
Terrae Fabula

A kid bullied A world in trouble, played with by the whims of a higher power Watch as a kid grows into something alike of a legend within a messed up world of men and gods. Within there will be monsters, A mysterious system, Revenge. Rage. Sadness. What will become of our kid..? Also bear with me on the beginning, I am slowly going through those chapters fixing them. Note- I am a student, So I can not post chapters on weekdays- But on weekends I will try to post 2 chapters on saturday and Sunday and fix mistakes! So let me know your thoughts!

Emilarrow_Viper1 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Eerie awakening..

Ahhhhh! My head burns..Where am I? This smells so bad.. Like batteries have been splattered over my room.

Tik Tak.. Tik Tak TIk TAK!

What is that noise? It's getting louder!

"MOMMMM" I Yell. I might be late for school! My alarm hasn't gone off. I knew I should have replaced it!

I can't wait to speak to Jaiden today! She is so pretty and kind. I once saw her help an elderly down the street! She gave me part of her lunch when I forgot to pack!

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… It must be Scout! Maybe he is hungry?

I don't remember Scout being this big… It really brings a tear to me face, They grow up so fast.. Scout is like 3.7 feet tall on all fours now! I remember when he was such a small dog!

Awww he is so precious, I'm going to go grab him some food! Time to get up!

"Scout are you hungry?" I speak as I go closer to him. Mom should have fed him by now but maybe she forgot! I have to go get his dog food now from the cabinet in the kitchen!

Scout rears his head back and then lunges forward and bites my wrist. "SCOUT ITS ME! STOP!" I'm yelling. Is Scout okay? How can he forget me? He has been my best friend for 13 years, unbelievable!

CRUNCH. Scout bit down harder on my wrist, It's definitely broken. I can see bone split in half and I look in the dogs eyes and I realize it is a wolf. Sharp Keen eyes, it's large muscular build. The Snot coming out it's nose. This is definitely a vicious killing beast.. I might be screwed.

I remember now. I guess I survived the truck.. but what is this wolf doing in my hospital room? Why is it so big? Where is everyone? The time for thinking is later, first I have to live.

The wolf is still locked onto my wrist with it's incredible sharp teeth. I'll try to take advantage of it being so close. I raise my elbow up high and bring it down between it's 2 eyes. The grip on my wrist loosens but the wolf does not relent. I elbow it another time, soldiering through the immense pain brought by the wolf's hard skin, and another, until it finally let go of me.

The wolf dashed into the other side of the room and stared me down with it's bloody eyes and starts to circle around me.

Fuck it hurts. What a great welcoming gift for me. I'm trying to stand my ground but it is scary, I feel like running away but I know this beast is faster than me. Think. Think. If this wolf lunges at me, I'll kick it while it is in the air without grounded support! That has to be my best best!

"COME AT ME" I demand of the wolf. All the waiting is getting to my head. As if this terror was listening to me, it jumped at a pace I have never seen an animal go. In a rush I go for my kick at it's side, but my balance was off and as I make contact with the rock hard muscles of my enemy, I stumble in the same direction that it was sent.

Face to face with the wolf, I decide it's my turn to make the next move, and I punch it with my non-broken hand. CLINK. What is this wolf's snout made out of? It felt like metal! no time to think I need to keep hitting it. I keep on throwing jabs at it's snout, and without giving the 4 legged animal a chance to breathe, I throw a kick at it's neck. I guess I slightly missed but I left the animal stunned. I throw another kick, which connected with the neck this time. The beast whines as it is left shocked. I kick it again and again.

DUDU! *Player has leveled up, the system has recognized a new player. Would you like to give yourself a name?*

AH! I got scared there was another monster for a moment, but it must have just been me going insane. What the hell is a system? Is it like one of those game mechanics? Haha what am I thinking... Wouldn't be the first of my delusions today.

I feel oddly bad for having to kill this wolf, it's whines of pain.. reminded me of Scout. But I had to do that to survive. I need to look outside this room

I slowly walk to the door through the sticky red blood of the wolf. I twist the dark handle and.. that is a pile of bodies, guts and organs. And.. is that my dad? is that mom? WHAT IS GOING ON? I Run over to the pile but as I get near, I hear growling noises from behind the pile. I take a step back towards the door. More wolves. As this thought crosses my mind 2 enormous wolves, bigger than the rest pop up, At least 5 feet tall on their four legs. That's not all. 3 more small wolves, slightly bigger than the one I killed, appear next to the giants.

I run back to the door and lock it. These wolves are too wide to fit through this door, I hope. What is going on..?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Im new! Give me tips!

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