
12_Forgetful merit

Chapter 12: First Dawn

Dawn is approaching the horizon. My mind deteriorated after spending the night in the royal office. The knowledge is acceptable because not much can be expected from the kingdom that is being devoured by the flames of war. Since incubus and succubus are the main residents here, famine is expected for the weak who are unable to travel; however, commerce has been thriving despite the slowly drawn-out residents.

Morning arrives, and Blood Claw must have been awake for quite some time. I'll be right over to greet him. I was so careless not to inquire about the location of his chamber; there must be someone awake at this time as well. I doubt it would be the prince because he prioritizes his "nightlife" over getting up early.

Where is the royal library? I should meet with the librarian when the doors open. The library should be the last room in the west hallway; it's early in the morning, so the corridor is as empty as it can be... But isn't it a little too quiet? The guards haven't shown up since the day I arrived. Were there no guards at all?

Walking through the endless corridor, windows lining each other, their shadows reflecting a terrifying illusion that keeps anyone stepping onto it at bay. At the far end, the library stands menacingly, with a steel door keeping its contents from spilling out.

Opening the steel, so many books were sealed behind it that this castle would not have enough room to gather them all. This must be another pocket dimension type of room; dimension spells are purposefully quite high maintained because mana is recycled itself almost instantly and the caster only needs to pour their share once every few centuries or so. As difficult as the spell matrix appears to be, the need for tedious drawing and knowledge of spell stability is quite low; even a newcomer can create a small space of 64 squares in three days.

The front desk is empty, with no sign of the librarian's insight, the note in yellow is written "Section 3, the new artifacts are there." Don't come to the sixth section; I will not tolerate any of your antics." I should heed his advice and avoid Section 6. His cloak from yesterday... I haven't seen his face or know what land he came from, but Blood Claw came from the land of wrath, so he would be from a different land than the other six. To be honest, this kind of variety scares me just as much as the bloodthirst from the day before... I knew it was Gabriel who was stalking us, but why didn't he attack us? Is he also motivated by ulterior motives, or has Pa's plan changed? After all, he wouldn't throw away a successful experiment so easily.

The library section is the same as the office section, with numbers one through seven representing the seven elite demon earls who hold the title. Other irrelevant subjects, such as music, art, and history, are kept in the eighth section. Without any direction, I wandered into the library and read whatever piqued my interest. The books here are only a partial mystery to me, but I am grateful for what I can learn. I should go back and read 'Demonic rank and families in my spare time after the evening.

"I thought I told you not to touch my books." The enigmatic figure whispered behind my back. The librarian's voice is clearly his, but his demeanor is vastly different from what he stuttered before. It was agitated and harsh because of my touch on the library book. And what Kryos has said is to be his equal, I am not worth more than a servant who is his shadow.

"Is it too much to ask for a loan of one?" Without looking back, I say that angering a gorgon is dangerous at this time. Petrification would be impossible because I am immune to it, but my mana is still severely depleted.

"I don't believe you can keep my book safe. Return it to the bookcase." I do as the librarian says and place the book, slowly turning around as the librarian's voice softens. The figure emerges from the shadow coat, an owl-like demon, so it is a knowledge demon. No, its eyes appear to be purple in color, a characteristic of the land of sloth.

"Is this a book about royalty?" Do you think you'd ever become one?" The librarian inquires, dusting the book as if I had infected it.

"I dare not, the only thing I'm interested in is learning." Sincerely, I proclaim.

"Learning? Your species is among the hypocrites. Should this book fall into your hands, would you rewrite it to your liking?" The voice mocks me as it laughs through the empty library.

"I am not one, to tell the truth, but history is what is written in stone." That is one that should not be altered." My point is unchanging still.

"That is exactly what I was referring to. You've twisted the truth about the sealing, and yet you pretend to be woefully ignorant?" Its voice changes to one of rage, but it quickly returns to normal as it starts.

"According to the military minister's journal, you have only lived three hundred years." The fact that you have young wings confirms this. "Was you a human like him?" The librarian is curious about its theory.

"No, I'm not." But not like the first or second. It's more of a mimicry." I keep my distance so that it does not turn into a precious incident.

"That is unique; do you have any more of your species?" The librarian is intrigued by the subject. I refuse anything more, so I walk away.

"I am also the only one of my species." The world's only "somniant viatorem." I have no ancestors from whom to learn. Only Lord Abaddon to follow." I stay to hear the librarian's story as it continues. The wisdom humans gain from the forbidden food also brings out the fear unknown born into the world in the story of an unconscious concept born in the world as the human begins to dream."That is unique; do you have any more of your species?" The librarian is intrigued by the subject. I refuse anything more, so I walk away.

"I am also the only one of my species." The world's only "somniant viatorem." I have no ancestors from whom to learn. Only Lord Abaddon to follow." I stay to hear the librarian's story as it continues. The wisdom humans gain from the forbidden food also brings out the fear unknown born into the world in the story of an unconscious concept born in the world as the human begins to dream. The librarian was said to be one of many born after the war who could only walk among the dreams of others however they pleased, but the minds of some were so strong that the librarian couldn't read anymore, so it left Abaddon's place to atone for its incompetence.

"It's the end of my story, the failed dream governor turned into a silent librarian." I have thrown away my pride in my name in the hope that one day it will be used again." At the end of its story, I find it interesting, but I also find myself in its shoes. Having the ability to change something but failing to do so.

"Was it all worthwhile?" I inquire as it shakes its head. The question may have missed the point it was attempting to make.

"I'm afraid I can't answer you right now, your Majesty. Having someone of the same magnitude as mine is sufficient for today. If you want to share your story, please put it in a book like this." It handed me a leather book that was identical to the book that Blood Claw had given me. So that is of its interest, how foolish I thought there was something sinister about it.

"Have you noticed the time yet?" I haven't been paying close attention to it." There's no clock nearby, and I didn't buy a pocket one this early. So much time must have passed, it may arrive at night this time, Blood Claw must have worried sick, and I must have missed some of the few meetings I have missed.

"What time is it?" Oh, this library hasn't caught a clock to avoid being interrupted by the flow of magic, but it's almost 9 a.m. already." Is it still that early in the morning? I've been reading books for three hours and it's only been three hours. If this had been done in the garden, it would have taken an entire day.

"I missed the morning meeting with the two ministers." I just made a mental note to do it again." I remind myself.

"Don't be concerned; they won't start without you." This one will have to go for the day. I have a lot to arrange, especially since the advisor has requested that I borrow a lot of books." It was tiredly stated, so that is the yellow note at the front desk, so this is of last night's incident. Asking for the 'Demonic rank and families would be difficult now, so I bid the librarian farewell and exited the library.

The sun is almost at its highest point through the windows, so I turn to the office room. The imps are scrubbing the area around the central fountain. When I arrive, the butler imp rushes me to the office: "Where were you? "His Majesty and the military minister were on the lookout for you."

He shoves me into the office, which is filled with four enraged demons. Kryos and Blood Claw sigh heavily as I arrive; they have been searching for hours and have yet to find the library. The agriculture minister hollered angrily at me, "On the first day, too, at this time." As I suspected, you are as accountable as his Majesty." While inspecting his gold coins, the commerce minister says nothing.

"Sorry, everyone, I was so absorbed in the library that I forgot the time," they scold me instead of beating me.

"Not at all, little angel. I assumed you, too, had fled. Because Eugen has stated that you and the advisor spend the entire night in the office. "Perhaps you've been seeing those horrifying subjects and thought of fleeing, I fear," Kryos explains. What strange feelings I had, relief or thankfulness that I had escaped that hell; my tears began to fall, and the sounds I made were no longer coherent.

"Hey what's wrong." Blood Claw hugs me while caressing my back. I can't put my words onto it. The only words I muster through this weak voice are "I am sorry" repeatedly.

"That's unique."

"Another crybaby."

"They are little after all, let them cry a little."

As I struggle to regain my footing, I am surrounded by voices. Confusion exacerbates the spinning headache.

"Stop choking them like that, let us scatter for a place for them to breathe." A voice commands everyone to get away from me. When I look up, the advisor is escorting the dark bishop into the office. His stern expression causes everyone to back away from my collapsing body.

"As I previously stated, compose yourself. You've promised not to make a fool of yourself with these childish antics. "Take my hand." As the others approach, the advisor raises my hand.

"Librarian refuses to leave its place at this time due to "research," so the number is sufficiently filled. Let us begin the first meeting of a new dawn today." The advisor declares the meeting to begin.

The end