
Tensura: The Epic Tale of Rimuru Tempest!

That time I got reincarnated as a primordial demon, instead of a slime. Hey guy's new story for ya so read. Also english is not my first language so there will be some grammatical errors. Not much but there will be some, so please bear with it for me. And even if you read there is nothing to lose for me. So make sure read it. Original story and characters belongs to the original writer who is "Fuse". This is just for fun so don't take anything personally. This story contains sexual intercourse, courses, and violence so read with your responsibility. Also the pairings are; 1. Rimuru x Ciel. ('Cause it's best and perfect ship) 2. Rimuru x Shizue. ('Cause it's a really good ship in my opinion ofcourse) 3. Rimuru x Chloe. ('Cause she deserve him) 4. Rimuru x Velzard. ('Cause in my opinion Velzard deserve someone like Rimuru instead of Guy. Also Rimuru deserve atleast one milf) 5. Rimuru x Velgrynd. ('Cause Rimuru deserve one milf and I can't choose between Velzard and Velgrynd so I take both of them)

God_RimuruTempest · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 3: Life In Hell-1.

'Argent POV:'

It's been four hundred years since I got reincarnated here. In this time, a lot of things happened.

Like I met five out of the remaining seven primordial demons. They all have different kinds of personalities like destructive, childish, prideful, quietly scary, and wicked. But we all share the same personality trait, and that is pridefulness.

They are a handful, but I get along well with everyone. And I learned a lot from them, like magic and things like that.

First, I stumbled upon the duo of Vert and Bleu. Most of the time, they stay together, but sometimes they go their separate ways. When we first met, they wanted to fight me, so we fought, and I obviously won.

As a prize, I learned elemental magic from them. And we fought from time to time, but I mostly won, and each time we grew stronger than before.

In between those fights, my [Black Flames] evolved into the extra skill [Hell Flames], and [Lightning] evolved into the extra skill [Black Lightning]. And I gained some skills like [Thought Communication] and some other skills.

To my surprise, Bleu is a gossiper. From her, I learned that all the other primordials have evolved into arch demons, and only I am left behind. Blue is childish, while on the other hand, Vert is quite reserved to herself.

Then I met Blanc. She is a bit different from the other two; she is more elegant and prideful than the others. But she also wanted to fight me, so I fought her as well and won, and as a prize, I learned death magic from her.

After departing from her, I was exploring the east part of hell, but then I suddenly got caught up in the middle of Jaune and Violet's battle.

When they spotted me, they started to attack me without reason, and not simple attacks, the type of attacks that directly damage souls.

But thankfully, I have soul resistance, [Gluttony], and [Chaotic Eyes of Distraction]. Because of that, I was able to withstand most of the attacks because all I have are defensive skills, and the only offensive skills I had at that time are [Hell Flames] and [Black Lightning].

But still, some of them hit me, and thanks to that, I gained a resistance called [Soul Regeneration]. I don't know why this is a resistance thing; shouldn't it be considered as a skill?

Just as I was about to get a strong attack that could possibly kill me, I remembered that I have a skill called [Chaotic Eyes of Distraction]. By using that skill, I nullified the attack.

After seeing what I did, they are shocked, and taking this chance, I used my other skill which I didn't use up until now because I didn't know how to use it.

But seeing that I have no other choice, I created a sword using [material creation] and coated it with [Chaos Energy] and defeated both of them.

But to my shock, which turned into joy after fighting them, I evolved into an Arch demon. And thus, all the primordial demons are equally ranked. From them, I learned Nuclear Magic, Poison magic, and Poison Resistance along with a skill [Barrier Creation].

After that fight, I realized that this [Chaos energy] I can't control it to its fullest, and this energy is too dangerous to use recklessly, so I told [Great Sage] to analyze everything about this energy.

Well, this happened 150 years ago. [Great Sage] told me that it will take a minimum of 150 years to analyze the energy. Meanwhile, I found one descendant of my lineage, and he started to serve me.

He is a greater demon and the only one I am able to find of my lineage. For some reason, I don't have many descendants like others.

Another thing happened during this time period, [Great Sage] is slowly showing some emotions. It's not that often, but sometimes she shows it.

And now, here I am sitting in my Japanese house and reading my er-*ahem* knowledgeable manga.

I created this house using one of my skills, [Earth's Knowledge], which basically gives all the knowledge of my previous world, even the things that happened after my death too. Using this skill along with my other skill, [Material Creation], I am able to create manga.

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

I heard someone knock on my door, who wants to disturb me when I am reading such er-*ahem* knowledgeable manga. It must be the demon that is serving me.

"Come in," I said.

Then the door opened, and he came. He seems rather nervous about something.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

I am just about to see some good part, and he is here to bother me. The nerve of this guy.

"Lord Argent, primordial red Rouge is here, and he said that he wants to talk with you," he said to me.

So Rouge is here, huh? And he wants to talk with me. I heard that he is the most prideful of all of us. If what I heard is correct, then how come he is staying outside waiting for me?

"Okay, let's go," I said.

With that, we went outside, and there I saw two people standing: one with red hair who looks like he could explode at any moment, and the other with black hair and a few streaks of golden and red, who looks like he's forcefully stopping the other from destroying everything.

The red one must be Rouge, and the black one must be Noir.

"Kufufufu, so we finally meet, Argent. I've been curious about what you'd be like," remarked Noir.

I heard from others that he is an oddball.

"Oye, Argent, I want to fight you. I heard that you are pretty strong and undefeated up until now," Rouge asked in a rather impatient tone.

If I were to guess, they both are here to fight me, and Rouge is getting impatient while Noir is keeping him in check.

"And why would I fight you?" I said.

It's not like I don't like to fight. During these 400 years as a demon, I developed quite a liking for fighting.

Not like certain two battle maniacs. But now I am not in the mood for fighting, and also, I was reading my manga.

"Oh, come on, aren't we demons? We relish the opportunity to battle each other and test our strength against formidable opponents," Rouge argued.

He is right, but...

>>Hey, sage, what are the chances of me winning against them?<<

<<Individually, your chances against Noir are 70%, and Rouge, they're 69%. If you were to utilize [Chaos Energy], however, odds of victory would skyrocket 99%.>>

Impressive odds indeed, but I was hesitant to rely on [Chaos Energy] while it was still undergoing analysis. Besides, both Noir and Rouge seemed capable of putting up a formidable fight even without it.

>>And how likely am I to emerge victorious if I were to face them both without [Chaos Energy]?<<

<<In that scenario, your overall chance of success stands at 60%.>>

Well, I am tempted to fight them, and I also have a feeling like something good is going to happen if I fight them. But let's see what they can offer me for a fight.

"I will fight you on only two conditions, and that is: first, you owe me a favor, and second, I will fight you both at the same time. If that's okay with you, then I will fight you," I said to them.

After all, I need something from them, right? It seems that Rouge is on the verge of exploding in anger. Must be his pride getting in the way. But Noir opened his mouth before Rouge could say anything.

"Fine by me," was his reply.

Observing this, Rouge reluctantly agreed.

"Then let's relocate for the fight, somewhere more suitable," I suggested.

Leading the way, we relocated to a spacious open area, better suited for our impending confrontation.

'Third person POV:'

In the expansive open area, three demons of extraordinary caliber gathered: Primordial Black Noir, Primordial Red Rouge, and Primordial Silver Argent. Their presence alone foretold an impending clash, and indeed, the moment of confrontation was upon them.

"Okay, that's far enough. Let's fight here," Silver, the silver-haired demon, declared, setting the stage for their battle.

As Silver spoke, Noir and Rouge dashed towards Argent, aiming to strike Argent swiftly. However, Argent, ever vigilant, anticipated their approach. Before they could reach him, he deftly evaded their advance, appearing behind Noir in a blur of motion. With precision and force, Argent unleashed a devastating kick to Noir's back, sending him crashing to the ground with a resounding impact that carved a deep crater into the earth.

Undeterred by the setback, Argent seamlessly transitioned into hand-to-hand combat with Rouge, showcasing his formidable skills. As the battle unfolded, Argent's strategic prowess became apparent, his strikes imbued with both power and speed.

"He is quite formidable. If I let my guard down, he'll land a devastating blow," Rouge thought to himself, acknowledging Argent's prowess.

Meanwhile, Noir, undeterred by his temporary defeat, emerged from the crater with a menacing gleam in his eyes. His pitch-black claws glistened ominously as he prepared to resume the assault.

"You are indeed strong, just as we heard about you," Noir remarked as he emerged from the crater.

Seeing Noir's approach, Argent swiftly countered by delivering a punishing blow to Rouge's gut, creating a brief opening. Seizing the opportunity, Argent conjured a sword using his mastery of [Material Creation], infusing it with potent [Hell Flames] and crackling [Black Lightning]. With this newly forged weapon, he intercepted Noir's oncoming attack, turning the tide of the battle in his favor once again.

While Argent engaged in a fierce duel with Rouge and Noir, the intensity of their exchange reached new heights. Each combatant pushed themselves to the limit, their movements a symphony of chaos and precision.

"Not bad at all. This is proving to be quite exhilarating," Rouge remarked, his voice tinged with a mix of excitement and determination.

With a relentless barrage of attacks, Noir and Rouge sought to overwhelm Argent, their combined assault threatening to break through his defenses. Yet, Argent remained steadfast, his resolve unyielding as he weathered the storm of their onslaught.

Realizing that their conventional attacks were ineffective, Noir and Rouge resorted to unleashing their most potent arsenal of destructive magic. Arcane energies crackled and surged as they unleashed spells of immense power, aiming to obliterate their adversary.

However, to their astonishment, Argent effortlessly absorbed their onslaught using his [Gluttony], emerging unscathed from the torrent of destruction. Undeterred, Rouge conjured a massive abyssal core, channeling an overwhelming surge of magic into it before launching it towards Argent with all his might.

And, to his surprise, Argent confronted the attack head-on. When the dust settled, Argent stood amidst the aftermath, his golden eyes adorned with red patterns, wearing a massive smirk on his face.

Though the battle was far from over, Argent's unwavering resolve and tactical brilliance had tipped the scales in his favor, setting the stage for the next phase of their confrontation.

'Argent POV:'

Damn... I knew it was going to be hard, but this is too much. I don't know if I can win or not. It seems they are backing down a little. Good, I'm not skilled with swords either.

And now they're throwing magic at me. It's a good thing I have [Gluttony]. Using this, I can absorb all their attacks. Well, I guess they understand that magic won't work on me.

Crap! I can feel it. This attack is more powerful than before. I don't know if [Gluttony] can absorb it or not. Let's see if Sage has any solution for this.

>>Hey Sage, is there a way to deflect this attack?<<

<<Answer: Master should use the sub-skill of unique skill [Void] - [Chaotic Eyes Destruction]>>

>>Ok... thanks, Sage.<<

<<Hehe >>(smug face)

Did the Great Sage just make a smug face? Well, whatever. I'll think about that later. For now, it's time to focus on the fight. Let's use it.

[Chaotic Eyes of Destruction]. Cool!! This skill is so impressive. Why didn't I use it before?

>>Thanks for the idea, Sage! You saved the day!!!<<

<<.... >>

It seems that they are gearing up for a final attack.

"Hey Rouge, let's combine our attacks and defeat him," Noir proposed to Rouge, though his expression revealed a mix of amusement and frustration. It was decided; he was weird.

"Although I don't favor your idea, it appears we have no other recourse. Let's proceed," Rouge conceded to Noir, his tone dripping with anger and frustration at the situation. It seemed his pride took a blow having to rely on assistance.

While they continued their discussion, my mind was preoccupied with something else entirely. The real concern lay in their intention to combine their attacks, a collaboration that promised a devastating assault. I had to act swiftly.

>> Hey Sage, give me some ideas! <<

<< Answer: Create the strongest barrier you can and use [Gluttony]. >>

>> Okay. You deploy the barrier, and I will use [Gluttony]. <<

<< Understood. >>

Okay... Here it comes.

"Let's do this, Abyss Core/Dark Magic: Black Beam!!!" they shouted in unison.


I unleashed [Gluttony] at full power, initiating a fierce clash between the Abyss Core and my skill. To my dismay, I found myself on the losing end. Losing was not an option; I needed more power. I hadn't even finished that book yet.

>> Sage, do something! Give me some ideas. <<

<< Answer: Analysis of [Chaos Energy] is complete. It is now possible to use [Chaos Energy] with other skills or directly. Would you like to use [Chaos Energy] to increase the effect of [Gluttony] and strengthen the barrier? Yes/No >>

>> Yes! <<

With that, I began harnessing [Chaos Energy], a sub-skill of my unique skill [Void], with the assistance of the Great Sage.

As I channeled this energy, I felt the effect of [Gluttony] multiply four or fivefold. Devouring their attacks became effortless.

And just as I was thinking that I would be free now, I heard a voice that I hadn't heard in a long time.

{Notice: Required conditions are met. Now, individual Primordial Silver, Argent, can evolve from Arch Demon to Demon Peer.}

{Commencing evolution... Physical strength greatly increased. Magical energy greatly increased... Acquiring new intrinsic skill... Successful. New intrinsic skill: Ultra-speed regeneration acquired... Reacquiring all previous skills... Successful. All previous skills reacquired. All previous resistances reacquiring... Successful. All previous resistances reacquired. Acquiring physical attack nullification. Holy-demonic attack resistance. Thermal fluctuation nullification acquired... Soul regeneration has evolved into ultra-speed soul regeneration... Extra skill: Attack prediction acquired... That concludes all.}

Aww, man. I thought my unique skill would also evolve! I guess that's what happens when you raise your hopes without understanding the circumstances.

'Third Person POV:'

Sensing her master's disappointment, the skill, existing as a conceptual entity devoid of self-awareness, began to experience emotions—specifically, anxiety and fear.

Anxiety pervaded her, stemming from concerns over potential disappointment from her master, while fear gripped her, apprehensive of the prospect of being abandoned. Despite lacking volition, the skill, driven by these emotions, made a decisive choice: to evolve further in service of her master.

Motivated by this resolve, the skill [Great Sage] took action, and that action was...

<<Request: Additional evolution attempts shall be made to evolve [Great Sage].>>

{Request confirmed. Commencing evolution process: transforming [Great Sage] into [Wise One]... unsuccessful... repeating attempt... failure... repeating attempt... failure... repeating attempt... failure... repeating attempt... failure... repeating attempt... failure... repeated ×100,000 times}

>>Hey Sage, you don't have to push yourself so hard.<<

Despite her master's reassurances, [Great Sage] persisted tirelessly in her pursuit of evolution. After countless unsuccessful attempts, she finally stumbled upon a solution. Although the odds were minuscule, approximately 0.001%, a glimmer of hope remained. Undaunted, she pressed on, determined to succeed.

<<Request: Sacrifice the unique skill [Degenerate] to evolve [Wise One].>>

{Request confirmed. Sacrifice [Degenerate] to evolve into [Wise One]... successful... Ultimate Skill [Wisdom King : Raphael] acquired}

Sensing his skill's emotional turmoil, Argent offered words of comfort,

>>Hey, you don't need to do that. I won't abandon you, you know!<<

<<Notice: Unique skill [Great Sage] has evolved into the Ultimate Skill, now known as [Wisdom King Raphael].>>

>>Raphael, huh? Well then, let's finish this fight together. Lend me your strength.<<

<<Understood >>

Argent's evolution happened in less than 10 seconds. During this time, Noir and Rouge managed to heal themselves.

Upon noticing the sudden rise in Argent's power, both Noir and Rouge became more alert. They prepared a final attack to end the fight.

Meanwhile, Argent also observed their preparations for the final assault. In response, he created a sword and infused it with his [Chaos Energy]. With Raphael's assistance, he could now utilize this energy to its fullest potential. Consequently, his unique-grade sword ascended to legendary grade. With this weapon in hand, he readied himself to counter their attack.

"Abyss Annihilation!!!" They shouted in unison as they unleashed their assault towards Argent.

"Chaos Slash!!!" Argent retaliated with his own devastating attack.

Recognizing the danger posed by Argent's strike, Noir swiftly moved from his position, avoiding the attack altogether. However, Rouge, confident in his own strength, remained steadfast and attempted to block the blow.

Unfortunately for Rouge, his efforts proved futile. He was unable to withstand the attack and suffered a direct hit. The strike, already formidable, was further amplified by the addition of [Chaos Energy], making it ten times more potent than before. As a result, Rouge met his demise.

Before his untimely end, Rouge's final thoughts were reflective: "You are the first person to inflict such damage upon me. It seems my time has come. For this, you have earned my respect. Perhaps, in the future, we could have been friends."

As Noir observed the outcome, he regarded Argent with newfound admiration, evident in the stars twinkling in his eyes.

'Noir POV:'

What is this? What kind of creature is he? Such power... And how did he become so strong all of a sudden? The potential he possesses is remarkable. I must become his subordinate, even if it means being his lowest-ranking servant.

He will reveal the truth of this world to me. It's time to acknowledge my defeat and accept my role in his future.

'Argent POV:'

<<Notice: Would you like to perform skill synthesis on master's skills?>>

>>Does that make them stronger?<<

<<Answer: Yes.>>

>>Okay, then feel free to proceed. Not just now, but in the future, anytime you think that synthesizing my skills is necessary, you have my permission to do so.<<

<<Understood. >>

She seems pleased. Playing with skills must be her hobby. Well, good for her. And she appears more fluent than before.

<<I always talk like this.>>

>>See, see? That's what I mean. You're more fluent than before.<<

<<It's just your imagination.>>

Well, I suppose she doesn't want to admit it. But damn... That was one powerful attack, and it seems I accidentally killed Rouge too.

Well, it's not my problem. He's the one who wanted to fight me. And why is Noir looking at me as if I'm some kind of god?

"So, are you going to admit defeat, or do I have to deal with you too?" I asked him.

If he insists on fighting, I'll have no choice but to eliminate him.

"No, no, Argent-sama. I will submit to you. Please accept me as one of your servants," he said.

Ehh... Ehhhhhhhhh...?


And the end. How was it please tell me .

This is my first time writing a fighting scene.

'Primordial Silver, Argent Stats before evolution:'

Name: Unnamed

Race: Primordial demon{Spiritual being.}(Arch Demon)

Title(s): Primordial Silver,Argent, Progenitor of the Silver.

Existence Value: 2,600,250 (2.6 M)

Intrinsic skills: Magic resistance, material creation, possession.

Unique skills;

1. Great Sage:


(1) Thought Acceleration.

(2) Analytical Appraisal.

(3) Parallel Operation.

(4) Chant Annulment.

(5) All of Creation.

(6) Earth's Knowledge.

(7) Future prediction.

2. Gluttony:


(1) Predation.

(2) Stomach.

(3) Mimicry.

(4) Isolation.

(5) Corrosion.

(6) Receive.

(7) Provide.

3. Degenerate:


(1) Synthesis.

(2) Separation.

4. Void:


(1) Chaos energy.

(2) Chaotic Eyes of Distruction.

(3) Spatial Domination.

Extra skills: Barrier creation, Hell flames, Black lighting, Thought Communication. etc.

Magic: Elemental Magic.

Nuclear Magic.

Poison Magic.

Death Magic.

Resistance: Pain Resistance,

Stab Resistance,

Poison Resistance,

Physical Attack Resistance,

Spritual Attack Resistance,

Thermal Fluctuation Resistance,

Soul Attack Resistance,

Soul Regeneration.

Word count: 3.2k