
Tensura: The Epic Tale of Rimuru Tempest!

That time I got reincarnated as a primordial demon, instead of a slime. Hey guy's new story for ya so read. Also english is not my first language so there will be some grammatical errors. Not much but there will be some, so please bear with it for me. And even if you read there is nothing to lose for me. So make sure read it. Original story and characters belongs to the original writer who is "Fuse". This is just for fun so don't take anything personally. This story contains sexual intercourse, courses, and violence so read with your responsibility. Also the pairings are; 1. Rimuru x Ciel. ('Cause it's best and perfect ship) 2. Rimuru x Shizue. ('Cause it's a really good ship in my opinion ofcourse) 3. Rimuru x Chloe. ('Cause she deserve him) 4. Rimuru x Velzard. ('Cause in my opinion Velzard deserve someone like Rimuru instead of Guy. Also Rimuru deserve atleast one milf) 5. Rimuru x Velgrynd. ('Cause Rimuru deserve one milf and I can't choose between Velzard and Velgrynd so I take both of them)

God_RimuruTempest · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 25: The World Explaining.

Guy's so before we can go any further in our story I would like to explain the Tensura World from my story and explaining the cosmology inside the Tensura World because when you read the future chapters you need to know about the cosmology of Tensura World of my story.


'Third Person POV:'

Here is a rough picture of how the Tensura World looks. However, this depiction is just a glimpse, as there is much more to it than what is shown.

With that, Ciel began her explanation. What she explained to Rimuru is:

Before the creation of the Tensura World, there is an entity: the primordial consciousness, the First Creation of Void, also known as:

The Will of Void : The True God: Veldanava, created by Void itself. A Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient being. [Tier: 0 (Boundless)]

(Note: He was an Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient being, but still not as strong as Rimuru, even in his avatar.)

He was complete, fully, not a single piece missing to it, a flawless existence where all was one and one was all.

That time, he was the only thing present in the separated part of the Void, and that part is separated by the Void itself.

After staying in the empty Void for a countless time, he eventually grew bored. To get rid of his boredom, he decided to create a world.

Actually, there is no such thing as "time" and "space" inside the Void or its divisions like The Tensura World and The Fiction World. However, for the sake of clarity in writing and to avoid confusion, the author uses terms like "countless time" or "that time."

So, with the intention of getting rid of his boredom, Veldanava started the grand construction of the world.

First, at the beginning, he created time inside the Tensura World and spread space. He created space to occupy the creation and time so that the creation could experience events subsequently.

Only inside The Tensura World because in some worlds of the Fiction World, space and time are created by the Void, or in some worlds, they are created by the beings in that world.

After creating time and space, he gave names to the two sides of the Tensura World. The first side/place is 'Everythingness,' and the second side/place is 'Nothingness.'

Anyone who goes beyond the place of everythingness will enter the Fiction World. Similarly, anyone who goes beyond the place of nothingness will enter the Void.

However, it's impossible for anyone from the Tensura World and Fiction World (except Rimuru and Ciel) because the Void itself has separated these two worlds and the Void from each other.

He gave these names because he knew that one side of this place is the endless, infinite Void, but he didn't know what the other side was.

Yet, he had a feeling that there was something, although he didn't know what it was. Based on his thoughts, he bestowed these names.

When Veldanava started creating the world, he created two primary Greater Holy Spirits:

(1) The Greater Holy Spirit of Time.

(2) The Greater Holy Spirit of Space.

The role of the Greater Holy Spirit of Time is to govern the passage of time within the Tensura World. Unbound by any concept within the Tensura World, this spirit ranks only below Veldanava and those superior to him.

Conversely, the Greater Spirit of Space is tasked with maintaining and overseeing the space within the Tensura World. Similar to its temporal counterpart, this spirit is also unbound by any concept within the Tensura World, ranking only below Veldanava and those superior to him.

These Greater Holy Spirits reside on opposing sides of the Tensura World, each fulfilling their distinct roles in the cosmic order.

Veldanava also had created Dual Great Spirits.

These Spirits embody opposing forces, serving as the true balancing essence of the world. Everything beneath them exists in opposition, establishing connections throughout existence.

The Great Spirit of Light embodies literal light, representing positivity, purity, and holiness. It serves as the source from which angels derive their true nature.

Conversely, the Great Spirit of Darkness embodies literal darkness, symbolizing negativity, emptiness, and demonic forces. Demons trace their origins back to this spirit, and it is responsible for the creation of the dark realm, known as the Underworld or Hell.

Later, he created five Natural Great Spirits who are inferior to the Great Spirit of Light and the Great Spirit of Darkness. These spirits govern only the natural aspect of existence and its conflicting relationships.

They are the Great Spirit of Earth, the Great Spirit of Flame, the Great Spirit of Water, the Great Spirit of Wind, and the Great Spirit of Space.

The Great Spirit of Earth governs the earth, which is essentially the foundation and terrain. Without this foundation, one wouldn't have a sense of direction or orientation; the earth acts as an index within space.

The Great Spirit of Flame presides over flames and the process of combustion. Flames are considered superior to mere fire, as they possess the power to consume and transform the earth.

The Great Spirit of Water governs motion and the water attribute. It has the ability to summon and create water, and water itself is known for extinguishing flames, showcasing its opposing nature.

The Great Spirit of Wind serves as the source of wind, which has the unique ability to cut through anything, even dimensions. Wind has the power to disperse water, illustrating its ability to overcome its opposing element.

Lastly, the Great Spirit of Space embodies space itself, serving to isolate anything within it. This isolation extends to the wind, effectively containing its cutting force..

He created these spirits in a way that they are balance each other like one is  weak against one spirit then that spirit is strong against the other spirit and in this way they cancel eachother.

He created these spirits in a way that they balance each other out; if one spirit is weak against another, then that spirit is strong against another spirit, effectively canceling each other out.

In the Tensura World, a spherical space known as the Spiritual World exists. The Spiritual World, often referred to as the Spiritual Realm, is incredibly vast. It contains the Physical World within itself, and it lacks gravity and the concept of sky and earth.

Within this Spiritual World, where the Great Spirit of Darkness resides, one finds the Underworld, void worlds, and chaos worlds. Conversely, in the area where the Greater Spirit of Light resides, one finds Heaven, promised lands, and dream worlds.

The Great Spirit of Light and the Great Spirit of Darkness exist on opposite sides of each other, representing opposing forces within the Spiritual World.

The oval-shaped space inside the Spiritual World is the Material World, also known as the Physical World, situated at the center of the Tensura World. Despite being within the Spiritual World, they exist in different dimensions from one another.

When Veldanava created the world, he separated each world and space, such as the Spiritual World and the Material World, with dimensional layers. These dimensional layers are constructed from [Turn Null] energy, the second strongest energy in existence. Only select individuals, like Milim, Veldora, Ivaraj, and Feldway, possess the ability to damage or destroy these dimensional layers. Additionally, there are a few more selective individuals who share this capability.

There is also a Semi-Spiritual/Material World, a realm possessing properties of both the physical and spiritual worlds. This unique environment allows for the existence of Mystical Entities, which are bound by physical rules.

Furthermore, Veldanava created separate infinite dimensions that are disconnected from other dimensions and the Material World.

Examples include the Star King Palace, also known as the Place of Beginnings, the Outer Rim, also known as the Labyrinth, and the dimension where he imprisoned the World-Destroying Dragon: Ivaraj.

The Star King Palace, also known as The Place of Beginnings, is a dimension that exists right before all worlds came into existence. It is isolated, yet connected to all worlds.

The Outer Rim, also known as the Labyrinth, represents the figurative "exit" of all worlds, serving as the edge of existence. It can also be considered the endpoint of the Tensura World.

(Note: It is not Ramiris's Labyrinth, but Ramiris's Labyrinth skill is based on the concept of this dimension.)

There is also a dimension known as The Beginning and End of the World. However, don't be confused; it does not signify the actual beginning and end. Rather, these are mere doorways providing access to multiple dimensions simultaneously, specifically pertaining to the Spatial Aspect.

Another notable dimension is The Spirit Realm or The Spirit World. Situated within the Spiritual World but separated by a dimensional layer, this realm is home to all spirits, which are essentially weaker versions of the original five natural spirits. These spirits are living beings that are born and evolve over time.

Furthermore, there exists a gateway within this dimension through which spirits residing in the Spiritual World can traverse into the Material World. This gateway is linked to the Spirit Queen, who possesses the ability to create a pathway between the Spirit World and the Material World, also known as the Dwelling of Spirits.

Typically, this gateway is connected to the Spirit Queen's intrinsic skill [Small World], wherein she creates a separate space or dimension and opens the gate between the Spirit World and the Material World.

Afterward, Veldanava created an infinite number of Omniverses in the material world. Each Omniverse contains an infinite number of multiverses, and within each multiverse contains an infinite number of universes.

Furthermore, an infinite number of dimensional layers exist between each Omniverse, resulting in an infinite amount of Omniverses.

Despite being an oval-shaped structure, the Tensura World possesses infinite space due to its connection to the Void. The Void itself is infinite, and even though the Tensura World constitutes only a fraction of the Void—such as 0.00...01%—it still retains an infinite size.

Therefore, the Tensura World, being a part of the infinite Void, contains infinite space within its closed-type shape, even if it is just a fraction of the Void.

It is because a part of the infinite space is also infinite in size. Infinite size cannot be measured, and even if we take only a fraction of that infinite size, we can't measure it because it remains infinite in size.

It's like having infinite space and attempting to measure a portion of that space, which is inherently impossible. For example, if we were to take 0.1% of the infinite size, then multiplying that space by 1000 times would supposedly provide a measure of the infinite space. However, this concept is impossible because infinity cannot be quantified or measured.

And if measuring were possible, then we could no longer claim that the space is infinite because if we can measure it, it implies that it is a finite or limited space.

In other words, it is impossible to measure even a fraction of infinite space because any fraction of infinite space is also infinite in size.

That's why even if the Tensura World is only a fraction of The Void, it is still infinite in size because The Void itself is infinite.

Also, there are different realities within each Omniverse.

In the material world, there are an infinite number of Omniverses, and each Omniverse has different timelines. Furthermore, each Omniverse's timelines branch into different parallel Omniverses, and each of these parallel Omniverses has its own set of timelines.

In essence, there is an infinite number of Omniverses in the material world, each containing an infinite number of timelines. Additionally, within each timeline, there exists an infinite number of parallel Omniverses, each with its own unique set of timelines.

Moreover, within a single Omniverse, there are also infinite multiverses, each with its own array of timelines. These timelines within a multiverse are also different from each other, and each multiverse has different parallel versions, each with its own unique set of timelines.

So, we can say that there are infinite Omniverses in the material world, and each Omniverse has its own infinite amount of timelines. Additionally, each Omniverse of each timeline has its own different parallel Omniverses, and each of these parallel Omniverses has its own infinite amount of timelines.

If we look into one Omniverse, we can observe that it contains an infinite amount of multiverses. Similarly, each multiverse within an Omniverse has an infinite amount of timelines, and each multiverse of each timeline has an infinite amount of parallel multiverses. Each of these parallel multiverses also has its own infinite amount of timelines.

The same principle applies to each multiverse, where each multiverse contains an infinite amount of universes. Furthermore, each universe within a multiverse has an infinite amount of timelines, and each universe of each timeline has an infinite amount of different parallel universes. Each of these parallel universes also has its own infinite amount of timelines.

Veldanava entrusted the responsibility of overseeing all timelines and time within the Tensura World to the Greater Holy Spirit of Time. This divine entity ensures the coherence and progression of time across the vast expanse of the Tensura World. Additionally, the Greater Holy Spirit of Time maintains order and balance amidst the intricate web of infinite timelines that shape the world's history and future.

Conversely, the Greater Holy Spirit of Space undertakes the crucial task of managing the dimensions within the Tensura World. This encompasses not only the physical dimensions but also the metaphysical boundaries that define the structure of Omniverses, multiverses, and universes. By overseeing the spatial fabric of the Tensura World, this divine entity ensures the harmonious existence of all beings and phenomena within its confines.

After this, at the core/centre of the Tensura World, Veldanava created the 'Cardinal World,' a world distinct from the Infinite Omniverses, Multiverses, Universes, and all other infinite dimensions that permeate existence.

He established the Cardinal World as a sanctuary, a vantage point from which he could observe his creation without directly intervening. This separation was deliberate, as Veldanava chose to maintain a distance and oversee his creation from afar.

Positioned at the center of the Tensura World, the Cardinal World serves as a focal point, distinct from the multitude of other worlds that extend beyond its boundaries. These other worlds, which are outside of the Cardinal World, are referred to as the outer world.

The Cardinal World, located at the core of the Tensura World, is much bigger than the multiverses in the Omniverse and nearly as large as entire Omniverses themselves. This means that the galaxies inside the Cardinal World are larger than the universes in the outer world, and the planets within the Cardinal World are bigger than the galaxies in the outer world.

After creating the world, Veldanava established a system to govern everything within the Tensura World. This system, known as The Voice of the World, is not bound by any constraints within the Tensura World and ranks only below Veldanava and those superior to him.

The Voice of the World serves as the sentient embodiment of the world's laws, possessing near-omniscient knowledge of all its laws and regulations. This knowledge is vast, likely infinite, encompassing the intricacies of the world's workings.

Remarkably, The Voice of the World extends beyond the confines of the Tensura World, permeating even material worlds devoid of magic, such as Earth, and isolated dimensions like the Infinity Prison or the Labyrinth.

This system operates on an infinite cycle of time, and those who hear the World Language can understand its meaning as if it were spoken in their native tongue. It is a Nigh-Omniscient system which knows whenever someone's desires are in utter desperation.

Not bound by time or space, The Voice of the World acts freely, regulating everything within the Tensura World. Despite having its own will, it lacks an ego, resembling the Void in its awareness of existence without attachment.

Because it possesses its own will, The Voice of the World acknowledges Veldanava as its creator and master. However, recognizing Rimuru's superiority over Veldanava, the system also acknowledges Rimuru as a superior being.

As the ultimate regulating force, The Voice of the World oversees everything within the Tensura World, from the cycle of reincarnation to the laws governing all aspects of existence.

Its influence spans across the entirety of the Tensura World.

(Note: I'm not familiar with how to scale the cosmology of worlds. So, if anyone knows how to scale the cosmology of worlds, please inform me about the scale of the Tensura World in my story. Additionally, if possible, please indicate the Tier of the Voice of the World in my story.)

But after creating the Tensura World, Veldanava realized that being omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient made life dull. Being omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient meant being everywhere, the strongest, and knowing everything in all creation, which grew boring. After some contemplation, he decided to gave up his omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence.

He then incarnated himself in the form of a dragon, retaining all his memories. Thus, the First True Dragon was born, and he was,

The Will Of God, The Holy Will of Nature: The Star King Dragon : Veldanava. [Tier: High 1A-1A].

After incarnating into a True Dragon, Veldanava, rather than being the creator of the world, became a part of the creation itself.

Despite relinquishing his Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence, Veldanava retained his position as the strongest individual in the entire Tensura World and stayed at the pinnacle of the world for a long period of time.

However, his reign at the pinnacle came to an end with the emergence of Rimuru, who surpassed him and ascended to become the strongest being in entire existence.

Even in his weakened state as the True Dragon, where he has relinquished his Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence, Veldanava still possesses immense power. He was able to destroy more than half of the Tensura World without encountering significant obstacles. If he were to unleash his full power, he could potentially destroy the entirety of the Tensura World.

Above all stands The Will of Void: The True God: Veldanava, also known as Prime Veldanava. Beyond him in power are Rimuru and Ciel.

Even the clone or avatar of Rimuru and Ciel surpasses The Will of Void: The True God: Veldanava (Prime) and all beings from the Fiction World.

And when Rimuru in his true body, his mere presence alone can obliterate not only the Tensura World but also the Fiction World, which is even larger and more complex, being directly created by the Void itself. The Fiction World is hundreds, if not thousands, of times more intricate than the Tensura World.

Furthermore, if Rimuru so desires, at his will, he has the power to simultaneously destroy and recreate both the Tensura World and the Fiction World.

'Rimuru POV:'

After hearing about how he created the world and everything, my respect for Veldanava only increased. This guy, even after relinquishing all of his power, remains strong enough that if he were to unleash his full power without holding anything back, he could potentially destroy almost all of the Tensura World.

Truly, he embodies the true definition of a god.

However, it's worth noting that while Veldanava's actions showcase his power, they also raise questions about the nature of divinity and the responsibilities that come with it. His decision to relinquish his power prompts reflection on the concept of godhood and its implications for the world he created.

As I reflect on these thoughts, I realize that there is much more to Veldanava's story than meets the eye. His actions and choices offer insights into the complexities of divine beings and their interactions with the world they inhabit.

But I suppose it's time to go back.

>>Alright, now that everything's done, let's head back!<<

<<Master, there's a problem. We can't return.>>

>>Now what?<<

<<<It's because of your immense strength, Master. Only The Void can withstand the presence Master, and if Master were to enter existence, it would turn into nothingness just by being in his presence.>>

>>This isn't a small problem, it's a big one! How am I going back? Ahhh....<<

<<No need to worry, Master. If we use our weakest avatar or clone, can shift consciousness into it, leaving main True Body in [Imaginary Space]. That way, enter existence without any worries.>>

>>That should do it. Is there anything else?<<

<<Yes, Master. Even our weakest avatar or clone will be stronger than anyone in existence.>>

>>That's not an issue. As long as we can return without affecting other worlds, everything will be fine. So, create a clone or avatar of me and shift our consciousness into it.<<

<<Understood. Creating the weakest clone or avatar of Master and me, shifting our consciousness into it... done. Storing main True Body in [Imaginary Space]... successful.>>

Now I feel weaker, a lot weaker than before.

I think now I don't even have a fraction of my power compared to when I was in my True Body, but still, I am stronger than everyone in existence.

They are all nothing compared to my power. Hahaha! These pathetic insects should bow before me!!! Hahaha!

But still, it was shocking to learn the truth about existence. Who could have thought that existence would be this vast?

Let's see how strong my avatar/clone is anyway.

>> Ciel, run an appraisal on me. Also, for the time being, seal my Omnipotence, and later, when the appraisal is done, unseal it. Also, I know that even after becoming an Omnipotent being, I didn't need skills or whether they are far too weak for me to use. Could you just upgrade my previous ultimate skills, [Azathoth] and [Shub-Niggurath], and show, tell me about them? Also, make replicas of our original swords too.<<

<<Understood.....< p>

'From now on, the story continues from Chapter 17: The Supreme Deity. In that chapter, after Rimuru saw his stats and returned back.'

*Flashback End:*

Well, who could have thought that existence would be this vast, yet just a fraction of the Void.

<<Master, this person is from the Tensura World. What should we do about it?>>

>>Bring them here. Life has been rather dull lately, and this could be interesting.<<

<<Understood. >>

As I stood outside my house, just as I instructed Ciel to bring that person here, a woman appeared.

"Sensei, is that you?" the person asked.


And that's end that's all for this chapte.

Next Chapter Will be "My Unknown Student."

Tell me how is the chapter in comments. It is really motivates me to write new chapters.

Word Count = 3.8k

Note: There are few things that I would like to tell you and they are:

1) Veldanava was all-knowing, but because of the Void's separation between the Fiction World and The Tensura World, he couldn't figure out what lay on the other side. The Void stands above everything, even above the Fiction World and Tensura World. So, the folks in these worlds remain clueless about what's beyond because the Void is above them. Except for Rimuru, of course.

2) The Greater Holy Spirit of Space and the Great Spirit of Space are two different entities. The Great Spirit of Space is the downgraded version of The Greater Holy Spirit of Space.

3) In my story, Veldanava didn't lose his Turn Null energy. Here, he willingly gave up his Turn Null energy, Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience. I never mentioned in my story that Veldanava had lost his Turn Null energy or that he has a limited amount of Turn Null energy.

Correct the grammatical, spelling, and punctuation mistakes, and ensure the sentences are well-structured.

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