
Termina: Life in the undeground

Dan Owens is a young man followed by calamity. His whole life a series of unfortunate events. He who was tired of living, woke up only to find himself in a completely different place. Termina. The last bastion of mankind in the fight against the mutant beasts that plague the surface. Will the good for nothing Dan be able to cope with his new situation? Or will he remain stuck at the bottom of the ladder, never to reach new heights? One thing's for certain, he needs to pay his phone bill! Updates once or twice a week for now.

Pwnzer · Urban
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82 Chs

Stopped at the Gate

Eden. The place was supposed to be a beautiful garden paradise according to biblical accounts. I found it kind of funny.

The tall stalwart walls of the Eden city were painted white suggesting holy grandness yet… The toll the walls suffered over the years tinted the paint a dirty yellow and the chipped paint allowed visage to the plain grey concrete. The greatness of the paradise that was supposed to be Eden could not be seen from its exterior.

Right, the exterior. Based on the fact that we were given bread among other things I was certain that the grass would be greener on the other side.

"That's Eden everybody" Rook said with a smirk. The others in the back which had until now kept their heads down suddenly perked up to have a look.

"Wow! So large!" The walls were tall though wethered, and the sight of the sun shining on said walls was new to everybody. It was as if God himself was highlighting the place as one of hope. Eden was a sharp contrast to the darkness that enveloped Termina come night.

As the military vehicle traveled closer to the monumental walls, we were starting to be taken notice of. I averted my eyes after a sharp glint attacked my vision.

"Aaaaaaah! I forgot! All of you! Wear uniforms again!" Rook yelled out of nowhere.


"WOAH!" "AH!" "Hey What-" He suddenly halted the vehicle in typical Rook fashion.

"Stop being melodramatic and get dressed. Come on hurry!" Rook turned and told the others. I was actually already wearing my soldier uniform. Why?

Well, I didn't have any other clothing. If one were to recount my activities, they would quickly realize that I never had time to acquire new clothing. Thankfully as a poor sob, I knew how to do my own laundry so I had no problem alternating between two outfits.

"You heard him!" Kaiser yelled. Some of the members were still in a confused stupor. This snapped them right back to reality.

After less than five minutes, the truck finally started moving again.

"Ok, remember, if they ask why we stopped we'll say one of you had to go to the bathroom" Rook said carefully while turning to look at us.

"Fuck just drive!" I screamed as I saw hints of the vehicle starting to swerve.

"Hey you gotta le-" "SLOW DOWN OR WE"LL OPEN FIRE!!!" Rook's words were rudely cut off by a man shouting from a megaphone.

"Ok, remem-" Before Rook could repeat his meaningless advice someone tapped on the military truck's window. It was a mean-looking officer holding a gun.

Rook's expression which was turned to everyone at the back turned solemn before he quickly turned back making an extremely frightened expression. He rolled down the window as if his life depended on it and-


"STOP STOP!" The officer walked and yelled while aiming at Rook.

"I- I got something to report!" Rook shouted with fright. I couldn't see his expression but the way he shivered suggested he would pee his pants at any moment.

"Speak" The officer said not letting down his guard. The officer's pistol which seemed more advanced than the ones Kaiser owned was still aimed straight at the head of Rook.

"The- The, hope military base was under attack by a mutant!" Rook said before promptly turning his head toward us.

"RIGHT!?!" He asked nearly blowing out my eardrum. The members froze for a second before giving succinct and speedy responses.

"Yeah!" "Umm... Yes!" "Hmhm" They said in agreement while others simply nodded fervently.

The officer stopped before pulling out a walkie talkie with one hand and beginning to report exactly as we said. After that, he turned to us and asked us something.

"Then why did you stop earlier if you had such important news?" He said with clear suspicion. He had to report Rook's words since delaying a response for a real alert would be detrimental but that didn't mean he bought it quite yet.

"""One of us had to go to the bathroom""" Rook and the others all said leaving me dazed.

"Really?" The officer said not relenting.

"Yeah, he had to go to the bathroom and you know how embarrassing it is to do at the front" Rook added while pointing his finger innocently at me.

"Eh?" I blurted out in confusion.

The officer narrowed his eyes with clear suspicion...

"He is just shy. I mean, imagine delaying the response to an emergency because you had to take a leak." Rook added more fuel to the fire leaving me entirely speechless.

As if anyone would believe this shitty excuse!! The least he could have done is not single me out like that if he was going to use such bullshit!

"Alright, pass me your documents" The officer said as he lowered his gun. I was flabbergasted. Things are actually proceeding!?

Rook like an obedient lamb leaned over to the glove box and brought out a bunch of important-looking documents.

"Here you go" Rook said as he passed them all crumpled and bent to the officer.

The officer grabbed the documents and opened them to have a cursory look before nodding his head and handing them all back.

"You are good to go." He said before hoisting up his walky-talky again.

"Open the gate, Over" The officer informed someone. The gate to Eden was also a large white wall-like gate. It started to slide downwards following the order.

Rook saw and heard all he needed. He closed the car window before sighing and giving me a disappointed stare.

"You really need to brush up on your acting" He said seriously. I wasn't certain if he was evil before but now I was sure of it!

Is that I would have loved to say but there had to be a good reason why the guard let us through even with such a suspicious account of the events.

Perhaps acknowledging my thoughts, Rook began to speak.

"The guards need to write something down on their reports" ...That was what he said.

"I don't think anyone is going to buy that" I told him hiding my resentment.

"Pffffttt hahaha! Nobody reads those things anyway!" Rook declared with a laugh before pressing down on the accelerator.

"Let's go! Into Eden!!!" He shouted as the military vehicle sped towards the now open magnificent gate of Eden.

That was something... Originally the events weren't going to transpire like this but I found myself writing this comical bit. I think it was good, I laughed anyway but maybe I'm the weird one.

Thanks for reading!

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