
TENSURA: That Time I Abandoned Humanity

(No one read the PS's, so I'll put them up here instead) PS: The first volume was just a prologue that's fast-paced AF and ALSO a canon copy only for the convenience of future plot. PPS: If you don't want to read a canon copy, just go ahead and read Volume 1; Chapter 1,2,3, skip to 11.5 another skip to 19 and 20. THEN, You can go ahead and open Volume 2. Also, THIS BOOK CONTAINS SPOILERS! 《DISCLAIMER》 《The following is a non-profit fan fiction. I do not own Naruto, Tensura, The gamer, and a bunch of other stuff in this fan fiction. Please support the official release.》 . . . . 《Confirmed. Reconstructing the spirit...『Gamers mind』 has been acquired. Report. 『Gamers mind』 and 『Gamers body』 evolved into one skill category: 『Gamer』 has been created 》 And that's what I heard after my death. Did I Hallucinate? Can a ghost even hallucinate? or did I survive, but the doctors gave me too much morphine?? well, no matter... [Additional tag: Genderbender ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] And yes, I own the book cover. Sincerely, Chair-kun's alter ego - Door-kun

Door_kun · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 51 - Honesty

Karma Uzumaki's POV

Now this is what I want.

I'm taking Kaguya's role.

Of course, I had a conversation with hagoromo just a while ago.

「How art thee in this planet, invader!? I bethought thou art dead for good!」


「I don't quite understand what thy means by "nerf", but I hath tried to taketh a did bite of thy power before thee become an actual powerhouse.

Thee hast given me so much ado to keep the prophecy from fading, invader!」

「If you just let me be OP then none of black Zetsu's and Madara's Mugen Tsukuyomi bullshit happened you old alien!!」

「Don't call me alien, alien! 」

We acted like best of buds as you can see (please note the sarcasm).




「Never mind all that, I need to tell ya somethin'」

「...well, what doest a demon like thee want to bid this one who ist called the sage of six paths?」

「I want to take your mother. 」

That plastered a skeptical and eye-bulging face on Hagoromo.

It was quite funny.

「Pfft- Puhahahahaha what's this!? I can't take it anymore!!

I'm asking this to her son! To her freaking son!!

Not only that-

But her son looks like an old man!!

When did you achieve a spiritual body again?!

When you're a hundred+ years old!?

PUHAHAHAHAHA! It's too funny!

You manifested it only after you died!

Pftt- Of course, you'd be old even in your astral appearance! You're not a spiritual being in the first place after all!


I was rolling on the ground.

Even so, I could see a vein and a twitching eyebrow on the sage.

「...art thee done? 」

「Yeah... pant* sorry for...pant* doing...PFFT-!!」

And thus, I burst out again.

Annoying the old wrinkled sage who's sitting on his lotus form in front of me purposely shaking the water of the spiritual sea to show I have successfully annoyed him.

「Haha sorry. Let's continue.

You see, I have a war scheduled on my past world to determine if it will be destroyed or not.

So, after the war, there should be a millennial of peace to live by, but as a king, I can't go to the warzone and engage in combat myself.

My subordinates won't allow it.

Only on some occasion where the enemy's mastermind came out, then I'll be there. 」

「So yeah, I'll be needing her.」

He's still skeptical at this.

How would I even get her to my side, was probably what he thought of right now.

「How wouldst thee taketh her to thy side? the mind corruption of chakra fruit shall not allow thee to-」

「You're talking to not only a devil race himself but a devil lord who actively leaving his material body.

Do you think I can't go and erase a simple Angra mainyu that's not even humanoid yet? 」

I cut in.

Yes, angra mainyu, you heard- I mean READ this correctly.

Just like Veldanava when he died, what I noticed is that the Shinju tree has a great amount of desire.

To satisfy its corrupted self and a festering desire by snatching back its chakra.

Hagoromo looked confused.

「Apologies, I hast hath heard the term "Angra mainyu" before but...

Very well.

But I hast a condition.

In any condition, thou art not allowed to send her back here if be true somehow thee failed to control her. 」

「Fine by me. Maa~ you don't trust me too much, eh? I could have you meet her later after she's conscious y'know? 」

He shakes his head slowly.

「For now, I still need to observe this universe. There art things I hast not discovered yet. 」

「Alright. 」




And here we are.


I am fighting with mostly Kakashi and Sasuke.

Obito has also arrived and now is with Sakura who's baffled by his new appearance.

Dodging a purple electro kunai and a ninjato shaped chidori, I countered them with armor scales on my hand, imitating how Diablo fights.

「Kufufufu, what's this, Kakashi? You'll try to use the power I created to defeat me???」

「Why are you doing this? 」

「You're still asking me that? Didn't I already tell you? 」

With that, I exchange dodges and a roundhouse kick at him which sent him in Naruko's direction.

Obito catches him.

「Maa~ maa~ don't look at me like that, didn't I tell you?

I will try to rule everything with all my might.

And you'll try to prevent me.

And when I win, I'll have every single living being on this planet as my subjects. 」



「What was that? 」(Karma)


She responded louder.

Now that I take a look at her appearance, she is gritting her teeth, as well as using her nails to dig into her palms.

「That is not the Uzumaki Karma I knew of! 」

To be able to see the talk no Jutsu this close, I'm honored.

But I put up a skeptical face.

「Uhuh, sure, then I am not the Uzumaki Karma you knew of-」

「You are!!」

She cut off my line.


Can you not be more confusing girl!??

「I can feel it that it's you! You're just not acting like one! 」

Ah right, she felt Orochimaru's senjutsu in me.

Was she a sensor this whole time to know how my chakra felt like back in the chuunin exam?

「Um. Yeah, sure. So? I'm still declaring myself to rule the world though? 」

I said this while being chidori'd by Sasuke who went through my body like I used Kamui.

This brought Kakashi's and Obito's attention.

「If that's so then why do you do it!?」

Naruko asked again.

This troublesome girl...

Just fight me already for god's sake.

「Didn't I tel-」

「You only told us what you want! 」

She cut in again.

I feel like the table has been turned somehow, even though I don't want to admit it.

「You didn't tell us why, why are trying to rule over us!?」

That made me a bit skeptical...

「Wow, can't believe we're doing this when we're fighting.」

I stated as I raised my hand to eat all the black flames Sasuke has cast upon me.

Hey, new stuff to collect.

「Humans are like children.

They fight amongst themselves for petty reasons.

There's no denying that their so proclaimed "most intelligent being" is a whole lot of bull. 」

「When I gave them freedom, they used that freedom to take other people's freedom.

It went to chaos.

When I hold them from going out of control, they blabbed about how I have caged their freedom with me.

What this world need is actually what Pein thought of.

A god. 」

While announcing that, I grabbed Sasuke's collar and throw him far in the gang's direction.

「From then, I was called the Jashin.

I collect souls and used them as my power source.

I fairly judged each of them.

Which should be devoured?

which I should pass to the pure world?

They're decided by me.

And thus, I told them,

"That throne in the sky is not reserved for you"

Some of them even entered the cycle of reincarnations.

But mortal arrogation never stopped.

Many of them won't even try to accept their fate.

They're trying to climb to the top with little to no good karmic deeds, nor do they even have the power to do so.

It is time for mortal arrogation to stop.

And I will be the judge of that. 」

Hai! That's a lie! That's some high-end bullshit I've made!

Dainslief's quotes sure are useful.

Ending my speech, I whisper.


I replaced our current location with Kaguya's lava world.

Of course, I need to make them do all that they did in the original story, so I chose the same order of dimensions.

1. Lava world.

2. Ice world.

3. Separate them around.

4. Let Naruko be smart and feint attack me.

5. And then fight some more.

And of course, I brought the "spectators" with me.

I made sure my declaration makes its way to every single living being.

By this point, I made my way back to Sasuke in the desert world.

Well, it's a different story now that Kakashi still attained Obito's Sharingan, and Obito is in a body he never felt before.

The space-time ninjutsu I learned from Kaguya's memory is busted earlier than the original.

And that is why I can see a Kakashi next to supposed-to-be-alone Sasuke in the desert world.

「 Well well, Naruko's in the ice world, have you found out how these dimensions works?」

「...What is your relationship with Hidan? 」

This came out from Kakashi.

I pondered this for a little.

「Can't you tell? I'm the god, and he's the follower.

Not that I'll admit it though.

The Jutsu to sacrifice bodies is just a Jutsu made by his ancestors to collect the enemy's soul for my accession as a True demon lord.

But now, the newer generations thought I'm some kind of psychopathic being.

Evil gods aren't necessarily evil y'know?

We're simply existence that holds the title "god",

It's just that we stepped on the world that we shouldn't be.」

Yes! That's a lie again!

To my surprise, Kakashi used Kamui to open up the ice world and shoved Sasuke at it.




Kakashi Hatake's Pov

「We're simply existence that holds the title "god",

It's just that we stepped on the world that we shouldn't be.」

If that's so then why-

No. He's lying.


「Kakashi-?? Wait-!?」

I sent Sasuke away.

「Well that's a surprise... what are you trying to do?」

「What you've said till now, Is a lie. 」

I stated.

To which he put up a skeptical face.

「Pfft- HAHAHAHA For f#cks sake, you and Naruko. Can't you accept reality even if it's just a bi-? 」

「You're the one who's rejecting reality.」

I cut in.

「I have been thinking all this time.

You were never predicting anything.

You just knew the future, and that's it. 」

While I was conversing, a Kamui portal manifested itself a bit far behind Karma.

I can see Obito and the others there.

「You're always talking as if you knew every single thing... but now, all I see is someone making a made-up story as an excuse for doing the things he absolutely didn't need to. 」

By this point, karma has lost his smile.

His face is shadowed while his white less eyes are shining bright in red.

「In the end… 」

『you're very bad at lying, Karma. 』

As I ended, karma gritted his teeth.




「That's another lie. 」

I cut in.

This is not how Karma would react.

Knowing him, all his lies are always a half-truth.

Technically, he never lied.

Except for some occasions where I felt my lie detector tingling.

But right now, his stories, his ramblings, he was never this talkative in battle.

There's no mistaking it.

「But there is a truth in that.

"What I am doing is simply what Kaguya and Black Zetsu will do to all of you"

That, you did, but...

Why do you need to do it?

..."Trying to keep the timeline the same" is it? 」

As I thought, his face twitches a little at this.

「With that attitude, I'm sure many have betrayed you before. 」

But to this line, his face has now turned into anger.

「Haha, oh yeah?」

『And, what do YOU know about me? 』

The last came out with a demonic voice.

Even though he calmly delivered that line, his leaking auras clad in black says otherwise.

「Not much, but probably more than you think.」

I responded in a calm manner.

「For example, how YOU could actually be caught in a feint. 」

To which he widens his eyes.

From his left, a Kamui launching Sasuke.

And from his back Naruko charges in with her hand.




Third Person's POV

Sasuke's and Naruko's hand make their way at Karma.

But even though Sasuke has started to execute the justsu, Naruko hesitates.

『Rikudo: Chibaku Ten-』

Using this chance Karma teleported.

Everyone's in the same dimension.

「These weaklings actually-!」

This was Karma's line after teleporting.

In front of him are team seven who's arguing, Sasuke and Naruko.

「Kufufufu I must commend you to be able to make it this far. 」

Karma stated, successfully taking their attention.

「But we have lost a lot of time, And I am getting impatient.」

His smile disappeared as a red mask manifested covering his face.

「From this on, I should get serious.」




『Abyssal Gospel』




To be continued.