

To read up to 15 chapters ahead: https://www.patréon.com/SlyOW


Silver hair looked surprised, but she still asked, "You are obviously above your two teammates, and by a large margin, despite having only survived one movie. I get it that finishing the main mission isn't the only way to earn Points?"

This got a genuine smile out of me, I'm starting to really, really like her!

"You are right. You may also find side missions in the world. The only one I found until now was killing a strong enemy, but there might be other ways."

I looked down at my watch, and noticing we only had 20 seconds until the start of the mission, I said, "Overall, finishing the main mission gets you 1000 Points, killing a teammate removes 1000 Points, and saying any spoiler to the character will take away 10 of your Points. And starting from the countdown, they will start hearing us and reacting to our words."

They nodded, so I continued, "Before we start, we should introduce ourselves, for a better cooperation. I'm Alexander, or Alex. I'm the main firepower of this team."

"Chris. I was in the army."

"Jonathan, nice to meet you! I'm the knowledge guy."

God do I want to punch him in the face sometimes.

The fierce looking guy, who had been staring at me for a time now, said, "I'm Erik, Martial Artist."

The silver-haired girl was next. She had a calculating look in her eyes as she introduced herself, "My name is Sarah. I don't have any fighting skills, but I'm a doctor, so I can help with injuries."

That's good too. I didn't expect much of my teammates here anyway, and since she knew how to make herself look valuable, she probably is.

The silent girl followed, "My name is Lucy."

I frowned at her, but she did not continue.

"My name is Anthony, and I'm a big fan of Skyrim, among other things! Please take care of me!"

I was sensing another freeloader. I didn't like him.

I know it was cruel, but at some point it would probably be better for this kind of person to die. After all, if we keep getting more newbies, and in the end reach a team of 20 members without only freeloaders, we'll end up in a max difficulty world with wastes.

For now though, this wasn't yet a problem. Besides, this was only his first mission, he might secretly be useful, or have potential, so for this movie, I'm going to try to protect my teammates.


[+100 Points.]

I heard a bip from my watch, as well as a notification from God, from having explained the rules to the newbies.

"Hey, you. You're finally awake."

Hearing the voice behind me, I turned to look over my shoulder, onto the other wagon.

"You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there."

The man, whom I easily recognized as Ralof, spoke just like in the game, before looking over the person's shoulder, straight at me, "Same happened to you fellows?"

If I knew I would one day live through this…

"Yeah, I was confused as to why we would get arrested, but…" As I said that, I sent a look at the man on the right, who was backing us. But even without seeing his face, I knew he was gagged, had a blond beard and looked like a typical hero Nord.

The man across the heroic Norse, the thief, groaned, "Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell."

The thief looked at the silent man who was also backing us, though this one was not gagged, only silent, and at us, before saying, "You there. You and me- we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants."

Ralof scoffed, looking amused, "We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief."

As he said that, his eyes skimmed over to our wagon, and looked at Sarah, winking, "Wish I had met you on another occasion, sister?"

Sarah smiled, but the guard in front coldly shouted, "Shut up back there!"

Ralof snorted, and the thief nudged his head at the gagged man, asking, "And what's wrong with him, huh?"

Ralof, who had been rather easy-going until now, suddenly turned serious, his voice stern as he warned, "Watch your tongue. You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King."

The thief looked at the gagged man incredulously, "Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You're the leader of the rebellion."

But his incredulity quickly turned to fear as he muttered, "But if they've captured you… Oh gods, where are they taking us?"

Now looking solemn, Ralof replied, "I don't know where we're going, but Sovngarde awaits."

The thief started panicking, "No, this can't be happening. This isn't happening."

Ralof smiled softly, and lightly kicked the thief's leg, getting his attention, "Hey, what village are you from horse thief?"

The thief had now turned antagonistic, "Why do you care?"

"A Nord's last thoughts should be of home."

The thief looked like he had broken from the inside, but he still answered, "Rorikstead. I'm… I'm from Rorikstead."

Ralof smiled, and looked directly at me, now sounding boisterous, "What about you my friend? You look like a mighty warrior!"

I grinned and replied, "We are from a far away place. I had long heard of Jarl Ulfric, and while I'm happy I was able to see him in person, I would have liked experiencing his voice… shame."

This got me a side glance from Ulfric, which was to be expected. Some people within Skyrim itself didn't believe in the power of the voice, not to mention in the rest of Tamriel, the continent in which Skyrim was.

"General Tullius, Sir! The headsman is waiting!"

There were two more carriages in front of us, and the coachman from one of them just yelled out. Looking to our front, I noticed we had arrived at Helgen, but also noticed something that wasn't so good a sign.

We were going down the road, and at this point were slightly higher than the city's wall. And so behind it, I could spot several towers, some of which looked like they were more than a hundred meters away from the gate, if not more.

If Helgen was, as I suspected, larger than in the game, then not only would we have to run from Alduin for longer. And I wasn't so sure about my ability to navigate in the city, if the layout was different.

"Shor, Mara, Dibella, Kynareth, Akatosh. Divines, please help me."

The thief was clearly not doing very well mentally as he was left begging for the gods. Funnily enough, it was Akatosh's eldest son who would end up saving us. Well, not him… should I try to save him?

It wouldn't really change anything to our mission, but if I could save him from his stupid death, then I might as well do it.

"Look at him, General Tullius the Military Governor."

As we reached the gates of the city and passed them, Ralof spitted out these words, looking at a man standing on a horse, showing them his back as he spoke to a woman. She had golden skin, and pointed ears.

Ralof seemed even more spiteful of her though as he added, "And it looks like the Thalmor are with him. Damn elves. I bet they had something to do with this."

I was a general enjoyer of Elves in fiction, I often found them to be cool. Not Skyrim's Thalmor though. I didn't like them one bit.

I did not really look at her for too long however as my gaze instead turned to the city, and I felt my fears were answered. In the game, once you go through the gates, you turn left and can see a tower at the other end of the street, next to which the Imperials would execute the Stormcloaks.

However, now, all I saw was a large street, with several towers surrounding the city and plenty of houses. The area was pretty much unrecognizable.