
soul a terrible truth

There was a village named Dongalpur, which was inhabited by ghosts. The old people living in the village knew this very well. He would tell his children about all this and the children would get scared.

One day people realized negativity in that village.He called Aghori but that spirit took Aghori captive.

All the people of the village started running here and there in fear.The soul said that I will not leave you people .

Hearing this, Aghori got angry and started chanting the mantra.With his powers, he broke the web of the soul.He freed the soul and told the soul that you have lived your life and you have no right to take someone's life.

The soul got a lesson and the Aghori freed him.

That night was very dangerous for the villagers. But after that incident everything became calm.People started coming out of their homes and started living in positivity.