
Tensura: Unbecoming

This story takes place during and mere moments after Rimuru Tempest' evolution into a Awakened Demon Lord. During this Evolution, due to the Presence of Storm Dragon Veldora, the newly acquired Raphael manages to analyze Veldora's core and leaking magicules and upgrade Rimuru into a True Dragon, becoming the fifth one in existence. See how is attitude and journey throughout the world is affected by his significantly more powerful presence. (Keep in mind, this story will have a completely different route with the similar events, just not taking place as they originally did, but cosmology would be vastly different and attempted to be explained in better detail plus a whole bunch of differences.)

Astra178 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


The meeting of Demon Lords had been going on for roughly an hour and bridging the timeframe into the two hour mark.

The servants who followed there masters here were doing their best to uphold some dignity. While the two True Dragons present were growing bored with all the talk and nonsense spoken by Clayman.

Veldora had pulled out some manga he received from Rimuru prior to this meeting and began reading it. Only taking a small look up whenever he heard his name brought up. But when he noticed it was Clayman who mentioned him, he looked down at his manga and ignored everything else as if they didn't exist.

Meanwhile Velzard was simply leaning back in her chain, eyes closed but still listening cause she would never know when things might get interesting. She wanted to be awake for that.

As for the Demon Lords, all members were reluctantly listening to the one who truly brought shame among them all.

Clayman spoke of many things, consisting of Carrions Betrayal and goading Rimuru into becoming a Demon Lord via killing Clayman and taking his place. Milim killing Carrion and destroying Eurazania, Rimuru killing Clayman's subordinate.

But soon during the meeting, after Claymans turn on the floor was brought to an end, all of his words got turned upside down and proven to be fallacious arguments by the sound proof provided by Rimuru.

These facts only continued to annoy Clayman and ruin his "Perfect" plan. But at every turn, no matter what course of action he took, it was all in vain as Rimuru possessed a perfect counter to it.

Suddenly, as Clayman was thinking of his next course of action, chair was sent flying past his face. The light and swift breeze followed the chair as it blew past Clayman's face. Shattering in pieces as it collided with the wall. This action took Clayman by complete surprise as he was off guard.

"Quit your games. Just a bit earlier you were trying to mind control me through your speech. I'll let you know that abilities like that don't work on me." Rimuru said, his voice tinged with irritation at Clayman's attempt.

"But that only makes me think, is something like that even allowed at Walpurgis?" Rimuru asked. His gaze piercing through Clayman's very being, watching him like a deadly predator about to inevitably pounce on its prey.

"It is not. In order to keep impartial thoughts and opinions for the sake of individuality, its only right for you to speak with your own words." Guy answered, his own gaze fixed on Rimuru, completely ignoring Clayman.

"B-But Guy, he is a mockery to us Demon Lords. Isn't it necessary for us to-"

"Quiet." But before Clayman could even finish his plea,  Rimuru interrupted. Deeming his words useless and pointless.

"Frankly, I dont care about having the status of a demon lord, in truth I just want to live peacefully within my nation. And to do that, I need to keep cooperating with humans. If thats what it take for me to have my peace and quiet I have no problem with it." Rimuru spoke with determination hinted within his voice, while simultaneously walking to the center where the round table once was.

"But to those who try to disturb and end my peace will be deemed my enemy. Whether they be a Human Hero, Demon Lord or the Holy Church would not matter. And that includes you, Clayman."

"Very well spoken. You see that Clayman, your position is being challenged. If you wish to keep it, then defeat this Majin with your own strength." Guy spoke towards Clayman, then turning his attention back onto Rimuru.

"As for you Rimuru, do you intend to become a Demon Lord?" Guy asked with a smirk. Highly anticipating what Rimuru's answer would be.

"Naturally. I have already taken up the role of leader of the Jura Forest. So to humans, I already am a Demon Lord." Rimuru said resolutely as Guy watched him.

"Very well. You have plenty of witnesses. If you can defeat Clayman in front of us, you will be recognized as one of us."

"Sounds simple enough." Rimuru spoke in a casual manner. Not considering Clayman to be a threat to him in the slightest.

"Oh dear, it seems that I have gotten myself into quite the predicament. It seems too much scheming truly is the schemers downfall. Very well, your up... Milim." Clayman spoke up, sounding as if he was giving orders to Milim. Even though this was supposed to be a fight between just them. Even this was enough to actually capture both Velzard and Veldora's attention.

Milim stood up from her seat, the mere fact that Clayman seemed to order her had caught everyones attention. All eyes on her, while her own expression remained dull and robotic.

Even though Rimuru was already aware that Milim is not being controlled, he decided to play along just to entertain Milim.

"Hm, having others do your dirty work for you? Truly a coward through and through." Rimuru antagonized.

"What do you mean, I will be fighting as well. Together Milim and I will crush you."

"Nah, If I fought you I would just be bullying. Instead my subordinate should be good for you." Rimuru smirked. This irritation caused Clayman to flare his own aura at Rimuru's provocation. However it was not enough to cause even a bit of concern.

But in that split second in which his aura had made itself apparent, Shion appeared behind Clayman and pummeled him repeatedly. Fast and Consecutive strikes were dealt upon Clayman in rapid succession. Dealing great amount of physical damage to him before delivering a final strike to his jaw, sending him flying and landing at Rimuru's feet.

"Rimuru-sama! May I deal with him?" Shion asked with a bright smile, all while a little of Clayman's own blood had landed on Shion's face and even covering her fists.

"Although it would have been better to ask before you acted, you may do so." Rimuru responded while looking at Shion with an exasperated expression.

Although weakly, Clayman rose back to his feet and jumped meters away from Rimuru and next to Milim.

"You bastard!" Clayman shouted in contempt.

With that, Shion returned to Rimuru's side to prepare to face Clayman. Ranga emerging from his shadow to make his own appearance for this fight.

Meanwhile by Clayman's side was his Three Tailed fox beast which had grown in size enough to match Ranga's. A puppet with four arms. And Milim.

Knowing a battle was about to get underway, Guy put up a barrier to keep their destruction limited inside. But even now he only looked on in amusement. Wanting to see how powerful this individual who both Milim, Ramiris and Velzard took interest in.

'Now, lets see how strong you truly are, Rimuru Tempest.' Guy thought to himself while watching the two groups about to go head to head.

"Milim. Kill that Impudent Slime." Clayman ordered, outstretching his arm towards Rimuru while a crazed smile was plastered onto his face.

In no time, Milim lunged at Rimuru. Her fist aimed directly for his face. Had this been the past Rimuru or even just when he evolved into an Awakened Demon Lord, we would have barely been able to dodge.

But this was something new, Rimuru raised both his arms into an X and blocked Milim's Strike with relative ease.

This one action actually surprised Milim to an extent.

'Huh?!?! Is this really Rimuru?!?! He grew much stronger than when I last saw him! So exciting!' Milim thought to herself, doing her best to refrain from showing any emotion to her outward appearance. But on the inside she wanted to see just how strong her bestie has become. And she had the perfect opportunity for it.

But this one action had shook nearly every onlooker to their very cores. The fact that Rimuru was able to block Milim's punch with relative ease was nothing short but shocking. From this single sight they had knew someone extremely dangerous had entered the fray.