
Terminal Mercenary

A cocky yet terminally ill mercenary and a cold police officer who despises him, work together to arrest the volatile genocidal psychopath responsible for his illness and stop all while stopping a future world war. -^v--^v--^v--^v- The extremely cocky mercenary Stultic is one of the most wanted criminals in the world and has been running circles around police officer Madica Myers for years, but their war is put on a ceasefire when Stultic is left gravely wounded and terminally ill due to an unexpected run-in with the volatile genocidal psychopath Zephoram. After Madica is labelled a fugitive for aiding Stultic in his grand escape from police custody, the two join forces to fell the dangerous criminal, find a cure to his illness, learn the secrets of their ever-changing fantastical world, and all while trying to mend their volatile relationship. This story is a mix of both Science Fiction and Fantasy with a few other genres thrown in between. If you're a fan of Sci-Fi or Fantasy, you will NOT regret reading this novel! Trust me, when I say IT IS NOT ALL FOCUSED ON SCIENCE FICTION! CURRENTLY IN ALPHA PHASE! (Focused solely on writing the story and finishing the first draft with pretty minimalistic editing to form the story's framework) WILL GO INTO BETA PHASE AFTER NOVEL IS COMPLETED! (Focused on intense, rigorous editing and story-bending rewrites to ensure the novel is of the highest quality for the Final Draft) Cover by 'Yours Truly' (AKA Tezerla)

Elijah8192 · Sci-fi
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14 Chs

Author's Note

Hello there!

My name is Tezerla and I'm the author of Terminal Mercenary!

This project started on May 10th, 2020 and I've been working on it ever since. This story was birthed from a culmination of my failed attempts at writing a story and unused ideas I always had on the backburner. I have to be honest, it took me a while until I came up with an idea that I felt comfortable and willing to write an entire story around. Finally, after a very long time of being caged by my mental shackles, I am currently in the process of writing this novel with no signs of stopping! Stultic was never one to give up easily anyways...

Remember that each like, vote, and comment truly counts! I really appreciate each one A LOT!

I do want to warn you that my schedule for writing has not been set in stone as of yet. I've always been focused on quality rather than quantity. This is also the first novel that I've ever written and yes, I do have a life so I may need to focus on other things in said life! Life's all about living it to the fullest, am I right? Therefore, I hope you stick with me even though my unstable, rickety schedule! I'll try my best to update as often as possible! If I don't update very soon, there's always a lot of great novels on this platform so there's more than enough to do while I'm busy creating and destroying ideas to finish chapters!

With that out of the way, it's about time you got to read the novel itself. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this short introduction and I hope you follow along with the novel and go on this extraordinary journey with me. I truly wish for it at least!

Let's move on to the Preface!

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