
Tensura: Unbecoming

This story takes place during and mere moments after Rimuru Tempest' evolution into a Awakened Demon Lord. During this Evolution, due to the Presence of Storm Dragon Veldora, the newly acquired Raphael manages to analyze Veldora's core and leaking magicules and upgrade Rimuru into a True Dragon, becoming the fifth one in existence. See how is attitude and journey throughout the world is affected by his significantly more powerful presence. (Keep in mind, this story will have a completely different route with the similar events, just not taking place as they originally did, but cosmology would be vastly different and attempted to be explained in better detail plus a whole bunch of differences.)

Astra178 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Dragon vs Dragon

The battle had begun, both Rimuru and Veldora began by rushing at the other off the start to try and gain an upper hand over the other. As a result, the both of them ended up having their opposing fists colliding. Creating a shockwave that could be felt even outside the sealed cave. As a result to keep their battle limited to the cave, Rimuru had Raphael initiate a barrier.

The both of them back off for a second after the barrier had been erected.

"Oh, you initiated a barrier the moment the shockwave traveled outward. You truly have grown alot my friend." Veldora complimented. Rimuru smirked in satisfaction. To have a being like Veldora, who reigns as a Dragon of Chaos and Destruction in the world acknowledge his newfound power was something he now took pride in.

"Let us Resume!" Veldora shouted as he gathered a ton of his own energy within his fist. Making it glow a bright and blinding golden hue.

"Draconic Burst!" Veldora shouted as he sent a punch forward towards Rimuru. As a result, a wide range energy based attack was headed for Rimuru. Making dodging impossible. This attack was only further amplified by Veldora's Ultimate Skill, [Investigation King Faust].

In response to this attack on his, Rimuru activated a a defensive-barrier from Uriel in order to block Veldora's Draconic Burst.

{Warning, defensive barrier will not withstand.} Came a response from Raphael. As Rimuru could not dodge the attack, as he wanted due to Raphael's warning, he was forced to withstand it. Putting all his might into keeping the barrier up.

But it was useless. Veldora's attack had effortlessly broken the barrier Rimuru had activated. Due to Veldora's Ultimate Skill, he could also do things such as manipulate probability. As such, he was able to chance the likelihood of Rimuru's barrier withholding.

Rimuru was not severely damaged from this attack as his regeneration abilities as well as him also being an Ultimate Skill holder, negated any lasting effects from the attack. As such, he was as good as new. But now, he needed to be careful as Raphael had just notified him of such things.

"Hoh, impressive my dear friend." Veldora complimented Rimuru, but Rimuru was still battle focused so he wasn't really paying attention. Instead, he went on the offensive against Veldora while he was speaking. Appearing in front of Veldora at insane speed that looked to be instantaneous. Delivering a severe blow to Veldora's face. Sending him flying in the caves walls. The cave itself shook from the impact, threatening to destroy it.

However, Veldora had gotten up with a smirk.

"Damn. I think I was still underestimating you. No more of that." Veldora said with a smirk as he also sped off towards Rimuru. Rimuru ended up responding in kind.

Both catastrophic class beings were matching eachother on terms of speed and blows dealt. Each of whom were seemingly evenly matched. But that was just in terms of physicality.

The two sped all around the cave in the midst of their intense high speed battle. Each punch that made impact had shook the cave, each punch that missed sent out a powerful shockwave that destroyed a portion of the cave from the inside.

The exchange of blows lasted for a good 2 minutes of which thousands of strikes were dealt and each one breaking the sound barrier with relative ease. In order to break these string of fruitless strikes, Rimuru broke free with a kick to Veldora's abdomen, thus putting some distance between the both of them, and then...


A black mist emerged from Rimuru's hand as it began to envelope Veldora's figure. As he was enveloped, Veldora flared his True Dragon Haki to disperse it, but some effect had already taken place. Using Beelzebuth, Rimuru had stolen some of Veldora's own energy. Thus diminishing Veldora's reserves while adding to his own.

'Damn, not enough.' Rimuru thought to himself in frustration. Of course Veldora would be a difficult opponent for one to handle. In the past he was an unpredictable entity now with this specific Ultimate Skill it only makes him even more unpredictable.

{Suggestion. I recommend the use of [Chaos Control], specifically the [Chaotic Sight].} Raphael had recommended. Rimuru had trusted her judgment accurately and accordingly. With such, he used his newly obtained Unique Skill.

Rimuru's golden eyes had changed from its usual divine golden color to a more black color with a red magical symbol glowing a red hue atop his eye.

Exactly at the same time, Veldora had used another technique of his. It was of similar properties compared to Milim Nava's Drago-Nova. This was Veldora's attack called "Storm Nova". Another wide range attack in the form of a burst of lightning and thunder.

However, as soon as it was fired, the entire beam was eliminated by Rimuru's [Eyes of Destruction]. Veldora was starstruck by this. His entire attack was completely negated by Rimuru Eyes.

Not even Rimuru was free from the surprise of his skill completely negating Veldora's attack. It was a shock, even on Veldora's part considering he didn't even further amplify this attack with his Ultimate Skill.

"WHAT?!" Veldora shouted, his surprise written all over his face.

"Well... that was a surprise." Rimuru spoke in a nervous tone.

"Well, want to continue?" Rimuru asked Veldora. Rimuru was now under the impression that with this Unique Skill of his, he could possibly claim a victory. Such a skill being able to negate what seems to be anything would be as close as broken as it could get.

"Kuahahahahaha! You continue to impress me Rimuru! Very well! From now on... now holds barred... we fight for the victory over the other!" Veldora bellowed in pure enthusiasm. As someone who enjoyed fighting so much, being out of the Unlimited Imprisonment felt more than amazing. It was an indescribable feeling. For Veldora, this fight was everything right now.

"I accept your challenge Veldora." Rimuru said in response. A smirk visible on his face. He as well was also enjoying this. With this newfound power of his, the power to sit atop and rule the world was there to use freely and at his leisure. It was exciting to say the least. And Rimuru wanted to enjoy every second of it.

With both of them now committing to a no holds barred battle... the new fight was about to begin.

Both continued to look at eachother, a smirk on their faces. Waiting to see who would make the first move. And as expected, Veldora made the first move.

This time however, as Veldora said, he would no longer be holding back. Veldora launched an attack which created over 100 lightning and thunder constructs that blocked and restricted all of Rimurus movements.

This was possible due to an Ultimate Skill Veldora had also managed to evolve from during the time when the Unlimited Imprisonment was finished being analyzed but yet broken.

This skill was named, [King of Thunder Baal], adding up to a total of two Ultimate Skills under Veldora's possession.

Rimuru tried once again to use his eyes of destruction to cancel it out... but it had no affect for some reason. Namely, Veldora had applied the effects of Faust to his advantage. Lowering the probability of Rimuru being able cancel out his attack. As Veldora noticed the change in Rimuru's expression, he let the stationary attack fire down upon Rimuru.

A thunderous roar ripped though the cave, each and every single lightning construct had pierced through the sound barrier. Debris of the cave falling, the walls cracking and shattering. The debris and dust that built up around the area of effect was blinding, but for Veldora seeing through was easy.

So he was fairly unnerved to see Rimuru no where in sight. But to make situations worse, Veldora had heard what sounded to be a sonic boom from behind.

It was Rimuru with a sword in hand, coated with his own dense and deadly aura. He merely slashed the air and sent a dozen of strikes that ejected towards Veldora with deadly precision and speed.

Due to his probability Manipulation, Veldora altered the chance of the attacks actually landing on mark, thus sending them off course and crashing into the caves walls, producing devastating shockwaves. Howc

"Interesting... how did you appear behind me? More than that... you dont have a scratch on you." Veldora spoke with a smirk, truly proud in Rimuru's growth.

"Sorry Veldora... can't reveal my secrets." Rimuru spoke. In truth, Rimuru had used the [Spatial Domination] sub-skill of [Covenant King Uriel] to swap spaces and transport himself away from Veldora. While at the same time, using his speed to rush Veldora as to not leave any openings.

His plan had worked, but his Probability Manipulation drove it right off course at the end. But this was only to test the waters for a new move Rimuru wanted to try out.

Without saying anything more, Rimuru struck the exact same attack he used earlier, Veldora had attempted to counter using Faust. But instantly, Rimuru's attack had vanished from Veldora's sight.

Not even a fraction of a second later, the attack hit Veldora from behind. Rimuru had once again utilized Uriel's Spatial Domination abilities, this time, swapping the spatial coordinate of his attack. Making it travel though the limited space and opening it directly upon Veldora, while simultaneously applying the effects of [Gluttonous King Beelzebuth] to absorb Veldora's energy. Since it had the effects of an actual Ultimate Skill applied to it, it could at least counteract Faust's Probability Manipulation.

Such precision, thought process and accuracy was only made possible due to Rimuru's trusty companion namely Raphael. Without her by his side, he would have never thought of such a tactic and much less pull it off.

Rimuru had smirked at the outcome of the attack, satisfied with its results.

Veldora got up from the rubble that the attack sent him into.

"Kuhahahahahaha! I haven't felt a proper sting like that in ages Rimuru! You truly have my respect!" Veldora bellowed.

With this, Veldora made his move once again, his speed vastly superior to what he had shown prior. A speed that shattered the sound barrier like glass, making a highly audible sonic boom that was able to be heard even through the active barrier. Rimuru blocked Veldora's punch with his purr black katana, surprisingly not shattering with that single strike. Not even a scratch.

The two proceeded to continually trade blows, Rimuru with his sword and Veldora with his fists coated with his own aura. Each blow devastating. Had it not been for this barrier that Raphael had been doing upkeep on, the entire world would have felt the effects of this intense battle.

Veldora had been using both Faust and Baal continuously making them work overtime. The second he would use Baal to create a lightning construct, Rimuru would devour it with Beelzebuth. Even when applying Probability Manipulation from Faust to it, Rimuru would bypass it via Beelzebuth. Consuming the entire attack and making its energy his own.

With this in effect, Veldora was beginning to lose hope in how he could win. Each time he thought of something, Rimuru would counter. It was the reality of the situation, but Veldora could only smile with pride in the battle they were having.

"Now!" Rimuru had shouted. The area around the two began to glow brightly, a blinding golden light. However Veldora could see very clearly. His jaw dropped by the sight.

It was each and every thunder construct Veldora had created. Except now, those golden thunderous constructs were being overtaken by a dark force, turning them purple in color.

"W-Wha, what it this?" Veldora muttered in disbelief, stricken by the sight.

"I never devoured your attacks. Think of what I did was hold them within their own individual prison of sorts while it gave me time to analyze and override your control on them. I simply call it, [Takeover]. Using that [Infinity Prison] as a base. Now then."

Rimuru snapped his fingers and every single orb moved even faster than when Veldora had control over them. Veldora knowing he couldn't dodge, made use of [Thought Acceleration] and began to use his probability Manipulation to lessen the amount of damage he would take from such attack. But oh was he wrong.

Rimuru had altered the property of each construct with Beelzebuth, adding its effects of consuming energy like he did earlier. Each construct had hit Veldora and exploding, sending currents if electricity all around the cave and killing any monsters that had unfortunately spawned or was still somehow alive. Veldora had lost a huge chunk of his current energy source leaving him near empty due to how much Rimuru had absorbed with this one attack that was maximized to its fullest.

Knowing this, Rimuru sent forward a flurry of slashes paired with Spatial Domination as he did earlier. Unleashing over a dozen attacks on Veldora at once. Leaving a multitude of slashes over his chest and even his neck. Veldora fell on his ass in defeat.

Rimuru, emerging the victor due to his assistance from Raphael for optimizing each attack to its greatest extent and tactical wise.