
Terraria System In Marvel

A Terraria addict died playing his favorited game. His misfortune ending up being a blessing in disguise as he obtain the greatest gift. He's chosen to be the next Terraria Heroes. The Slayer of All, the mighty fighter that use the corpse of his enemy for his rise into power. Watch Alexander Wise journey into becoming the biggest menace to the Marvel World. Disclaimer: All property is own by Marvel and Terraria, except for my Original Character. ========== This is the link to the image, it belong to Terraria https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/1a/Terraria_Steam_artwork.jpg ========== Support me in my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ANormalHuman ========== Update Schedule 5 Chapters Per Week. 100 Power stones = +1 Chapter 10 Patron member = +1 Chapter

God_Of_Justice · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 9: Training

I stand around thirty meters away from John. Locking eyes with the boy, signaling him the message, 'give it your all'. Understanding the message, he raises his thump up. Seeing his confirmation, I took a breath of air one last time, during which I equipped the Hermes Boots. Next, I stretch my body, calming my mind and body.

After reaching a certain level of comfort, I took a running stance and dashed.

Of course, I'm not running like a mindless chicken. I've implemented a simple strategy of taking cover, moving in between the trees, and using them to block John's attack. If you can't dodge the attack, block it.

After successfully blocking some shots, I noticed that the strategy is becoming less and less effective as each attack was obstructed. Progressively they're getting closer to hitting me. All the evidence suggests that John is quickly adapting to my simple strategy, timing his attack better.

Complexity must be added, or else getting struck would be inevitable.

The addition I believe would help is randomization. Specifically, my movement.

Humans are great at noticing patterns; smart ones are even more skilled. My obvious movement of dashing forward while taking cover is too easy for anyone to decern. Especially for John, since from my observation by the time he misses two shots, he'd already noticed my pattern, adapting to it. All he needed was timing and victory is in his hand.

Hench, the reason why I need to randomize my movement. Only by being unpredictable would there be no pattern to observe. Utilizing this strategy would change the game from timing to reaction.

Right after John's seventh attack, I didn't advance forward, choosing to instead bolt to the left. My unexpected move causes the homing laser beam to twist far from its course landing on a random tree.

Confirming that my scheme works, I begin to move erratically. Having no thoughts in mind whenever I change directions. Every action was truly random with no pattern in sight.

Due to dozens of twists and turns, closing fifteen meters took longer than expected. Going from seconds to minutes. Even with this offset the task of dodging becomes easier. At some point, I thought, "This is too easy."

That thought would begin to grow into arrogance; molding my mind to believe, that maybe, just maybe, I was overthinking it all. It's not hard; nothing to worry about.

With such thought, it wasn't a surprise when I got hit directly on the chest.

The powerful blast releases its mighty energy upon my silver armor. Knocking quite a large amount of air out of my system.

Simultaneously, my body was flung across the woods, leading to an obvious collision with a tree. Resulting in not only chest pain, but also back pain. And face pain, before upon falling to the ground, my face was the first to land.

In great pain, I struggled to get up, twitching profusely in anguish. Wanting to not give up, I punched the ground, enduring the suffering. Forcing myself to stand up.

That was all a lie; a false conviction. Pretending to be strong, even though inside I'm nothing but a coward.

Even though I've accepted my true nature, there's still a part of me screaming to get back up. Yet just like in real life; the majority wins.

Like the good coward I was, I shouted "Stop the firing! Let's end this training!"

In response to my cries of defeat. John didn't put down his right arm. It was still firmly raised. Upon seeing his action, I've remembered the words I said to John before the training started. "In the training session, don't stop shooting me until I've touched you. Doesn't matter how much pain I suffers, keep shotting. No matter how much I beg, keep shooting."

Despite knowing, it was too late. A light flickered from his palm. Following that a beam of light struck me, directly on the head.

Thankfully I have a helmet on, otherwise, my face would be burned by such a powerful beam. Nevertheless, the blow was still hot and painful. Primarily to the neck because my head is protected. The neck wasn't, and when the attack forcefully pushes my head upward, it sprains my neck.

Other than the neck and head pain. I was also hurled once more, this time. The back wasn't the one receiving the impact. My little brother would be embracing the collision head-on.

The appropriate reaction to this nightmare was absolute horror. Everything from my expression to my body was pale, like a corpse. Stiffness spread across my body, preventing muscle movement.

I thought I was doomed. As Images of my manhood being crippled for life flash in my head.

Just when my little one was about to meet his end. Something triggered inside of me. A hidden instinct that would help overcome this dread.

Directing the signal 'save the crown jewel' to every fiber of my being. Propelling them to go into overdrive. Everything was solved instantly as it forces my leg to move at lightning-fast speed; closing the gate. Landing on my feet at the side of the tree.

Gravity gets to work dragging me to the land below, luckily my hand was already raised forward. So, I was prepared to land on my hands, instead of my face.

Not even a moment passed and John with his aim bot weapon fired another shot, hitting my head yet again. I was beyond furious at this point; who wouldn't be, one head shot is already agonizing enough, but two. That's beyond pain, it's torment.

"FUCK!!!" I shouted in great infuriation. The whole forest shook from my scream; conveying my emotion to the highest extent. I am enraged.

My wrath burns intensely, as I travel in the air. Continuing to build up even when I am tumbling on the dirt like a barrel. Only stopping when my ribs crash against a tree.

Pains of great magnitude quake inside my body, snapping me out of my madness. I pounded the soil with my fist, stomaching the suffering the best I can. Yet my action did nothing at all.

Recognizing that my pain wouldn't go away anytime soon. I gathered all my willpower and crawl to the nearest tree. Taking cover behind it.

I lift my own body into a sitting position. Experiencing more pain in the process.

To lessen the anguish, I breathe heavily, sucking as much air as possible. Although nothing happens in the begin, after some time I felt better, though not fast enough.

Having no other choice, I decided to drink a Lesser Health Potion. Removing the pain entirely.

"Well, that's a huge waste of a valuable resource." I thought in grimace.

Nonetheless what's done is done. Thinking of sunk cost would bring back no value.

So, I decided to try and clear my mind with the only method I know how, breathing. A few inhales and exhales later I've become calm enough to start thinking again.

Allowing me to plan out a strategy. Basing it on the two things I know. I know that within the 15 meters mark is when John can attack with a hundred percent accuracy since that's when there are not enough trees to obstruct his attacks.

Second, due to the auto-aim feature the only way he could miss is through using the trees as cover.

Recapping my action during my first attempted there's only thing that's certain to work. Utilizing the tree to stopped the attacks. However, since there are a small number of trees in the 15 meters mark; going from one tree to the next would require more than a second of time. Enough for John to hit me.

That means getting hit is unavoidable. Measurement should be considered to reduce the negative taking struck.

Putting every information combined; the winning condition is simple. While dashing toward John, run between the trees, and change directions if the gap is too far to cover in a second. Inside the 15 meters mark, must always be ready to get hit. Get up quickly, take cover, or start sprinting immediately.

Prior to executing my plan, I repeat the protocol inside my head several times. Engraving it into my mind. On the instance that I panic and don't know what to do, which will most likely happen. My subconscious mind would be able to recall the information and follow the plan without my own thought. At least I hope it would.

Finishing with all the preparation, I took action, charging in between the woods. When the opportunity arises and I am sure that I could advance forward I would take it. The process repeats as I trained myself, getting used to the strategy. Readying myself to embrace the challenge that is the 15 meters mark.

As soon as I took a step into the threshold, a beam of light truck me at my shoulder. Twirling me like a cyclone to the ground, injuring both should because I landed on my other shoulder.

While in pain, I didn't utter a single sound. Tanking the agony completely.

I swiftly recover. Sprinting the moment, I've gotten back up.

No faltering shall be had, no weakness. Stay strong and secure victory.

In a few seconds I've reached the danger zone for the third time. Taking cover behind a tree as soon as I took my first step inside. Taking my time analyzing an optimal path before making my next move.

A few moments of observation, I found a route, I believed to be the best. The path has enough directional changes that John wouldn't be able to predict. While also having gaps tight enough for me to cover in a second. Although I have faith in success. There's still that doubt in my mind, telling me that I'm wrong.

I clench my fist and gritted my teeth prepping myself to give my all. My body tense up, fully set on unleashing every single potential strength inside my body.

"I will run fast, I will go fast, I will be untouchable!" I hyped myself up.

Before running with speeds beyond my own capability, disappearing and reappearing like a flashing light. On many occasions beams brush by me, radiating its intense heat. However, none landed solidly on my body.

Even though the strategy is working, I know for sure that it won't be effective for long. John isn't an NPC that can't adapt. He's a living breathing human with super intelligent, I am certain plans has already begun to formulate in his mind.

It's only a matter of time. I must make a gamble, between John and me. Who will utilize their time much better?

The pressure is on, there's no more time to waste. I can't play it safe for long. Risk must be taken.

I know it's a gamble, but risk can be managed; reduce. The tools I will use to reduce the odds of failure is the Wooden Boomerang.

The Wulfrum Prosthesis tracking is similar to a camera taking a picture. To prevent its tracking; an obstruction must be made. That's the job of the Wooden Boomerang.

Every time I'm making a risky move; sprinting toward a tree that's quite far away. I will toss the Wooden Boomerang as far as possible toward John general direction. The purpose of this action is for the Wooden Boomerang to travel near John, making it look massive toward the tracker, enough that it would conceal lots of my body part. Restricting the movement of the lasers.

Following the plan, I tossed the Wooden Boomerang toward John while still safely behind a tree. Immediately after, I sprinted toward a tree to my right. The tree isn't near, making such would normally result in getting hit. However, if my plan works the worst that could happen is getting graze by the beam.

Just when I was a meter near the tree a shot was fired. The projectile headed my way, just when it was about to hit the Wooden Boomerang, it maneuvers around the weapon perfectly heading directly at my location.

"I will be hit." I thought.

Until my stupid brain comes to realize something, the trajectory it's heading not to my present location, but to my past location. During the time I processed all the information, the laser beam brush passed my body hitting the tree behind me.

Witnessing the projectile missing. A new idea pops into my head; another puzzle piece to my strategy. The Wooden Boomerang can also be used to manipulate the path of the laser. Although quite unlikely because the Wooden Boomerang isn't that big and coincident wouldn't happen all the time. The detail should still be considered.

Enlightened, I quicken my advancement even more, gaining a considerable amount of confidence due to the new strategy. Weaving through the woods like a predator, fearing not of the prey attack.

Many attacks came my way, all being close to hitting me. Each evasion inflate my ego, as I become risker by the second.

I went from only running to trees two seconds away to five. The fifteen-meter distance was quickly diminishing, with only three meters remaining.

When I realized that there were only three meters left, an insane thought surfaced in my mind. Why don't I just breach the whole thing? It's only three meters, I can definitely close that distance in seconds.

There's a rational side to me that's screaming for me to be cautious, but in the end, my mind was swayed by the inner demon.

I rushed toward John, hoping to seal the victory once and for all. However, just as I've taken the first step. The false reality shattered like fragile glass, everything leading up to this moment was a trap. One design for fools like me.

There wasn't any panic on John's face, from the beginning till now it's tranquil. Almost like he was expecting everything; everything is under his control.

"How?" I questioned, until my eyes look down; seeing no marks. It's than that I realize.

The Wooden Boomerang wasn't helping in reducing accuracy at all. The misses were just a ruse, all the attacks weren't meant to hit me. The mark was ever on me, instead it was on the tree behind.

Everything leading up to this point was planned. Even after knowing the fact. I don't quite understand the reason.

Why make this elaborate plan? If he could hit me all along. Why didn't he do so? Why wait till I am so close? It just doesn't make sense.

John with a grin on his face, "Right now, you're questioning my intent? Why would he wait till I'm this close before attacking? You'll know why?" he uttered.

Before proceeding to fire at me directly to my chest. Launching me into the air. I was expecting the same regular fate of hitting a tree, but it seems I was wrong. Whilst in the air, I got shot once more sending me further upward.

Only after getting struck once more mid-air did, I realize his plan. He's planning to launch me back to the beginning in one fell swoop.

"FUCK!!!" I shouted comprehending his cruel plan.