
50.2_Gambit of mentorship

Chapter 50.2: Across the blazing heaven, the blood swamp resided

'mitis tenebrae': The basic healing spell that demons use, I deemed it because the usage is quite unrequited even for someone new like Shin. The visualization of wound stitches by dark threads, however, was transparent for me. Maybe my mana is so pure that every mana that isn't polar to elemental is deemed void.

venenatum praelium: By Andromalius's accumulated poison in his vessel and authority, he exerts all of them outward and creates a gas melting every non-living object in the area of effect. The living ones, are badly poisoned and reduce the stage of dizziness. I heard many of the "servants' had died to this kind of unique aura.

Palus sanguinis: A swamp area from the blood of my enemies, they appeared after my authority changed. The condition for it isn't quite hard to occur, intense battle and bloodthirst. Some said they heard the agony wailing whenever it was activated, maybe they have mixed them with the enemy's sound of despair.

'Shikiten style, Setsudan no gishiki': A move that is important in Shin's equipped. He took inspiration from the ceremony of severing that cut tie with the relative. Something something about using the authority of the foreign god, they are quite restrictive as they work on familiarity. But on occasion does he learn enough about the source up both end and have enough plausibility to pay, it would be a force to reckon with.

[Gabriel's POV]

The once-proud castle, the bearer of the world's deepest secrets, lies in pathetic ruin, sprawled across the slumbering mountain range below. I have not anticipated nor yearned for this day, yet witnessing its downfall brings an indescribable elation. Everyone struggles to escape the impending doom emanating from the corrupted core, but they have yet to meet their demise.

"Very well, we shall proceed henceforth. As the one who has resided here the longest, I shall lead the way," my voice exudes authority, befitting of a war. A moment of hesitation would come at a great cost, yet starting off on the wrong foot would rob us of our momentum.

To vanquish one's master after they have surpassed the old ideals and succumbed to the terrors of the ancient path—a fantastical notion derived from the foreign concepts of honor and dispute. I ponder the fate of the dawn Goddess's Continent, which must now lie in ruins.

Admittedly, I too have overlooked certain flaws in my calculations. Why did I bring two poison-makers into the same battle? I should have instructed Mikhail to substitute one with Furcas, skilled in the art of fiery combustion. Alas, it seems my plan is futile now, as events have taken an unexpected turn.

"Gabriel, do you lament that things could have transpired differently? I know you have exerted every ounce of your power to prevent this outcome, but..." Andromalius speaks with a tone laced with pity. Perhaps Mikhail's influence has softened him, though I do appreciate the sentiment.

"I am fine. Furthermore, I find my moral compass aligns more with Shin than with the traditional ideals of this continent. Death in battle should not be met with sorrow or pity," I reply. There is a philosophical notion my father imparted to me, yet it has been proven false and ludicrous by my brother.

Amidst the tumult of conflicting morals, our foes hover in the sky, awaiting their impending demise. After this encounter concludes, I must clear my mind and provide Andromalius with an answer that satisfies both him and myself.

A swarm of lesser Powers, how vexing that they should be our initial adversaries. It is but a feeble attempt by the primordial Powers, such as Lord Andromalius, to mock us. They are a mindless horde driven by insatiable bloodlust, their claim to power hidden within a history of barbarism and mass slaughter.

"When one has witnessed countless massacres and the relentless carnage that ensues, death and mercy lose their novelty. I have observed what is perceived as mercy, only to realize it was merely a veiled execution for those deemed betrayers and cowards." Amidst the slaughter, my thoughts gather and reflect. It is in the midst of such brutality that I recall the absurd notion of chivalry that humanity so ardently imposes on their knights.

The romanticized ideal of fighting until one's last breath is nothing more than fairy tales designed to reinforce the divine pretensions of those who claim to be paladins. In the name of God and divine protection, half of them utter senseless words, akin to blind lambs. In the end, those who awaken from their delusions often meet their demise on the hangman's noose.

"Then I suppose that my master's glorious end will be to burn until their soul dwindles into mere cinders. We must endure until Uriel releases that radiant arrow, fighting as if it were our last day." Those words linger amidst the splatter of blood. The only objective is to hold on long enough for Uriel to prepare her formidable arsenal.

Saturated with the crimson essence, their holy power becomes tainted. It appears that Father has taken notice of our plan to create these suicidal bombs. Andromalius has suffered the most, shielding Shin from harm. Having spent considerable time with them, I had mistaken their vulnerability. Perhaps light magic proves to be their weakness, but alas, I am unfamiliar with dark magic's healing properties.

['Care for the forsaken, O darkness']

['mitis tenebrae']

The incantation of dark magic for healing reveals itself to me. I had believed dark magic to solely serve as a conduit for energy transfer. But now, these wounds are mended by the invisible black threads, an enigmatic manifestation of mana's influence in the realm of dark magic.

Supposedly, I have become an official of Saudade, and it is imperative that I familiarize myself with its intricacies, sooner rather than later. The incantation wouldn't be the foremost problem since I was taught by my brother to mimic the image of mana for the recreation of my own mental image for the magic to proceed. All I need is for the invocation, 'mitis tenebrae'.

{'Care for-'}

"Stand aside, Shin. I shall heal lord Andromalius up in no time." The process of the new magic learner is to be too slow for adaption, lending a hand as the mana dispute. Those threads of mana seem not to be tainted by Shin's color, so he has always been using his soul as a catalyst for spells…such an idiotic tactic.

"I thought you didn't know dark magic, lord Gabriel. Was that a lie?" He scoffs but still stands aside without another disruptive behavior, that behavior seems to be more problematic than Akan or Akin would ever pull because of the randomness of his emotions sometimes.

"No, it wasn't. He should be my first test subject. I have already remembered the incantation." I say and put my hand up on those wounds. Picturing those mana threads turns to darken and being to stitch on the open wounds.

['Care forsaken, darkness']

['mitis tenebrae']

The mana mends in a quick manner, my thread turns to a transparent-like rather than the dark mana. Like holding the needle, I carefully think of the stitches of wounds that need to be sowed. One by one, the wounds caused by an explosion of holy bombs have recovered.

"The inadequate incantations you speak are meaningless. How has it come to this?" Andromalius wears a peculiar expression, not of confusion or surprise, but rather the terror of disbelief. It appears that his physical wounds have healed, indicating his recovery, yet his mind seems scattered elsewhere.

"This is my first time dabbling into dark magic. Somehow, the mana appears transparent instead of dark. Let me know if you feel any discomfort," I offer words of reassurance during these challenging times. It seems that after all these years, I have not forgotten the lessons taught by Mikhail.

"First time!?" Shin exclaims, grasping the significance of my statement.

"Both of you possess such monstrous capabilities, yet you have maintained a docile facade. I don't understand," Andromalius expresses his thoughts, revealing himself to be like any other person. It is unfortunate that Mikhail placed such earnest trust in him, but who am I to assign blame? I, too, almost revealed our secrets to mortal companions.

The tension is shattered by a beam of light streaking across the hazy sky, leaving a trail of rainbow hues. The trajectory of the beam is twisted and contorted, indicating it is not Uriel's doing. The fact that the artifacts still react means that she is still "alive" and has not been defeated.

"The ripple has weakened; time is running out," Andromalius urgently proclaims. It's curious how he refers to these protective amulets as "ripples." Strangely enough, they have never served their intended purpose—for us, at least. Mental fatigue has overtaken the two, so we cannot afford to take any risks.

With those words, we charge into the final chamber guarding the eastern door. The air is filled with a noxious stench—rotting flesh, perhaps? Harpies are known for their maddening obsession with loved ones, so these piles of corpses must be what she cherishes. Not until the end, do I notice the first short sword she ever bestowed upon me.

"So, you have come to offer your lives to me, intruders," Camael excitedly shouts amidst the mountain of corpses. Among them are demons and elves alike, indicating she never kept her promise of sparing those who yield.

"Any last words before we commence?" Shin begins to speak, but his words are cut short by Camael's barrage of javelins. They rain down mercilessly upon us. Once again, Andromalius uses his colossal frame as a shield.

[ venenatum praelium ]

The conquered corpses dissolve in the powerful acidic field, pooling together in large quantities, forcing Camael to take to the skies using her wings for higher ground. Once again, she hurls her javelins, but they disintegrate from the corrosive gases enveloping us.

Slashing open my arm, a torrent of blood spills forth, enough to activate the catalyst and summon my weapon. 'Spiculum' The land of blood materializes, allowing me to twirl forward, gaining momentum and soaring into the air. With a leap, both Camael and I find ourselves on equal footing.

She unleashes her fiery onslaught upon me, the explosions ringing in my ears and threatening to rupture them. But I refuse to hold back any longer. Against a mindless beast, the hunter must lose himself in the hunt as well.

In a grand display of bloodthirst, my thrusts become unpredictable. Only when she ceases to draw breath shall these movements come to a halt.

[Rebirth in flame]

"Interesting, you remind me of someone from the past. Someone I have always cherished, but unfortunately, he has perished. Tell hello to him for me, won't you?" Camael engulfed in flames, returns from the dead with a maniacal laugh. Her sanity has long crossed the point of no return. It falls upon me, as her student, to return her to eternal slumber.

[Palus sanguinis]

Blood emerges beneath the acidic swamp of poison, flowing and flowing until the corpses vanish completely. It floods through the windows, serving as a signal for Kryos to unleash his magic.

Unbearable heat sweeps across the floor as the gases ignite upon contact with the prelude of heat. The damage accumulates within my vessel, but collapsing here is not an option. I must keep pressing onward. Andromalius and Shin show no signs of giving up despite their unfamiliarity with the intense heat, so why should I?

"The moon has succumbed to my blood, and despair shall be your eternal companion." With an enigmatic tone, I utter the cryptic phrase that signifies the end of this pitiful existence. The crimson sky ruptures, engulfing all light within its darkness. It took him quite some time to weave such a spell, but I am relieved that he succeeded.

'Shikiten style, Setsudan no gishiki' Shin silently draws his katana with a swift and precise motion, he severs an invisible thread that connects Camael to the legacy of the archangel. Only when the eclipse reaches its peak does this technique have the power to sever an archangel's legacy.

"Farewell, my master," I declare as I end her life with a thrust of my lance through her heart. A dramatic demise befitting one who sought to be consumed by her own ideals.

Time ripples, momentarily freezing the world as the battle forges on. Mikhail fights valiantly against our father, and I pray that he does not meet the same fate as before.

"Gabriel, can you hear me?" I am snapped back to reality, realizing my mind had drifted into contemplation of these peculiar events.

"Yes, of course. I was momentarily lost in thought. Shall we depart, Andromalius?" I reply, collecting the remnants of Camael's spilled blood. Her treasures shall serve as a small memorial.

"Drop the 'lord' title, as our roles in this endeavor do not establish a hierarchy. Come, allow me to escort you," Andromalius suggests, scooping me up in his arms. Ascending into the sky, the battle still rages on below, but...

Can you just drop me on the sky? This is too embarrassing to bear.

The end

They pull the strings, orchestrating the play,

Guiding the player's every move, night and day.

Contracts and gambits, a delicate dance,

Ensuring fairness, giving each a chance.