
Chapter 9 : A Old Fox

"Daedulus huh." Ashen spit more of the pungent black mana out, before retreating his head to the softness of the pillow, as he sighed.

"You knew this was going to happen, didn't you?" Daedulus spit out, as he slowly rubbed his temples, making sure he doesn't plunge his claws into his eyes by accident. "That's why you enlisted the help of some random demon that you just came across, and made him sign a contract with your grandson."

"Yes, do you resent me for that?" Ashen looked like a normal sickly old man, but Daedulus couldn't help but hide his cautiousness in front of such a powerful person, even if they were weak.

"Dragging me into this? maybe. Do I despise you or Axel, certainly not." Daedulus suddenly sighed, as his screeching like manner came to an abrupt stop before his eyes turned into slits.

"It's my time to ask questions," Daedulus muttered, as Ashen nodded his head.

"I owe you that much."

"What is this pungent mana, and why can you speak demon?"

"That's two questions-"

"But there connected, are they not?"

Ashen's expression went blank before there was abrupt laughter in the room.

"Interesting!" Ashen simply laughed, before shaking his head. "You not like any other demon, are you?"

Daedulus expression became blank, as his poker face didn't show any of his true thoughts.

He needed to choose his words carefully.

"What are you?" Daedulus muttered to Ashen, whose smile abruptly stopped.

He coughed some more pungent mana before his expression became serious.

"Those people were hunting me for a past I can't run away from."

"That won't suffice." Daedulus had no problems voicing his displeasure from the vague comment.

"It's not that I won't, its that I can't."

He showed a wrist tattoo, with two snakes coiled around each over.

"And the demon language?"

"Can't speak about that either."

"Then why did you get me into the room instead of your beloved Grandson, a demon that you've known for a month and a half."

"You need to be the fire that ignites Axel's spark."


Day 43


Axel's eyes were burning in a fire-like manner , and he was obviously starting to shredding the innocence from before after seeing his grandfather nearly getting killed.

But obviously not enough to kill a human being , as evident by the spear stopping in front of that Terrarians head.

Ignoring him and walking into the forest , Daedulus slowly sighed.

Spear's are easy , but he couldn't really craft much right now with his current skillset.

Throwing some wooden sticks at a tree sounded useful yes , but there were certainly better ways of contributing more power to them than just throwing them , not to mention he trained some precision with his throwing skills and he could hit the target on the tree 3/4 , which isn't much to brag about since the tree is wider than a hum an.

After going home and finding the pile of "high quality wood" that was sitting there , Daedulus slowly glided his claws along the wood , shredding it like a hot knife through butter.

Once he was done trimming it down , he found a strong vine , which easily connected and bended the strong piece of wood with ease , since the forest vines were a lot thicker in this forest and hence the strength to bend the wood.

Carefully gliding his claws alongside the vine , he wanted to make the vine slimmer to make sure it was less of a problem to knock a arrow on , so he once again but his claws to the vine-


[Basic crafting]

the vine was slimmed down , and seemed even to be more resistance , looking like normal string more than some random old jungle vine.

The shape of the bow was also more slimmer and compacted , with the higher limb and lower limb curving out , giving it a distinct appearance of a long-bow.

Daedulus examined the bow , before nodding his head contently.

Should be enough.

Walking out of the forest after making rudimentary arrows with wood , Daedulus went back to his hut to see a cloak and a mask , something that Ashen had given him the day before.

The sounds of horses filled the village , which made Daedulus exit the wooden house


It was bandits.

20 of them , all on horses riding to the village.

Daedulus saw Axel ready his spear , which made him shake his head.

20 against 1.


Daedulus readied his spears , before shooting a few arrows at the bodies of the horses.

They needed to be cut down and slimmed , so that Axel would be at a lower disadvantage, and he could fight them on the ground.

The bandits weren't Terrarians , so Daedulus didn't believe they could beat him too easily.

"YOU BASTARDS!" Axel's spear lit up in a golden glow as he stabbed forward , before the spear came close to one of the bandits head.


The spear stopped , which caused Daedulus to frown.

Somebody came behind him , which caused Axel to rapidly turn away from the man he nearly took the life of and block the incoming sword strike with his wooden spear.

Daedulus raised his eyebrow as he watched the wooden spear block a iron sword , which made him think of how powerful his spears were , and they were only wooden right now.

"[Spear Thrust]!" Axel shouted out as the spear landed on the man's head , reducing it to blood mist in seconds.

"NO!" Axel shouted out , disgusted by his own actions. But this time , it was too late.

the boy slumped to the floor as Axel's face morphed into one of disgust and fear , as the sight of the blood dripping down his head caused the back hairs to raise up on his back.

What did he do?

this person may of being a bandit , but they might of have a family , a loving mother or father he never had-

Axel looked around at the bandit's slaughtering the innocents in the village , and he thought to himself.

No , these people don't deserve to live.

He didn't feel disgusted by taking a life anymore , as he watched as a old lady get butchered , and more bandits raiding the village.

And then his eyes swept over to his grandfathers house , which was the biggest one in the village.

It had been already raided by the bandits , and if Grandfather is in such a vulnerable position...

"YOU BASTARDS!" Axel's spear lit in a bright golden glow , as Daedulus expressionless face morphed into pure joy in the shadows.

The golden glow enveloped the spear , turning the wooden spear into a golden like appearance.

Daedulus watched as the naïve young boy's eyes flickered from sad to pure despair.

It was.... exhilarating.

To think someone could change in a matter of 43 days.

Bandit's head's went flying , as each one that rushed Axel was met with the tip of his spear.

No hesitation in the slightest as they all get mowed down in a matter of seconds.

And within 5 minutes , no human life could be seen in the village that was engulfed in flames that claimed the whole village.

"Grandfather.... i won.... i won...." Axel slumped to the ground , his body full of injury and strain due to battle that just happened.

Daedulus finally came out of the shadows of the village , before looking at all the dead bodies in the village with a smile.

What a cunning old man.

The plan was a success.