
Tensura: The Epic Tale of Rimuru Tempest!

That time I got reincarnated as a primordial demon, instead of a slime. Hey guy's new story for ya so read. Also english is not my first language so there will be some grammatical errors. Not much but there will be some, so please bear with it for me. And even if you read there is nothing to lose for me. So make sure read it. Original story and characters belongs to the original writer who is "Fuse". This is just for fun so don't take anything personally. This story contains sexual intercourse, courses, and violence so read with your responsibility. Also the pairings are; 1. Rimuru x Ciel. ('Cause it's best and perfect ship) 2. Rimuru x Shizue. ('Cause it's a really good ship in my opinion ofcourse) 3. Rimuru x Chloe. ('Cause she deserve him) 4. Rimuru x Velzard. ('Cause in my opinion Velzard deserve someone like Rimuru instead of Guy. Also Rimuru deserve atleast one milf) 5. Rimuru x Velgrynd. ('Cause Rimuru deserve one milf and I can't choose between Velzard and Velgrynd so I take both of them)

God_RimuruTempest · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 33: The Battle Between Legends!!

Attention: Guys, please tell me your thoughts in the comments because it gives me new ideas for the story and also motivates me to write new chapters.

Also, there is a note at the end of the chapter, so make sure to read it!!!!

And a question for you guys: Is water wet? Or does it make other things wet?

That's all for now, so you can enjoy the chapter.


It has been several hours since Rimuru, Milim, and Veldora have engaged in a three-way deadlock.

Up until now, they are just using sloppy moves for warm-up. But still, their warm-up has destroyed more than two continents.

Constantly using the same moves, Veldora grew bored and decided to spice things up. So, he detached himself from Rimuru and Milim and started to gather a small amount of energy in his hand.

"This is becoming boring, Rimuru. Let me spice things up!" Veldora said, and without waiting for any response, he started to prepare an attack.

"Ka... me... ha... me... ha!!!" Veldora fired his attack towards Rimuru.

Initially, this attack is powerful enough to destroy a large galaxy, but because it's just the start of the fight, Veldora didn't fire this attack at its full power.

Right now, this attack is strong enough to only destroy some planets or a small solar system inside the Cardinal World.

Seeing Veldora's incoming attack, Rimuru threw Milim towards it.

After being thrown by Rimuru, Milim looked towards the attack and said,

"Something like this is not even capable of scratching me!" She deflected Veldora's attack with her bare hands.

Due to Milim deflecting the attack, the trajectory of Veldora's attack changed, and it started to head towards the planet.

Soon enough, it collided with the planet, causing it to explode like a firecracker.

"Hey, that looks beautiful!" Rimuru commented after seeing the destruction of the planet.

"Yeah, it does!" Milim also said after witnessing the explosion.

"Alright, guys, time to get serious!" Rimuru said, and started to release some of his aura.

Seeing Rimuru getting started, Veldora, along with Milim, also released almost half of their aura.

After all of them released this much aura, almost half of the Cardinal World got destroyed.

"Show me your power!" Rimuru said to them.

Just as Rimuru said that, he started to attack them. And once again, he engaged with Veldora and Milim in hand-to-hand combat.

Soon, the serious battle between Milim & Veldora vs Rimuru began.

Whenever their punches and kicks collide, the sheer force generates shockwaves that ripple through the Cardinal World, causing destruction in their wake, exacerbated by the potent aura they are releasing.

Veldora, the greatest martial artist in the whole existence, ranks only below Rimuru, Ciel, and Veldanava in his prime.

Currently, Veldora's martial arts skills are far suppressed by anyone. There is no one in the entire existence who can match his skills except Rimuru, Ciel, and Veldanava in his prime.

If current Veldora's martial arts skills were compared with Veldanava after his creation of the world self, then Veldora far outclasses him in martial arts skill.

He is so skilled that only in five to six moves, he can defeat the likes of Guy.

On the other hand, Milim is also not far behind them because this year she also honed her skills with Veldora for this battle.

She is nowhere near the level of Veldora, but still, with brute force, she is deadly.

If we were to compare her skills with others, she would be at the level of Guy and Diablo.

As for Rimuru, he is countering their each and every attack with ease because he is more skilled than both of them.

Every time Veldora tries to attack Rimuru, he always blocks Veldora's attack with his own or positions himself in a way that Veldora's attack inadvertently targets Milim.

With each punch Veldora throws at Rimuru, he increases the power and speed behind his assaults, a tactic mirrored by Milim.

In a particularly intense moment, Veldora aims a powerful right punch at Rimuru, who effortlessly evades the blow and counters with a swift kick directed at Milim. However, to his surprise, Milim is swiftly However, much to his surprise, Milim swiftly swaps places with Veldora, who is ready to counterattack and deliver a powerful blow towards Rimuru.

Veldora and Milim have devised a cunning strategy: whenever Rimuru attempts to attack Milim and Veldora is positioned to retaliate against Rimuru, they swiftly switch places with each other, and vice versa. This tactic requires impeccable timing and coordination, as both of them must utilize their skills simultaneously.

And because they possess God series skills, on top of that, they have the sub-skill [Space-Time Domination], which grants them complete control over the elements of space and time.

Utilizing this extraordinary ability, they can swiftly switch places with each other during battle. However, mastering this technique wasn't easy. It required relentless training, continuous improvement, and countless experiments. But now, they execute it flawlessly, giving them a significant advantage in combat situations.

Their mastery of [Space-Time Domination] not only showcases their exceptional abilities but also highlights the depth of their strategic prowess. By seamlessly swapping positions, they keep their opponents guessing and gain the upper hand in battles. And in the midst of their current confrontation, they unleash this impressive technique, demonstrating their unrivaled skill and coordination on the battlefield.

And currently, they are using the same tactic, demonstrating their synchronized skills with [Space-Time Domination].

"Take this, brother! This is my new attack!" Veldora said to Rimuru.

"Veldora-Style CHAOS RAY!" Veldora shouted and fired his new attack towards Rimuru.

As he unleashed the Chaos Ray towards Rimuru, he had a massive smirk on his face. This attack, the Chaos Ray, is an improved and more powerful version of his previous attack, the Kamehameha.

While similar to the Kamehameha in some ways, the Chaos Ray differs in its execution. Unlike the Kamehameha, where the user gathers energy in their hands and releases it like a beam, the Chaos Ray employs a different method.

In the Chaos Ray, Veldora not only gathers energy akin to the Kamehameha but does so in significantly larger quantities. As part of the process, Veldora adds a unique twist by concentrating some of his magicules in the center of the energy buildup. This concentrated core is then enveloped by layers of aura and energy, forming a protective shell.

The shell consists of two layers: an outer layer, thinner but charged with energy, and an inner layer, denser and more solid. When Veldora unleashes the attack, it travels towards the target resembling the trajectory of a Kamehameha. However, upon impact, the intricacies of the Chaos Ray come into play.

Upon contact with the target, the outer shell surrounding the concentrated energy fractures, dispersing the shockwave of the impact throughout the inner layer. This results in the fragmentation of the inner layer into numerous small pieces.

As the inner shell fragments, the concentrated energy within it undergoes an explosive release. The explosion not only amplifies the force of the attack but also propels the shattered pieces of the inner layer outward at velocities exceeding the speed of light. This ensures that the target is bombarded with energy projectiles at point-blank range.

The innovative design of the Chaos Ray grants it unprecedented destructive potential. It has enough power to destroy several galaxies, not only due to its sheer force but also because of its unique mechanism for delivering devastating blows to multiple targets simultaneously.

As Rimuru faces Veldora's attack head-on without attempting to shield himself, a massive explosion occurs.

Seeing his attack land on Rimuru, Veldora is thrilled to witness the results of his hard work. He spent almost five years perfecting this attack, and now, the moment of truth has arrived.

"How was it, Rimuru? I have created this new Veldora-Style attack! It is several times more powerful than before," Veldora asked Rimuru, boasting himself.

"Hm... was that supposed to hurt me?" Rimuru asked from within the smoke, though his shining golden eyes were visible outside.

"If yes, then it's not powerful enough because it didn't even tickle me," Rimuru said after the smoke cleared.

Even after enduring the attack, he didn't have a scratch on his body.

"Hahahaha! Just as I expected. It doesn't have the slightest effect on you, brother!" Veldora exclaimed jovially.

"Yeah, if something like this is going to hurt us, then how are we supposed to fight each other?" Milim added her thoughts.

"Enough talking. Let's resume our battle!" Rimuru declared.

Just as he said that, Milim and Veldora dashed towards Rimuru. Soon, they once again engaged in deadly hand-to-hand combat.

Veldora launched a powerful kick aimed at Rimuru, but Rimuru anticipated the attack, and caught him by his legs, throwing him towards Milim.

In midair, Veldora and Milim looked towards each other and nodded. They seamlessly switched places with each other.

Milim appeared in Veldora's place with an attack in hand that she had prepared for Rimuru.

"Here I go, 'DRAGO BUSTER'!" Milim declared and threw her attack towards Rimuru.

It is a downgraded version of the original attack, 'Drago Nova'.

Even though this attack is a downgraded version of the original, it still has the potential to easily destroy planets within the Cardinal World.

Seeing her attack, Rimuru closed his eyes and reopened them, revealing red patterns. This was because Rimuru had activated his [Eyes of Destruction]. Just like that, Milim's attack vanished before it even reached Rimuru.

Without wasting any time, Milim appeared in front of Rimuru and delivered an uppercut.

Rimuru took the blow without resistance, having anticipated the incoming Veldora, who was about to kick him. Thus, he strategically accepted Milim's attack to shift his position, knowing that this would allow Milim to intercept Veldora's attack.

But to his surprise, Veldora changed his attack pattern in a way that his attack would now propel Milim towards Rimuru for another assault.

Just like that, Milim received a push from Veldora and was propelled towards Rimuru, surpassing her previous speed.

They had already transcended the concept of speed and possessed immeasurable speed. This was possible because all of them were capable of manipulating information particles; in other words, they had transcended information particles.

Information particles are the smallest particles contained within all matter in the world, including souls and even skills.

Their mass is as close to zero as it gets. They are unaffected by space and time and are thus able to transfer information in any situation with zero time difference.

In other words, information particles transcend space and time. This also means that the people who transcend information particles also transcend space and time. Because of this, these individuals are able to move in a suspended world where time is stopped.

Additionally, because they transcend space, they are able to move, ignoring space itself. In other words, they possess immeasurable speed, to the point where even the speed of light seems like slow motion to them.

She headed towards Rimuru, hand cocked back, intent on delivering a powerful punch. She planned to utilize almost all of her current strength in this attack, leaving nothing in reserve, not even a fraction.

However, Rimuru anticipated her approach and countered by delivering a punch to Milim with even greater force than she intended. This unexpected move caught Milim off guard. And,


Their fists collided with a resounding impact, sending shockwaves reverberating through the air. The sheer force of their clash echoed across the battlefield.

In the aftermath, Milim found herself staggering backward from the force of Rimuru's punch. Despite her initial momentum, she was unable to withstand the overwhelming strength behind Rimuru's blow.

This exchange of blows demonstrated the intensity of their battle and the formidable power wielded by both Rimuru and Milim.

As their fists collided, it generated massive shockwaves that obliterated more than half of the Cardinal World.

Due to that impact, Milim was propelled backward towards Veldora with even greater speed than she had approached Rimuru.

Fortunately, this was not an issue as Veldora had already caught Milim.

"Hahahahhaha hahhahahahha. That was thrilling. My hand is tingling from the impact!" Milim exclaimed after Veldora caught her.

"Yeah, this is fun. It's been ages since I had such a good fight," Veldora added, sharing his thoughts.

"Less talk, more fight!" Rimuru said as he appeared in front of them and started to ruthlessly attack them.

However, they also retaliated against his assaults, matching his punches and kicks with their own.

Each blow was met with a corresponding strike, intensifying the exchange of attacks.

With every attack, they increased the force behind their strikes, intensifying the intensity of the battle.

Once again, they found themselves locked in close-quarters combat, exchanging blows in a relentless struggle for dominance.







It has been so much time that if time were moving instead of being stopped, several weeks' worth of time would have passed since they engaged in hand-to-hand combat.

Throughout this entire duration, surprisingly, none of them had unleashed their full strength yet. Milim hadn't even activated her [Stamped] mode once, sticking to her True Form throughout the entire ordeal.

Similarly, Veldora, too, hadn't resorted to his magical attacks or flashy sword techniques. He seemed content with using only his bare fists, showcasing his martial arts prowess. He didn't even use his ultimate skill, except for occasional usage of [Space-Time Domination]. The same goes for Milim too, as she also didn't use her ultimate skill, except for occasional usage of [Space-Time Domination].

Even Rimuru, despite his arsenal of infinite and versatile skills, had refrained from using anything besides the occasional [Eyes of Destruction].

It was as if they were all testing each other's limits, engaging in a dance of martial prowess rather than an all-out battle of power.

"This is getting boring, guys. Let's ramp up the power!" Milim exclaimed after recovering from the kick she received from Rimuru.

"Yeah, let's do it!" Veldora chimed in, separating himself from Rimuru and appearing beside Milim.

"Bring it on, guys!" Rimuru responded, releasing more of his aura.

Just as he said that, Milim activated [Stamped] mode, transforming into her battle form.

Veldora also released more than half of his aura and began using his ultimate skill.

The Cardinal World was overwhelmed by the sudden increase in their power. The combined overflow of aura from Milim, Veldora, and Rimuru proved too much for the world to contain, leading to its complete destruction. Now, only the protective dimensional barrier constructed by Veldanava remained intact, though it too was now on the verge of collapsing under the immense strain.

"Rimuru, here we come!!!!" Veldora and Milim exclaimed simultaneously as they dashed towards Rimuru.

Now, they moved at a speed even greater than before. Their previous pace seemed sluggish compared to their current speed. Soon enough, they clashed once again.

As they collided, Veldora attempted to deliver an uppercut to Rimuru. However, Rimuru effortlessly blocked the attack and turned his attention to Milim, who was about to kick him.

He caught Milim's incoming kick while still holding Veldora with one hand.

After seizing both of them, he threw them in opposite directions, but they managed to halt mid-air and redirected themselves toward Rimuru.

Veldora charged his leg with aura to deliver a kick, while Milim coated her hands with aura and magicules for a punch.

As they closed in on Rimuru, he didn't flinch; instead, he caught both of them and redirected their attacks to collide with each other.

However, they brushed off the impact as if it were nothing.

Veldora merely coated his leg with his aura, which wasn't enough to inflict damage on Milim. Additionally, Milim was in her Stampede mode, specialized in both offensive and defensive capabilities, which prevented her from taking any damage.

Veldora also employed his ultimate skill to reduce any potential harm he might receive. Likewise, Milim only coated her hands with magicules and aura, which was insufficient to make a strong impact on Veldora. With the combination of his ultimate skill, Veldora remained unscathed.

After composing themselves, they once again launched an attack on Rimuru. Veldora occasionally unleashed his Chaos Ray, his various Veldora-Style Killing Arts, and some of Tempest Arts, along with other attacks he had developed during his free time against Rimuru.

However, Rimuru adeptly used his [Eyes of Destruction], dodged, or positioned Milim as a shield against Veldora's assaults.

Similarly, Milim unleashed several Drago Nova and Drago Buster attacks on Rimuru. Yet, Rimuru skillfully evaded or neutralized the assaults using his [Eyes of Destruction], dodging, or positioning Veldora as a barrier against Milim's barrage.

(A.N. Guys, tell me, am I the only one who is imagining Rimuru doing this and everything that I write, or are there more people like me?)

After fighting for weeks' worth of time, they finally stopped and separated from each other.

"Hm... It's been good and all, but I think it's time we get serious. I'm starting to get bored," Rimuru remarked in a bored tone.

"Yeah, me too. I'm getting bored as well!" Milim chimed in.

"Then there's no holding back anymore. From now on, we'll go all out!" Veldora declared.

Just as he said that, he started to release all of his aura without holding back, letting it surge freely.

Following him, Milim also unleashed her full power, releasing all the energy she had been suppressing until now. She also activated her Magicules Breeder Reactor, causing her magicules to skyrocket. Her magicules increased to one and a half times their original size and continued to grow.

Currently, both Veldora and Milim possessed an equal amount of magicules and existence value.

Observing them, Rimuru also released more of his power.

The released aura was too much for the Cardinal World to handle, and the dimensional layer created by Veldanava was destroyed. Some of the multiverses from the outside world were also obliterated in the process.

Right now, each of their auras alone could easily destroy several multiverses without much effort.

"The real battle begins now!" Rimuru exclaimed, his excitement evident as the anticipation of the impending clash grew.


And that's end that's all for this chapter.

Next chapter will be 'The End of The Legendary Battle!!!'

Also, for those who may question Veldora's formidable power in my story, here are some points to consider that should address any doubts:

1. Early encounter with Rimuru.

2. Receiving proper guidance from the beginning.

3. Finding people who understand his nature, thought process, and accept him.

4. Receiving constructive feedback on his fighting style, allowing him to improve.

5. Having ample time for training.

6. Access to an infinite amount of manga source material.

7. Access to more knowledge.

8. Experience in using his ultimate skill and mastering it.

9. Having dependable allies.

10. Maintaining a healthy relationship with family.

Furthermore, in the light novel (LN), Veldora also has the potential to become as strong as Velzard and Guy or even surpass them. However, in the LN, he lacks proper guidance. After meeting Rimuru, he rapidly acquires his ultimate skill, and within a short span of 2-3 years, he becomes as strong as Velgrynd or slightly weaker.

In our story, Veldora benefits from all these factors, along with ample time to master his ultimate skill and other techniques.

Tell me how is the chapter in comments. It is really motivates me to write new chapters.

Word Count = 3.3k