a word to each other until they got to Mr. Sebastian's office.

       Pulling the door for him to step in first, he lowered his head.

       "General Gerald? What brings you here."

       "You. Why haven't you done what I asked you to do!?"

       "But Sir," Mr. Ricardo took a closer look at him. He might look like a really tough guy, he thought, but he sure did have a heart. "My men are still working on it. Please just give us some time."

       "Some time?" The strident tone had Ricardo shivering. "Our men won't be able to hold on much longer out there. If that virus gets past California, the whole of America is doomed. What is it that I've said so far that you don't seem to understand!"

       "We didn't even try. There are people out there, Mr. Gerald. Humans like you and I."

       "I don't care. This is the difference between the two of us. I won't have made it this far if I was as weak and emotionally driven as you. Those lives don't matter as much as the safety of America."

       "I'm sick of hearing this!" Lieutenant Ricardo's voice echoed. Maya and Draco clutched their chests with both hands. She brought her ear very close to the door to eavesdrop. "Why are we acting like California is outside America? These people are citizens of this country, they are humans and loved ones. How can we be so heartless?"

       "One man!" His lip drew back as if thinking of the next line. "One man caused the spread of that virus in Beverly Hills. If we try to save these people and we make just one little mistake, everyone will die. I had to lie to those reporters and protesters that there are few cities infected but the truth is, almost every damn city in California has been infected! There is no chance of survival for them. If this is their destiny, why should we interfere?"

       "What?" General Gerald's last statement sent chills racing across his skin. Every last respect he had for him died that instant. The world needed to see the side of General Gerald he saw. "Their destinies? I'm disappointed in you."

       "Wow. You seem to have forgotten who you are talking to."

       "General Gerald, I sincerely apologize for Lieutenant Ricardo's rude remark." Mr. Sebastian prostrated. "I take the blame for him. Lieutenant Ricardo Sanchez, please go back to your office. We'll talk about this later."

       "Tell our men to get ready." General Gerald returned his gaze to Mr. Sebastian. "Once it's time, I'll give the order. This is the best for everyone."

       "I won't let you do this." Mr. Ricardo's heart melted. "I've never done anything good in my life but this is worse. Those people; grandfathers, Grandmothers, Dads, mums, innocent kids. This is too much, Sir. We can't do this."

       "Major General Sebastian, make sure everything is set by my next visit."

       "That won't happen. You won't succeed with your devious plan, General Gerald."

       "Anyone who goes against my order will be punished."

       "Go ahead. What will you do to me?" Lieutenant Ricardo challenged.

       Pulling out his gun from his pocket, he aimed it at Ricardo's forehead.