
Iron Circuit

"Welcome to the combat arena, how can I help you today?" A desk attendant said to Luke as he entered the building.

For a moment, Luke was speechless as the attendant talking to him was a humanoid shaped rabbit with whiskers for a mustache and tall, fluffy, pointy ears.

"Umm, sir, how may I help you?" The attendant repeated, as Luke got out of his stupor.

"I'm here to try my hand at the iron circuit" Luke said, repeating what Cervantez had informed him.

"Certainly sir, what time do you wish to enter?" the attendant asked

"As soon as possible" Luke replied.

"Very well, we have the circuit empty at the moment, so if you pay the 5 gold fees, we can get started right away" The attendant said, as Luke paid the fees immediately.

Uptil now, Luke and Leo did not understand the importance of money in Terra Nova or the fact that 5 gold coins was equivalent to the average lower middle class family's monthly income.

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