
23_Indication Validation

Chapter 23: Coronation

"Your Majesty, what were you saying?" I inquire once more as if my ears were deceiving me. How absurd would it be for a supposed angel to be a demon king, and how would the citizen react to such information? Has he gone insane as a result of the taunt I received?

"Majesty this and majesty that, do you still remember being my equal?" Kryos responded with a scoff. He doesn't mean it in a playful way anymore; the point of gathering us all isn't to consult me about my actions, but for Kryos to resign himself.

"Being worked behind your charisma is enough, Kryos; there's no need to go this far." He can simply go outside and play with whatever piques his interest. Why is he going to such lengths to prove a point?

"After all, wasn't the contract you asked me to make just for behind-the-scenes work?" Saudade still requires a demon king to cling to." As a homunculus, I can change my appearance to match the citizen's desire for a demon king, but I will never be one; imitation is mere flattery. There will come a banquet when Saudade will make enemies simply for having me as a sovereign.

"I've had enough of this royal duty. Have you seen the work being done even without my presence? It was not once my influence, but your determination and willfulness as a ruler." Kryos explains himself by displaying the alleged evidence, a slew of my improvised plans is being carried out. I'm still not sure why he has to resign as ruler for this.

"Be reasonable with me, Mikhail. After all, the contract was a trap of responsibility; do you think I'm a fool to allow an archangel to be my supporter? No, Mikhail, you are the candidate for the Saudade throne." Kryos grins

"..." I keep my mouth shut because I have nothing to say. The wishful thinking of being cast aside is long gone. My heart sinks; what is this feeling of betrayal I'm experiencing? I knew it would come to this, but I still can't bear the thought of stealing the show. The limelight shines brightly on the freezing heart, scorching it to a crisp.

"So, your silence confirms what I have said. Or, rather, that is what you have observed previously." Kryos continues with his baseless accusation.

"Don't make me sound like you; I wholeheartedly want to do my job as your shadow, a decoyed king. Everything I've ever done has been for the sake of this kingdom's survival." This is the last draw, and I refute it. If he follows through on his reluctance, make sure to play until the curtain falls.

"To be honest, I don't care if this place holds up or not. The crown is a burden rather than a source of pride for me. Until you showed up, I had always wanted to see this kingdom fall." Kryos responds calmly. The tables are taken aback, as they had not anticipated this outcome. A slacker's unexpected confession.

After putting the puzzle pieces together, the entire story makes sense. The deserter lists, the refusal to renew the contract with Andromalius, and finally those comments about Kryos finding the royalty duties boring and dismissive of them. But why did he say "Until you showed up"

"With this, I conclude this pointless debate." This vote, as the council of the great five demons here and the vouch of the Lord of North, should decide who will sit on the throne of Saudade." Kryos declares emphatically. I see a mixture of relief and sorrow in those eyes; you don't want this, do you, Kryos?

"Five demons?" Are you incorporating us into the mix? I am no-" Even with Andromalius and Kryos included, the vote will result in complete agreement. If someone who isn't a demon isn't allowed to vote here, it will become unfair to me.

"Candidates will not be able to vote. Did you forget about the librarian or the military vote?" Kryos declares in a deadpan tone.

He throws two pieces of paper onto the table for everyone to see. "I've written down their words over here." The paper has been neatly folded in half, and the lengths differ.

The first piece of paper is covered in enchanted spells and various odors; to it, the smell simply resembles the librarian and its usual mucus-covering item. [They have my approval; however, Kryos, remember to return those artifacts by Tuesday.] So it was uninterested in participating, but it did write an opinion on the subject.

The second piece of paper is much larger but tattered in comparison; the scratch marks are unmistakably Blood Claw, how can't he use the 'illusio' correctly? [I *agree with the decision* omitted* to put my trust in the little angel. They will become a benevolence sovereign] Until the end, his loyalty will not change, but I recommend Blood Claw continue writing about his condition.

"I can vouch for those who are writing. Well, I, too, am convinced that Mikhail is the sovereign rather than the prince." As he picks up the two papers for the announcement, the advisor advocates.

"Let them have it instead of the lazy bump; I'd rather work a little harder than rot from famine." The agriculture minister speaks candidly, and his hearty laughs at the end relieve the tension in the room.

"Agreed, I may lose some of my patrons as a result of their brief with the angels, but those aren't accounted for in those profits... I'm referring to the changes Mikhail will bring to Saudade." The minister of commerce scoffs cautiously. I suppose someone's greed is unavoidable, but at the same time, he mentioned patrons who had briefed against angels, which concerned me because it put Saudade at a disadvantage with me as their sovereign.

"Are you going to say anything, uncle?" Kryos turns to Andromalius for the northern lord's opinion; I'm guessing he said something along the lines of not having the authority to do so or something. He hasn't crossed his boundary in this matter, as evidenced by his silence since the conversation began.

"You're throwing me out of this roundabout, nephew. But I'm glad that those who can have made the logical choice." Andromalius sighs slightly, a small smirk on his face.

"There was unanimous agreement among the consultants, so my resignation and Mikhail's coronation will be held at high noon on the first day of next week," Kryos announces as he rushes out of the office.

Since everyone has agreed to make this a reality, I suppose it wouldn't be so bad. I would have more authority to refine this location so that it could become my very safe haven. Whether or not the heretic exterminators will arrive soon, it hasn't been more than two weeks since I awoke. If the extermination is to begin without pa and ma intervention, it will take much longer due to certain precautions.

"Very well, everyone, we should dismiss until the day of the coronation," I say as they bow before me and exit the office. They leave one by one until only Andromalius remains. As the new pot of tea brews over the cupboard opposite the bookcase, he remains nearby.

"I recall telling everyone to leave, sir Andromalius. That includes you," I say sternly. This exhausting time should be reserved exclusively for me and only me. It does not have to be a favor for someone to share or supervise this burden.

"I understand, Mikhail. I'll just be here for a few minutes to enjoy the tea before leaving you alone. Is it asking too much?" Andromalis ladles the fragrant tea into a small pot. This aroma has a hint of spice to it, and it finishes with a single piercing tone of sharpness. Is it the Night blooming cereus tea or the Amaryllidoideae tea? He offers me a cup of his brew, which should better not be the sleep-inducing kind.

"Suit yourself, just don't interfere with my work," I say as I take the cup of tea reluctantly. It's night-blooming cereus tea, harvested at full moon because the tea has a lighter flavor than any of its eclipse states.

The bewildering moon hangs next to the silent windows. Kryos has long abandoned such a state of foreign affairs. He wasn't joking when he said he was planning the end of the kingdom. Such a shambles as the affair with many severing ties and the declaration of war; Saudade would not have survived this long without Andromalius' unwavering protection.

"You know, the kids in the village appreciated the change you brought about. They remained warmer, and fewer of them died." Andromalius begins to speak abruptly as if the previous interaction at the table had prevented him from expressing himself.

"Three of my direct descendants, with whom you have...well, rather than met, I will say you briefly interacted, are very fond of your work." That he brings it up is rather embarrassing. I don't recall doing anything significant, but I recall being despised by one of his descendants because he never spoke or reacted positively.

"So, I decided to pledge my village as a vassal state," Andromalius says calmly. What's that, a vassal state? Why does he bring this up now? Can't it wait until I finish dealing with this unnecessary royalty transfer?

"How come now of all times?" I refute this; at the very least, give me a reasonable reason to express such an important decision at this time.

"Don't be too humble, Mikhail; I've witnessed many of your miracles, and they're life-changing. So why aren't you ruling over us as a sovereign?" Andromalius explains that he considers the improvements to be blessed miracles. Not only has he not learned from it, but he has also demonstrated this thought of obedience. Where is the pride he is supposed to have?

"If you insist, make a proper contract the next time." I will not accept a verbal promise as a duty to fulfill." I respond as a means of putting an end to this vexing subject.

"As you wish, your Majesty." Andromalius bows as quickly as he leaves, a satisfied smirk on his face.

To represent the origin of its new sovereign, the palace has been painted in the new color of white. I'm embarrassed about the color's meaning, but I trust the advisor's judgment. The flowers are changed to the wind whisper. Those four petal plants act wishful thinking the wind carrying, a slight hint of mint surrounding the new water fountain.

The imps are tired of hard labor, despite how marvelous the renovation is...no, I shouldn't refer to them as a single clump of creatures any longer. As a sovereign, I should see myself more as the ruler of my citizens.

I can't help but feel responsible for the soldiers going about their normal duties while working on the renovation. On some sleepless nights, I often walk by and see those hardworking soldiers, hoping to compensate for some of the heavy liftings with silvers and coopers. Despite their scoffing, I believe those are unique ways of expressing gratitude.

The palace has completed the temporary renovations after a week of hard work. The palace becomes less desolate and more lively, but the whitened palace reveals itself as the center of the kingdom and serves as a target whenever there is an invasion.

When I first wake up on the first day of a new week, the sun shines crisply. The first thing in the morning was to put on the most formal clothing for the coronation, a white suit with long capes, everything coated in gold flakes. The royal crest of a withering rose as the placement near my heart is the most noticeable.

The church has been chosen as the unholy location for the coronation preparations. The black church is the heart of the market below, where desires are heard in exchange for the hope that they will be fulfilled someday. I have nothing against this type of worship because it is more open as a transaction for mindful peace.

"At least, unlike others, you know how to treat this day with dignity." The dark bishop enters the church from the back to greet me. Unlike the others, he stands tall, even though this is our first time speaking directly without interference.

"Good morning, dark bishop," I say with a smile, and he clicks his tongue in response.

"I'm afraid I can't give that today. Any sign of weakness by a sovereign is unacceptable. Keep that in the back of your feeble mind." As dark as the gargoyle's body walks, the dark bishop says; each step has its own gravity.

"I will." I muster my strength for him and myself.

The church is filled with demons, succubuses, and incubi; I see beastmen and harpies in the background. I should thank the new books in the library for revealing to me the unseen background that no book in the garden can. Ah, forbidden knowledge, which I was once afraid of, is now nothing more than blasphemy to my old self.

"We are all gathered here to celebrate a reign, new king. This kingdom will no longer bear the name of Asmodeus, the monarch of lust." After the dark bishop's announcement, the crowd gasps in surprise, and many murmurs surround the church.

So Kryos is one of Asmodeus' descendants, which explains why he was admirable even when he lacked discipline. The act of authority through power is still prevalent throughout the kingdom. I incorrectly assumed it was a merit-based government.

"However, as compensation, we have obtained a suitable ruler. Despite their unfortunate background, they demonstrated their responsibility by inventing sub-space farming, which satisfied even the most gluttonous demon." The dark bishop defends my background for the sake of the kingdom. This has to be one of the advisor's propaganda pieces.

"As the dark bishop of this kingdom, I have power invested in me." I formally appointed Mikhail, the third archangel, as Saudade's new ruler. May the darkness of Lucifer, the monarch of pride, and Lilith, the mother of succubi and incubi, guide you." The crowning ceremony is rather simple; instead of baptizing in olive oil like the human kingdom, I simply have to devour a whole apple. The apple is tart and sour, but it has a sweet aftertaste.

"All hail Lord Lucifer and Lady Lilith." The crowd applauds and roars as it concludes with a round of applause.

After the coronation, each of the seven demons comes to congratulate me, but Kryos is nowhere to be found. It's been heartbreaking, but who can confine his spirit?

Because he was not present at the coronation, the royal messager approaches me last. He hands over a golden-colored sealed letter with a chuckle.

[Dear Mikhail…

The end


Weight now the crown of a king

To act softly is to humiliate a kingdom

To act aggregate and destroyed a kingdom