
Terraverse: Origins

This is a book, introducing a Origin of a Universe, created by Lexxy (Main Character). That have a great power called . This is a history, of a little hero, that, from nothing, creates his universe, of friends, and adventures.

LeOni · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Where it all begins

"... Where am I? Who I am? Why I am here?" this is what I said when I woke up. I was no colors, and the place of I was is a void, with nothing, a a totally white and empty place.

Then I started walking, trying to find something. But there was only one thing there, me, only me. Then I noted something, I was alone. I wanted some friend. Then a button appeared in front of me ... it was written CREATE, so when I used that, I felt an energy flowing from my head to the rest of my body, and then it came out of my hands and spawned a spherical object... with eyes, and it acts like a friendly creature. I called Inky... my first friend, and creation.

After I created Inky, I realized that I could create things. So I made a little place ... with something green called grass ... but something was missing, I didn't know what it was, but something essential was missing .. again I noticed something strange, there was a gray door just above ... when I opened it, I saw many universes, with more people.

I marveled at how many things I was seeing, totally different universes, different creatures and objects. So, I thought: 'Why don't I try to create people who help me create a better universe?' .... and that's what I did. I created THEM, the OMEGRONS...

I called them OMEGRONS, and they will help me to create a beautiful universe! I created them with personality, I like it... Gloriun is a little proud, but have a feeling of attachment with landscapes full of plants. Kronoun is smart and a bit technical, he likes machines and gears. Ingloriun is a little wild, he got the idea of the forest-style Gloriun, and he's trying to make a world with a very closed climate, with floating islands and things like that ... that's kind of cool. Darktra is a little introvert, he kind of prefers a dimly lit world, and more weird stuff, but it's still a cool world. the worlds of each one are named after their creators, really interesting ... But the Alpha is different, he created nothing ... I don't know why ...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

My future projects include the creation of new characters, including some that can be created by readers, in addition to that, the concept of TERRAVERSE is to create.

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