
Terra's Retreat

Earth, the Cradle of Man. Ever since the Early Colonization period it rapidly grew throughout the years, both populations, Resources and Scientific advancements alike. A hundred years later, they have created one of the first Interstellar travel capable of traversing to other systems. And Greatly Expanded their sphere of influence, Soon they would discover that they were not alone. on one of the Sol federation Frontier bases They lost contact, The last Report from them were the large energy Spike readings in the System.

Lance_Soreal · Sci-fi
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Ch. 3

It has been 2 Weeks since we've detected the dug out resources, and a week ago since we've detected movements on their Second Planet. The Aeternum has to Stop their Course due to Unprecedented danger. Today, On a Normal Time in the Brig doing the occasional scans when i had heard our captain cliff made an Announcement.

"Due to our previous encounter with extraterrestrials, It has been decided by the main fleet to act with extreme Caution"

The Crew Reacted With Mixed Expressions, Some Wondering why we aren't Going for the Aggressive stance and Start Kidnapping them, Some Breathe a Sigh of relief, And Some whose faces Wore Neutral Expressions. I do not Know What they're thinking but it's probably not good

"That is All"

After saying so, Captain Cliff Turned around and left the room.


It has been Years since we've left the territory of Sol, And a Decade more since we've left earth. I could still remember that time when my father hugged me for the last time before departing for the battle ahead.

But now though, *Sigh* I walked to my Office from the Bridge Where I made an Announcement to the entire Crew,

I walked in and sat on my Chair and laid about for a Minute or two before using the Computer to Contact Someone in the science department. I called their Head to do a Meeting for Further Investigation of these Dugged up Rocks. Soon The screen opened for one person.

"This is Head Science Officer, Rachel Ti sir."

Says the girl with little eyes on the left side of the screen.

"Good, How Are You Feeling, Rachel?."

I said

"Never Better Sir" She Said Confidently Before Replying to her "That's good"

We chatted a Bit More about the Happenings of her department before Going to the main Topping.

"Is this about the Rock sir?" she said with assumption before Affirming it to her.

"As a Matter of Fact, Yes. Today I've called you to a Mission, We've Received Orders from the Main fleet that We Take as Many Samples as we can and send It to them. Your Main Mission would be Collecting them."

Suddenly, Her Facial Expression switched to Serious and Listened to these orders before Accepting them.

"Understood" she said before saying "Good, You're Now Dismissed".

Soon After, The Screen Between the Two Cut Off.


After a Few Hours Of Scanning I'm now At the Cafeteria along With my Friends and my Meal,

We were Talking about our Captain's Latest announcement and How it'll probably Play out, about how our days Went Along, And A few Jabs and Jokes to the side. This Was How Our Lunch Always Played out. But This Time, One of The Tables in the Corner Got Loud, and Started Raising their Voices.

Apparently it was just Some argument about a Lady, they were Talking about who's the one that'll Win Her over.

"Wonder who that lady was" Wondering on Who The lady was David spoke in answering my Question.

"Oh, Her. I found her on one of My Patrols outside the Ship, Cleaning the Hulls"

"Was she Beautiful?" I asked

"That I'm Certain, She was quite a Looker"

David replied with a bit of Twinkle in his eyes.

"Wow, If David's Saying she's beautiful, She must be So"

Emma was surprised, Surprised as to the fact that David was someone who's Beautiful. He's Usually Someone who doesn't find People Attractive.

We talked more before going back to our Stations.