
42_Knived allies

Chapter 22: Necessary babbling

[Gabriel's Pov]

"Gabriel! Where are you now?" Shouting the voice irritated from the end of the hallway, just I finally disconnect the bond between me and my brother. Up until lately, Mikhail has been popular with the known "traitorous archangel". Such a thing to be opposed to Mikhail and his lighted mercy.

At first, I recall having heard he would have sacrificed me by putting me to sleep comfortably, which is too merciful of him on the enemy against his ideal and yet again I find it grateful that he always has a place for this abandoned brother.

I do not blame him, that is for certain because that is what Mikhail deserves to have. For that guilt and hurtfulness in our "childhood". I am forever grateful even if it is for just a moment. I always wish to embrace him in his smaller form.

"Gabriel!" Camael brags in my room as the door collapses before my shut-in room. Her armor was still dusted from the constant practice with her angel's underlings.

"Haven't you heard that I need to rest, second?" I growl, she has been overall harsh with me when my brother decided to escape. No corporal punishment because though her ideal is justice, it is vastly different from the screwed-up Kushiel.

"It's an emergency this time. One of us eleven was killed this noon." Camael's face grimace to suit the situation. As someone enjoys the frenzy of war that much and mourns the death of others that much? How laughable.

For the victim in question, Barachiel. Another one of father's puppets like Kushiel, this one however I would say the hallowed vessel. I would have taken a soul from the cycle of life and death just by asking Azazel;

but by my brother's planning, I would think choosing her as the sacrifice rather than Uriel's sister or me is the best move. I have had a better time convincing her later if Father remained in this passive state. Since Mikhail has created an uproar this large, a usurp by me to follow wouldn't be illogical, right brother?

"What grim news, why do you need to speak with me about that?" I ask sheepishly, thing wouldn't be logical for the half-asleep one like me to react so shockingly.

"Father has called all of us for a meeting with the rest of the ten." Camael still has deep thoughts, doesn't she? Well, she is still my current mentor so I shouldn't make fun of a senior like that.

"Let's get change for a second, he would be displeased if I come with any ounce of blood still on me." I close the door behind me. 'Cleanse', I needn't for the sensation of a bath now so this will do. If Mikhail was here, he would make me take a shower regardless and care for me.

Enough thoughts, I am my own person, there will come a day when we meet again as two separate persons. Let's not think too much about it and change into my white garment, the cloth I wear are somewhat changed for mobility effect.

Walking through the hallway, the light upon the paradise dims a little to subjugate the night of the world outside…But today, it is a little dark, isn't it?

In the room, there are thirteen chairs lined across the square table, one demolished because Mikhail defected, the first chair of the table at the front end of the table. One hangs the chain of Kushiel to hold the place for the new Kushiel to take that place the chair at the right side second to the fifth place.

The last one I have never seen anyone sit on it, it's unsettling as even not Father sat on it. Every time I look at it, a part of my soul flares up for a reason unknown.

For the record, I also read many books about history but I have never heard any names that differ from the current eleven. Were they not seraphim or cherubim? Not even throne? So what were they? I mean even the fallen angel Lucifer has his protégé so I don't understand the left-behind seat.

"Today, four more seats are left vacant. Tsk, they are giving the meeting less meaning now." Azazel chastised those left unresponded to the meeting. When father first called for him and me to look for my brother, he couldn't keep his foul mouth to himself.

As much as his authority from the death sepharim, I think I can go for him alone if there is nothing on the line. At least Azazel is somewhat respectable when he collects the souls of death, unlike whom I shall not run its name again because of how besmirching it did to the archangel's legacy as a whole.

Father rejoiced when Mikhail took care of it and gave a despicable thing like it a befitting death. Worse than a dog's death, it died being swallowed with meaning to reappear on this world ever again.

"Forgive them, they haven't known this sooner, or else this would have become grand." There comes the saintess Raphael, I have nothing against that woman who called herself an archangel. For a dwarf…I mean a half-dwarf, Raphael is one that resembles the fabled healing sepharim the most.

Some said she is indispensable, father too saw her connection to those unreserved to the faith. The only reason for the 10th placement is her restricted as a magic user, dwarfs are more akin to physical labor so comes their strength.

While not being as brute as she should be; she still lacks most things besides the personality; when being an image create after the sepharim of healing. The authority of Raphael aids her quite much.

"Then what about Uriel, she lives in the same domain as Jeremiel and she doesn't show up." That loud-mouthed Camael speaks as a question that anyone from the table knows not to ask.

"My sister's problem is none of the concern. She is probably too busy with magecraft to find the traitors out." Jeremiel answers while trembling as the thought of her sister may never show up today. I know too well of the reason because the traitor she tries to find-

"The traitor she tries to find is herself." Father appeared behind my chair as he turns to give me a cold smile.

"We greet the father in heaven." As five archangels bow to greet, the meeting finally starts with this uneased atmosphere.

The angels running around having to serve favorite supper of each person, none of them are alcoholic due to the meeting requiring our utmost attention, none of the weakness shall be greeted with a merciful reprimand.

"Father, do you mean by that?" I ask quite sheepishly, the acting is easily seen through as the label they have given me a Traitor's closed one. I don't mind that, and I can't have them swayed to another's way so this will do.

"You all have been made noticed of our recent ally's death. In, that is my last draw to tolerate their misbehaviors. Those who don't appear are because they don't deserve my invitations, those are the traitors."

Father speak calmly without batting an eye toward my way. The chilling sensation comes soon after as one dares cast their curiosity toward a "God" like him. Such an ego like that, I guess no wonder why my brother would so vary of him.

"That is right, they have no right to treat Barachiel like that. She is sweet and-" Camael speaks out of place, and for that, her punishment is as light as a small scold.

"Do I permit you to speak, second?" Father's cold gaze switches fully to Camael as she begins to tremble.

"No, father. I apologize." Camael bows her head without looking up to meet his gaze. Quite foolish as she has lived so long yet lacks the common etiquette. At least her achievements were enough to keep her head up until now.

"I forgive you for this insolence since you're the first one to dispatch and deal with the first traitor." Father scoffs as he rings a bell for an angel to come to serve an emerald envelope for each of us.

While the envelope is considered normal appearance, the chain of command flows through each one as they open the envelope. A brainwashing formula made especially for those that chained themselves as "Archangels". 'Anti dotum' is the spell that Mikhail made for me to disperse harmful influence.

"The first one will be Lambert, he has been noticed missing from his posts and actual footprint on the sight. Hereby, I order Camael to subjugate this blasphemy." Father's words are the actual trigger for the brainwashing process to begin.

"I heed father's words." Camael tripped off her personality answer with a monotone voice.

"Twelve and nine, you shall be dealt with the aforementioned traitor as the defected Uriel. Gabriel, I trust you know well what to do when someone decides to disobey?" He doesn't want me to meddle with my brother until the end, huh? No worries, Mikhail is far stronger to fend himself against those wounded dogs.

"I understand, father," I answer mimicking the monotone of Camael before, Jeremiel stayed silent so I guess she isn't affected by the brainwashing as well. That must have been Uriel's doing.

"Tenth and Fourth, you shall deal with my wretched failed experiment of my late brother. Keep it in check, you are permitted to break the agreement as much as you wish." Mikhail and Zadkiel are dealing with Raphael and Azazel? Without the piece of information about Zadkiel's whereabouts, I guess they should have the advantage in this round.

"May I ask something, father?" Azazel requests unexpectedly.

"Speak!" In retaliation, father jolts in surprise.

"What about last traitors?" When I check his eyes, they are still considered to be hypnotized so he is in a brainwashed state all right. The question may stern from his own principle that overwrites a part of Father's command.

"About that problem, I haven't sensed sixth anywhere so it may have been neutralized after this, there needn't worry about that one." Father sways his hands in denial.

"As there are no questions, I concluded this meeting. I hope not to meet any disappointment." With that sentence, everyone revert back to normal with the command ingrained in everyone's mind.

The brainwashing formula for this one is quite vicious in nature, it twisted the victim's mind to befitting the command. Making false memories and creating reasoning for them to commit the command at every cost. That is why Father is so surprised about Azazel's request.

"Gabriel, may I have a few words with you?" Jeremiel meets my eyes as we leave the room.

"This is not a good place to talk about it, let us find another."

I teleport the both of us back to the garden of Promise where the first rebellion of this era begins. How I long to revisit this place out of my busy schedule, I guess there is a second one now stepping on this massacred ground.

"What do you wish to say, Jeremiel?" I ask her while finding some debris to sit on.

"Have you noticed something strange when you open the envelope? My sister's crystal amulet turns pinkish when I open it and everyone seems to tone down a bit." Jeremiel stutters to collect her words, I guess we are one of the same feathers, always to be in the shadow of our respected elder.

"So are you-?" Before she can finish that words, I lend assistance to this pathetic entertainment to end.

"Brainwashed? No, I have my brother's spell to deal with that kind of magic formula." I answer.

"Brainwashed!?" Well, that is unexpected, for someone to judge mortals of their wrongdoings, she isn't so bright per se.

"What were you thinking then? Drowsy? Poisoned? Then wouldn't Raphael react like out of place?" In retaliation, I dig deep into her psyche with a few words shoving into her mouth.

"Then will you obey him?" Tremble those words come out unexpectedly as Jeremiel covers her mouth, she just takes me out of there because we have the same command, not by the fact that I answer differently to others. Quite troublesome for someone who just becomes a rebel on her own.

"For you to come out of here just say that what do you I would do?" I ask, observing her reaction.

"I don't know, I am scared." Jeremiel holds her shoulder close together as her hands clap into praying. There are no tears as this is just confusing when I first know my brother is actually happy in his own kingdom. Things will be fine…yet we don't have time for her to cope with this decision that Uriel committed.

"There is no time to be fearful now. Sigh, if I know you would react like this I would have notified you this earlier?" I reassure her with a what-if condition. As expected, she brights up like I once did when Mikhail do this.

"Like what?" Jeremiel asks with curiosity.

"You know, like how our own brother and sister think us can't defy Father because of wimps." I sigh while saying with have been on Uriel and Mikhail's minds, we are both favored by father so there is no real way to reassure them

"Since time is of the essence, I will only ask you this." Stepping away from Jeremiel, sharpening my eyes I look close to her as a predator to prey.

"Will you help Uriel or help father? I don't mind dirtying my hands just to swear my alliance to my brother." Draw forward my lance, I point at her throat, a wrong answer and there will never be the archangel of justice existed as Uriel's sister anymore?

"So you are a traitor as well? Quite fortunate for me to ask the right person." Jeremiel consults herself and comes to the conclusion as I drop my spear from her throat.

"Please help me save my sister." In the moonlight, she asks with eyes tearfully…what a fictional perfect sense for a romance scene to appear, but not this time.

"Good choice, now return to your domain. I have to make preparation for that day to come." As our nod, we say goodbye to our useless selves and makes preparation for the newer future to be able to shine for ourselves

The end

However, we wish for peace in this world.

War must have for conflicts, Poverty happened of greed

Then, wear your hope and prepare for the worst.

The first tragedy, the father of many will bleed his last.