
Tensura: Power Fantasy ‎ ‎

Like any other average person, [generic name] falls head first into said traffic, I mean not to save someone no. He just wasn't checking traffic. He also unlike others felt all of the pain from the hit, with his adrenaline somehow not kicking in to numb the pain. Almost like karma kicking him in the shin for the most definitely not directed to the wrong person form of punishment. Good thing he got his final wishes in like any other normal person, totally didn't think of wishes to say on his death bed.

SightSeer · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

3 - Goblins? (Old)

The group of people walks past the hiding spot of the slime and rabbit hiding oh so quietly, chatting along the way down into the depths of the cave.

"Phew they're finally gone." the slime said with a slight tint of relief. "Now what are you doing following me?"

... "Huh me?"

'Yes, you! Uh, stop following me okay!" The slime exclaimed, the slime started bouncing away before.

"Wait, wait I'm sorry, pleasee let me follow you!" The rabbit tries to do the thing where you bow with your head on the ground.

you know the Japanese thing with the bowing and stuff, y-you know what am I talking about right? I mean- ahem the rabbit puts its forearms in front, raising its behind and with its head on the ground.

"I didn't mean it! I just didn't want to get too close until now, I mean I don't know if you would melt me, no offense of course!" The rabbit slams its head into the ground cracking it with its horn.

"What I wouldn't do that! ... Hahh fine just don't do anything suspicious okay?"

"Of course, I won't.. sir?"

"Rimuru, Rimuru Tempest! Okay, follow me alright, be quiet those people might still be around here."

The slime comes out of the hiding spot jumping towards the open gate. The rabbit followed suit a fair distance behind to make sure it wasn't angry.

Walking towards the door blinding light made the rabbit look away. "Oh right, I have eyes." He kept them mostly closed with a stinging kind of sensation permeating his retinas. Greenery was seen through blurry eyes. It was beautiful for as much as he could see since he's been in a dull gray cave for weeks.

The air smelled fresh, soft grass touched his feet and he could feel the heat of sunlight, He even heard some birds chirping in the distance.

The slime in front glistened with light bouncing inside with it shining like a jewel, "Beautiful." said the rabbit.

"Hmm?" the slime looks back but the rabbit quickly turns his head away, hoping the slime wouldn't say anything... and it didn't, continuing bouncing away, the rabbit quickly follows after.


*bounce* *bounce*

Silence was the only that could be heard, even the birds from before seems to have disappeared, was he angry? I hope he isn't too angry, ugh this definitely didn't go how I wanted it to. Maybe I should just leave him alo-


The bushes around rustle and loud footsteps are heard getting closer, coming into the clearing, standing there was a group of.. goblins?

Goblins, oh goblins, right right he had met goblins on his trek through the forest, they shouldn't be dangerous if I remember, more on the peaceful side than the.. the.. yeah.

The goblins whimper and shake seemly out of fear from the slime, the goblin in the front wearing a red bandana starts talking to the slime. "Zayvun vul, kv fvb ohcl ibzpulzz olyl?"

Huh? Wait what are they saying? Why can't I understand them? The rabbit thinks, confused. The slime looks around assuming they weren't talking to him but the goblins seem to assure that they were addressing him. The slime thinks for a second before a loud booming voice comes out. "YPNOA, ZV, OLSSV! P'T H ZSPTL, HUK TF UHTL PZ YPTBYB!"

All of the goblins in the group as well as the rabbit falls to their knees, covering their ears while the slime yells something to them.

AAGH! god damn, my head feels like my head is gonna explode!

The goblins on their knees start bowing to the slime while the red bandana goblin says "Dl'yl dlss hdhyl vm ovd zayvun fvb hyl, zpy! Wslhzl, xbpla fvby cvpjl!" before lowering his head on the ground.

In the background the rabbit is still recovering, all he could hear right at that second was a loud ringing noise that reverberated in his head, he felt as if his eardrums had been pierced and covered his ears with his paws.

Agh, agh.. ok ok I think the pain is lessening. Hah god, I've never felt that kind of pain before. In between the ringing noises parts of the conversation could be heard, none of it was understandable of course since it wasn't in English he couldn't understand a lick.

Through blurry eyes he sees that the goblins and the slime are walking away, the rabbit didn't budge though, trying to move felt painful and he couldn't move an inch, but before he closes his eyes the slime say. "Vo dhpa, fvb nbfz zovbsk iypun aoha nbf hz dlss."

I am really bad at this.

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