
TENSURA: That Time I Abandoned Humanity

(No one read the PS's, so I'll put them up here instead) PS: The first volume was just a prologue that's fast-paced AF and ALSO a canon copy only for the convenience of future plot. PPS: If you don't want to read a canon copy, just go ahead and read Volume 1; Chapter 1,2,3, skip to 11.5 another skip to 19 and 20. THEN, You can go ahead and open Volume 2. Also, THIS BOOK CONTAINS SPOILERS! 《DISCLAIMER》 《The following is a non-profit fan fiction. I do not own Naruto, Tensura, The gamer, and a bunch of other stuff in this fan fiction. Please support the official release.》 . . . . 《Confirmed. Reconstructing the spirit...『Gamers mind』 has been acquired. Report. 『Gamers mind』 and 『Gamers body』 evolved into one skill category: 『Gamer』 has been created 》 And that's what I heard after my death. Did I Hallucinate? Can a ghost even hallucinate? or did I survive, but the doctors gave me too much morphine?? well, no matter... [Additional tag: Genderbender ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] And yes, I own the book cover. Sincerely, Chair-kun's alter ego - Door-kun

Door_kun · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 8 - demon of what?

Kakashi Hatake's POV

「fufu... firstly, naruto will act tough, but his stomach betrayed him」

I listen as I watch the team in the act. Their oddly specific actions are predicted by karma.

「Secondly, Sasuke will be the first to offer him help.」 karma said.

「Here」 Sasuke said

「H-hey Sasuke kun! Sensei said-」

「I don't sense him anywhere right now. So now is fine... The four of us are going to take those bells together」

「It'll be a trouble for us if he became a hindrance, so...」


「I didn't help or persuade them not because I gave up on them, I don't do that because if I did then there will be a much worse outcome than this.」

Karma said.

「What do you mean?」 I decided to ask.

「Out of my teammates the only one who will listen to me is Naruto, and I won't be able to persuade Sakura because she doesn't have the motivation to take the test, at worst case scenario she will try to take us down for trying to give her 'beloved' Sasuke a competition...」

Karma explained before pausing.

「As for Sasuke? He's arrogant, he probably branded naruto as a hindrance... but for me?

He'll see me as an enemy who cooperated with the "hindrances" because he knew I'm stronger than him.

Then, if I persuade him first, he would against my decision by working with Naruto.

Not to mention, Naruto will also be against letting Sasuke in the club. 」

「And by the way. Thirdly, sakura will feed naruto her bento.」

Karma said as sakura brings her chopstick onto naruto's mouth.

...I see, he didn't do anything because he believed in them...

he didn't give up on them...

looks like I'm wrong, huh?

I was silent until naruto eat the rice from sakura's chopstick happily.

「you see? I did say they need a "certain event" for them to work together. But I never said that it wouldn't happen. 」

He stated.

「Welp, it's your cue to go! Don't scare them too much aight?」

I prepared a genjutsu to scare them.

It looks like I'm wrong about you, Karma.




Karma Uzumaki's POV

「Target has moved, follow it!」

「What's your distance from the target? 」

Kakashi asked.

「5 meters, I can go at any time-dattebayo!」

「Second that-ttebane」

「I can go too」

「Me, too-! 」

「Okay... do it! 」




「Does he has a ribbon on his right ear? Are you sure it's our target, Tora? 」

「It's the target, no mistakes」

「Yosh! The mission to capture the lost cat 'Tora' is complete! 」

I know what's going to happen next, so I removed my headphone and move the mic closer to my mouth.

「you guys might want to take off your headphones.. 」

In response to my statement...

A "huh??" from my other teammates and jounin sensei but then...





「OHOH my cute Tora! I was worried to death!!」

「Serve him right! That stupid cat… 」

Naruto said.

「No wonder he ran away...」

Sakura muttered.

After that, Sandaime says.

「The next mission for Kakashi's seventh squad is... an errand to a neighboring town, to baby-sit the chief councilor's boy... helping with digging potatoes....」


「No! No, thank you! As for me, I want to do a more exciting mission! Give us something else! 」

These are Naruto's complaints.

「You fool! You're still bottom rookie! At the start, everyone moves up the ladder by gaining experience from a simple mission!!」

Iruka, who's next to Hokage-sama, said this line with anger.

「Naruto! It is necessary to explain to you what a mission is...」

「Listen to me! Requests pour into the village every day. They range from babysitting to assassination.

A wide spectrum of requests recorded on the request list... they have separated into A, B, C, and D ranks in order of difficulties.... 」

「Hmmm... yesterday's lunch was pork bones broth noodles, so today will be miso broth...」 (Naruto)

「Listen!! 」 (Sandaime)

「I-i'm sorry...」 (Kakashi)




「Okay, fine. If you insist. I'll have you do a C-rank mission. You'll be bodyguards for someone. 」

「Really?!」 Naruto says turning around.

「Ah ha! Who? Who? A feudal lord? Or, a princess?!」

「Don't get so hasty. I'll introduce you now. Could you please come in? 」

Turning around, we meet our eyes with a drunk Tazuna-san who just came in.

「What's this? It's just a bunch of darned squirts! Particularly you, the smallest one with the idiotic face. Are you really a Ninja? 」

「Hahaha. Who's the smallest one with the idiotic face he's talking about? 」

Naruto asks looking around. We lined up. naruto is the shortest, he shouted.

「I'll demolish you!」

while trying to get to him.

Kakashi holds the back of his collar to keep him a safe distance away from Tazuna-san.

「You don't demolish your clients, you moron!」

Kakashi scolded.

「I'm Tazuna, a veteran bridge builder. You'll be risking life and limb in guarding me to the max until I return to my land and complete my bridge. 」

He then turns to the Hokage.

「You are dismissed.」

Hokage-sama said.

Thus, We left his office and regroup outside in the hallway.

「Ok. Pack whatever you need. We will meet at the gates at 10. Scatter. 」

With that, we got home and start packing.




I used my inventory to store many things up... I'll take a look at my stats

I think it's time for me to increase my chakra controls.

And so, I add 200 points in WIS.

"Why," you ask?

It's because WIS increases my mana regen now this is my stats…




The gamer, Demon genius

Karma Uzumaki

Lv 51

Age - 12

Species - Demon Duke class - devil(named)

Proceeding evolution path - Human

Disaster class - A

Gender - Genderless (Identifies self as male)

Hp - 1539 / 1539

MP - 1105 /1105 (10%/minute regen)

CP - 7808/7808


CKRC - 150

STR - 25

VIT - 16

DEX - 10

INT - 52

WIS - 211

LUC - 4989

Points: 300 (10/lv up)


『Whirlpool crest』 passive

Fuinjutsu arts efects +20%

Faster learning at fuinjutsu

HP and CP increased by 10%

『Demon crest』 passive

With Magicule as payments, Allows the user to materialized a new body after dying

Allows the user to exist in the underworld

Obtained demon seed. Have the potential of reaching the <demon lord> title

(Souls collected: 7.145/10.000)

HP and MP + 1000

I guess I'll need to level up more... let's try the market shall we? I've never bought anything else except for pseudo souls...

I've had enough buying items for now, so let's see what the skills system-chan has to offer.


『spirit eye』

I got curious so I tapped it and read its description,

Past Weilder: huo yuhao

Name: 『Seishingan』 (Spirit Eyes)


-Improved Time Perception.

-Telescopic Sight.

-Detailed Vision

soul land????!!

Are you serious?!

How did God make you, system-chan?!

Was he a Weeb too?!




Let's keep that aside, there are other skills I deemed as useful.

But I don't think I'll buy those now... rather, I don't think I will buy those. They're quite pricey.

Well, I remembered I can make <spirit beast ID> so there's supposed to be a connection to this...

Guess I'll buy the 『seishingan』 I'll need a spirit essence to be a spirit master.

It cost me 1.000.000 ryo... 10 milion yen... uuuuughh…but I guess it's worth it.

I still have 17 something million after all.

Huh? Where do I get so much money you ask? Well, gambling.

Don't judge me, I love pachinko.

I henged as an adult and play. And also...



Due to my 5k LUC I almost win everything.

The owner kicked me out though...

Feels bad man... I keep henge-ing as many other faces just to keep playing.

I could've spends it all for pseudo souls but my souls are already 7k so it's not going to be worth it... probably.


≪Would you like to buy skill『Seishingan』???? ≫



Activating Magic Perception, I made my way to the bathroom.

When myy eyes went back to normal and it stopped hurting...


≪Skill 『seishingan』 lv 1 has been acquired≫




I'll need to adapt to this for awhile... There's still 10 minutes before mission so I'll train it in <ghost ID> for now.

『Create ID』





Naruto and Sakura shouted to me who's late for about 15 minutes.

「well, I got lost in my way from the ghost town, you see...」

While sheepishly rubbing my head, I stated

「LIAR! 」 They chorused.

「If you want to lie at least make it believable... 」 kakashi said to me.

「...Says you!」




「ALL RIGHT! We're off!! 」

「What are you so excited about?」

「you see! I've never left the village before! 」

At this, Tazuna turned to Kakashi.

「Oi! Am I going to be okay with this squirt?! 」

To which, Kakashi tried to calm Tazuna down.

「I am a jounin. I'll be watching him, there's no need to worry」

「Hey Old man!! Don't be mocking ninja so much! I'm awesome you see! I'm a super elite ninja who will be called hokage one day!! My name is uzumaki naruto, remember it well! 」.




I got bored since I've watched this scene already, so I pulled my icha-icha paradies.

The others just looked at me weirdly before continuing their conversation.

Kakashi just looked at me wryly though.

We passed the puddle.

I was still ignorant about that.

I put my books away as two shinobi jumped out of the puddle and "killed" a chained kakashi.

「One down, four more. 」 one of them stated.

「k-kakashi sensei!」

I was just standing there, watching the scene development.

But after that...


Naruto got clawed by one of the demon brothers.

You have clicked the wrong button, you fake demons...

Activating 『seishingan』 as my eyes glowed blue,

I charge at my little sis' attacker with kunai at hand.

I had learned how to control my mana in the ghost ID. So far, I imitates Jihan's moves with mana shield and spinning mana arrow.

But now, I pull out my original move which is enhanced weapons.

The enhanced weapons became more durable, sharper, and stronger.

Kinda like chakra enhancement but mana is lighter than chakra, thus allowing me to materialized it freely.

The system did not give me notif about new skills even after that though...?




My kunai glows blue as I cut the enemy nins claw thingy and it sliced through like butter.

"Uwaah never thought it would be this much."

I thought, as naruto watches me in awe.

「Wha-what!??」 One of the clawless demon exclaimed.

「hey, aren't your nails too long? Why don't you let me trim it? Long nails are hindrance for a ninja Dattebane.」

I asked smiling sadistically as I activated 『Haki』 .

That brought quite a surprise to everyone as they turn their heads on me.

Slowly, I advanced forward to the frozen enemy nin, blue kunai at my left and my right hand inside my pocket.

The terrified demon snapped out of my haki and charge at me with his broken claws.

Dodging his broken claws by crouching, I rammed his nose with the back side of my kunai.

And with a nose bleed, he fainted as I turned off my haki.

At the same time, kakashi-sensei helped sasuke who's in front of sakura.




「Naruto... Sorry I didn't help you right away. I got you hurt, I didn't think you'd freeze up like that. 」

Then, Sasuke turns to naruto.

「Hey, are you hurt... scaredy cat? 」

「Sasuke-!」 Naruto yelled.

「Naruto! 」 kakashi yelled.

「There's poison in these guy's claws, we need to take out the poison right away.」

「eh? 」

「we need to open your wound and leech the poison out. Don't move that much, or the poison will spread through your body. 」 Kakashi said.

「by the way, tazuna-san... 」

「w-what is it? 」 tazuna-san stutter.

「I need to talk to you...」




「Naruto! What are you doing?!」Sakura shouted.

「I'm going to swear on the pain in my left hand! I'll protect you, old man... with this Kunai!!」

Upon finishing his dramatic speech, Naruto turn around facing us while pointing tazuna with kunai he stabbed on his own hands.

「The Mission continues! We don't head back! 」


「Naruto... It's all well and good to rid yourself of the poisoned blood, but any more than that and you'll bleed to death. 」

「Yikes! No! No! I can't die like this! 」




「it looks like I need to tell you the truth. No, I'd like you to listen to my story.」








「Well... I guess we have no choice. Let's continue as his body guards. 」 Kakashi says.

「Oh! I am most grateful! 」

Tazuna said.

「Uwaaaah, such cliché story... I can already guess the ending... 」

I said while sticking my nose on icha².




There was a pause before someone ask,

「Icha² or tazuna's story?」

This was voiced by a certain masked hatake.

In response to his question,


I answered nonchalantly as I look up from my book.

「What do you think?」

Kakashi asked again.

The others turned their attention at us in confused manner.

「About what? 」 I asked.

「tazuna-san's ending...」

And the hatake took my bullshit seriously.

Maa~ there's no hurts in giving them clues.

I turn my head back to my book while explaining to kakashi, sasuke, and tazuna who's still listening...

「In this mission we will meet higher ranked rogue-nin...

This gato guy is just a trash you could find anywhere, nothing really special about him, he uses his status as "one of the richest men in the world" to buy the ninja.

And judging from your story, your people has long gave up, excluding the ones building the bridge.

In other words, gato "did" something to make you and your people fought back by non-violent way.

For example... public execution」

Tazuna narrowed his pupils at this.

「Maa~ don't worry, with us being here your people will gain their hope back. They'll absolutely fight back. 」

「What do you mean? 」 tazuna asked.

「You'll find out later」 I said not looking at him.

A moment of silence comes.

I saw naruto was throwing kunais here and there. To which, I usedmy 『seishingan』 to see where he is aiming.

A white rabbit.

I grinned.

「Will you look at that, looks like that "high ranked rouge ninja" will arrive soon」

I said still grinning.

Kakashi was confused from listening my statement as he turns his head to naruto who is apologizing to a white bunny.

From that, his eyes widened.

「DUCK! 」

The moment he shouted that,

A flying giant sword is approaching us like a boomerang.

Every one ducked, while I jumped above the sword.

The sword flew and landed on to a tree, stabbing itself to it.

Soon, a figure appeared standing on the sword.

「Well, well, well. If it isn't Zabuza Momochi. One of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist,

more commonly known as The Demon of the Hidden Mist. Am I correct? 」

Kakashi said.

Naruto, he was about to rushes forward.

But, Kakashi holds out a hand and stops him.

「Get back, you guys,」 Kakashi said.

「Why?!」 Naruto asked loudly.

「He is on a totally different level from the Ninja from the other day, If he is our enemy... then I'll need to use this...」

Kakashi stated, slowly moving his left hand to his hitai-ate.

「I assume you are Kakashi, the Sharingan user... I'm sorry, but I need you to hand over the geezer. 」

The swordman stated.

「Get in Manji battle formation, you guys. Protect Tazuna. Don't join the battle. To not interfere is the team work of this situation. 」

He slowly lifts his headband to reveal his Sharingan.

「Fight me!」

「Well now... I never expected to see the rumoured Sharingan this soon... this is an honour. 」

「Everyone's been saying Sharingan this and Sharingan that... What is it?」


「...Sharingan, Power that the light of the eye generates, and the pupil emanates.

The user of the so-called Visual Jutsu or Dojutsu is said to possess the vision to see through all Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu and is able to deflect them.

The Sharingan is a type of eye that is unique to the user of the Visual Art. However, that is not the only power of the Sharingan...」


「Well said. That is not all, though. What's more frightening is that such an eye can understand how an opponents' techniques, and copy it.」

Zabuza stated.

「When I was in the Anbu Black Ops of the Hidden Mist, search information about you, your information is listed in the bingo book I carried asking for your capture.

It also noted this...

"The man who copied more than a thousand techniques, kakashi the copy-cat ninja"」

To this, Naruto yelled in fascination.


「Alright. Let's end the talking here, 」 Zabuza said.

「I must kill that geezer immediately.」

We all rushed on Tazuna's side to protect him.

Sasuke in front, sakura and naruto at his sides, while I lazily drag my ass behind him, my hands inside my pockets.

「But, Kakashi, it seems I have to defeat you first.」

He takes his sword out of the tree and lands on the river next to us.

「Ninpo: Kirigakure no Jutsu.」

The mist around him thickens and he vanishes into it.

「He's vanished!」


「He'll probably come to erase me first,」

Kakashi said while moving forward.

「What is he-?」 Sakura said.

The mist thickens, the two jounins unleashes a huge blood thirst as sasuke's hands trembled.

「Calm down Sasuke. I'll protect you with my life. I will not allow my comrades to get killed. 」

That lime clamed everyone down.

「I wonder about that...」

This was voiced out by Zabuza who appears between us and Tazuna in a crouch position.

Right after,

Kakashi jumped at him, scattering our manji formation.

「It's over.」

Kakashi stabbed zabuza as it dispersed back into water.

「sensei! Behind you! 」 naruto shouted





To be continue.