
Territory Defense! 100X Rewards From The Start!

One day everyone in the world was sucked into a new world, given a small chunk of land and limited resources and told to surivive by whatever means neccesary. Our main character Leo unlocks his innate skill after the system deems every attribute of his to be trash except for one: Luck! Now his Innate skill 'Midas touch' give him 100 times the rewards for almost everything he does! Watch as Leo overcomes the trauma of killing others, saves his family, and slowly become more and more powerful! Cover Art is not mine! Message me if you wish for me to take it down!

AniMine · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

New Advisors and Faith

Leo watched a man and a woman were summoned on the platform in front of him, giddy with excitement. Leo viewed the newly summoned advisors with great joy, already having an idea in his mind on the positions he would give them. He had been thinking about it for a good portion of the morning and he really wanted to see what his new advisors felt about it.

Leo then had a thought,"Wouldn't it be better to have Sally here, so she can meet the new advisors, and coordinate with them? Yeah, let's do that, I'll meet these two and call for her." Then Leo had another thought immediately after that and asked the system in his thoughts,"System, can you mentally call Sally to the summoning room under my orders?"

[Yes, Lord Leo, Sally will be contacted and will be here shortly]

Leo was surprised that his idea had actually worked! His advisors and maybe his generals too, could be called by him in his mind. Leo realized that if he was ever in danger, he could mentally call forth someone to protect him in an emergency.

Leo shook his head to get rid of those thoughts and walked forwards to meet his new advisors. Leo told them,"Welcome to Fallen Star City, we are a new city, but we are growing faster than any other settlement on the earth at the current moment. I hope that you two will be able to help me with managing this great city in the future!" Then Leo asked them,"What are your names?"

There was both a man and a woman facing Leo, the man was tall and had straight, long and pure golden hair, braided at the ends, thus giving him a clean nordic look. The woman on the other hand was short and a little on the chubby side, with a plump face and several rings on her fingers.

The man responded first, giving Leo the salute he had gotten accustomed to seeing soldiers use, as he responded,"My name is Magario my lord!"

The plump woman responded after he did, saying,"My name's Aurophnina, my lord. But please just call me Phina."

Just as Phina finished her own introduction, Sally came strutting quickly into the recruitment center. She quickly asked Leo,"My Lord, I was summoned telepathically, is something wrong?"

Leo chuckled at her nervousness and replied,"No, no, nothing is wrong. I have just summoned 2 more advisors and I wish for you to meet them, as well as some of the workers and soldiers I will be summoning here in a few moments."

Sally had a puzzled look on her face as she looked at the two advisors and cautiously asked Leo,"My lord, are you telling me that you got your hands on 2 more Blue grade advisor scrolls, not even 2 days after summoning me?"

Leo noticed her tone and answered back,"Yes… Is there a problem?" Leo had spoken to Sally only a few times, but she had never sounded afraid like this, like he had done something sinister to her.

When Leo confirmed it, Magario blurted out,"What?!" and Leo looked at him as he quickly straightened his back and covered his mouth with his hand. Magario bowed slightly and said,"I apologize, I shouldn't have shouted, I was simply caught off guard by Lord Leo's statement just now."

Leo noticed that all 3 of his advisors were looking at him with utter confusion drawn plainly on their faces. Leo shrugged and asked Magario,"Look, I don't know why you are freaking out, so can someone just explain it to me in simple words?"

Sally and Magario gave each other a quick glance and Sally responded,"My lord, advisor scrolls are already incredibly rare, and as you ascend into higher grades, they only become harder to acquire. The fact the you got not 1, not 2, but 3 Blue grade advisor scrolls is incredibly good luck. I don't think I have ever heard of any other lord with this much luck in finding advisor scrolls."

Leo nodded his head in acknowledgement. He had another advisor scroll, but it was only Green grade, so until he need it, he wasn't going to use it. Leo decided to keep it a secret from them that he actually had another one, lest one of them had a heart attack.

Leo looked at Magario and said,"Enough about my heaven defying luck, I already have the two sectors in my mind for you two." Magario and Phina bowed their heads, signaling they were ready to receive their roles.

Leo smiled, wanting to make the situation seem a little more important and grand said,"Magario, I assign you as my advisor of the Faith, let our people know the love of the gods."

Leo then turned to Phina and said,"Aurophina, I hereby assign you as advisor of culture, and I hope to see amazing works of art, poetry and music that will unite our people into one."

Both Magario and Phina bowed their heads and in unison responded,"As the Lord commands! For Fallen Star City!""

Leo nodded happily, excited for the future for the first time since he came to this world. Leo told them, "while I am summoning some of the soldiers, please converse with Sally about the state of the territory. She will get you up to date on most of the important projects and going ons of the city."

The two of them did just that as Sally started to lay out what the city had and didn't have at the moment.

Leo smiled, happy that they seemed to get along, at least for now. Leo quickly put all 30 of the Green grade recruitment scrolls into the cubby hole. Leo watched the summoning ritual that never seemed to get old to him as 30 new troops materialized in front of him.

Leo waited for the soldiers to walk forwards and salute and told them to go and meet their general, Ash, near the barracks that was still being built. Leo had told him to go scouting, however it was still early morning and Ash should still be around to do the morning exercise training. Leo had asked Ash why he makes the soldiers do the same training every morning and Ash had told him that as long as the soldiers maintained a rigorous training schedule, they would learn discipline much faster as well as be better as a cohesive unit.

As Leo watched the soldiers march out of the center he turned to Magario and said,"Magario, I am about to start summoning the Faith workers, so be ready to meet them."

Magario, for his part, stopped speaking with the two other women and stood next to Leo as he inserted the 1 Orange grade, 5 Blue grade, and 10 Green grade Faith scrolls into the cubby hole.

Magario and Leo watched as all 16 Faith units were summoned, with the Orange grade standing at the front of the pack. Leo watched all 16 walk forwards and when they were all standing in front of Leo and Magario, the Orange grade said,"May the gods light shine down upon Lord Leo."

Before Leo could even question the sanity of the faith unit in front of him, he heard the system's voice in his mind.

[Lord Leo has been blessed by a follower of the great gods, and has received a blessing. Lord Leo will gain 20% Mana regeneration speed for the next 3 days]

Leo was really surprised at this new information! Faith workers could cast blessings onto himself and others?! This was a total game changer for Leo and his troops, as this meant that they could receive blessings from their faith units before a tough battle and come out much better than if they didn't have one at all.

Leo slightly bit his lip at this though, as his next thought was,"If only we had this yesterday, perhaps so many people wouldn't have died."

The Orange grade faith unit before him, seemingly noticed his troubled thought and asked,"Lord Leo, what seems to ale your mind?"

Leo sighed and said,"I was just thinking that if we had your blessings yesterday when we raided and exterminated a colony of Crystal Hoarders we would've been much better off and perhaps many people would have survived that otherwise didn't."

The faith unit smiled and replied,"Do not worry about the past, as long as you try your best, the gods can overlook the mistakes you make along the way. We are mortals, we are not the gods themselves, and there will always be death around us, however it is up to us to mourn those who have passed, and then continue the legacy they wished to leave behind."

Leo nodded his head, the words seeming to have stuck a cord within himself, as he wholeheartedly agreed with this man. Leo looked at him with a much clearer resolution and said,"Thank you for the inspiring words, I will be sure to remember and cherish them."

Leo turned to Magario and said,"Magario, when the church is built, make this man the deacon of the church. If his wise words can reach even the lord of the territory, he must share this passion and fortune with the citizens and workers."

Magario nodded his head quickly and then asked,"My lord, which god are you wanting to worship? Later on, when the city grows, you can add another god or 2 for your people to worship as well, however it is best to start with just 1."

The future deacon nodded his head and said,"You are correct, it is best to have a main god for your people to worship first, then have subsidiary gods later."

Leo, used to the constant confusion he felt when he learned about something new, asked them."Any recommendations?"

The future deacon gave Leo a big grin and said,"Personally, I hope you go with the goddess of life and fertility, Vias."

Magario also responded,"I would choose Xari, the goddess of war and strength."

Sally jumped in as well, saying,"I would choose Hemmel, the god of merchants and trade!"

Leo looked to his final advisor, Phina and asked,"What about you? You got any particular thoughts on the matter?"

Phina shook her head and replied,"Not really, I have never celebrated religious holidays or had any particular notion to join any faith."

Leo talked aloud as he thought about it,"Let's see, for now, the merchant is unneeded, as we haven't even gotten on our own two feet yet." Sally heard that and pouted a little, unbeknownst to Leo. He kept speaking though,"Vias or Xari.. hmm…"

Leo knew that this was an important decision and thought about it carefully. On one hand, have a war goddess for his soldiers would be a nice boon, as it could inspire them to go the extra mile, however he was leaning more towards Via. His city would need a lot of people in the future and having a lot of fertility within his territory would help alot. Suddenly Leo had a new thought, turning to the future deacon.

Leo asked him,"Does Vias' grace extend to cultivation of plants as well?"

The future deacon chuckled softly and replied,"Of course, my lord! Vias loves all things living on this earth. Her love holds no specific dominion or race."

Leo nodded and then he seriously responded while everyone was staring at him,"I choose the goddess Vias as Fallen Star Cities first patron god!"

The future deacon laughed out loud and said,"What a wonderful choice!"

Magario nodded his head, and said,"If that is the lord's choice I am of the same opinion as well. Let me go ahead and register that."

Before Leo could even ask what he meant by that, Leo suddenly heard the dreaded system making yet another announcement.

[Lord Leo is the first lord in the world to create a Faith! His name shall be recorded in the hall of fame and he shall gain a permanent 15% religious unity buff!]