
TENSURA: interuniverse

"The world whispers secrets to those who listen. I am here to lend an ear." To understand existence is to wield its emptiness. He walks the path where all threads of fate converge. ••••••• A TENSURA X OC FANFICTION. Featuring a fifth true dragon inserted into the story line. Changes will be changed to the plot, to the characters, and some to the power system. (I do not own the characters. Fuze is the creator of Tensura and the OC is an amalgamation of various elements from other franchises mixed with my own ideas. I do not own any of the arts, credits to the original owners.)

Aestics · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 | Tales of History, Trauma

The world itself remembers—the war that eclipsed all others in its sheer chaos and devastation—the Ragnarok, the Great Tenma War which unfolded a thousand years ago, around six hundred years after the birth of the Myriad Dragon. This conflict marked an era where the worlds long separated by cosmic design converged and aligned.

It was a truly golden and bloody era when humanity was at its strongest—Immortal men, bearing flesh but harboring souls that defied time's grasp, strode across the earth like titans of old, challenging the very structure of the food chain.

It began with the rupture of space-time, creating fissures that bridged the once impenetrable divide between our world and the Seal World beyond. Through these rifts spilled forth a tide of countless unfathomable horrors: phantoms, insectars with malevolent territorial ambitions, and the mindless cryptids whose very existence defied natural law.

Yet, the greatest terror emerged from the heavens itself—the angels, revered as divine messengers, now bore the mantle of harbingers of doom to deliver judgement. With them came their legions, millions upon millions of winged beings descending upon mortal lands with a wrathful fury that shattered countries and laid waste to civilizations millennia in the making.

The skies, once serene and hopeful, darkened with the smoke of burning cities and the stench of corpses from constant battles. Spanning hundreds of years and across all continents, the Ragnarok caused every kingdom to tremble as the forces of forceful chaos and twisted order clashed. Rivers ran red with the blood of mortals and immortals alike, as alliances forged in desperation fought against the relentless onslaught.

It was pure chaos back then, Morax thought as he watched the lingering sentiments of that chaotic era through the anxious golden eyes of the little boy in front of him, who barely reached half his height—Rimuru Tempest. Strange, he thought, why am I seeing that war in the eyes of a slime?

The Great Tenma Wars were caused by the powers of the Hero of the Beginning, but even then, it was an unthinkable coincidence that the alignment of worlds converged at the same time the angels descended. Not even that man or that dreaded demon lord could've seen that coming, Morax thought.

Rimuru in front of him tensed and stiffened, his hands shaking and his lips trembling. It seems Rimuru had just realized who he was.

Although Morax was called the dragon of void and fate when he was born, his embodied concept was actually none of the two, but something else. The speculation of his powers centering around the aforementioned two concepts was just a widespread misunderstanding caused by his choice of approach in battle.

In the modern era, however, he is simply known among the humans as the Myriad Dragon, the dragon of rebirth. He's the first dragon to have interchanging reputations regarding his powers since he's so secretive about it, even to his family. In a way, his prefix of Myriad really suited his character.

And now, Morax can sense an upcoming change to the world through the eyes of the supposedly insignificant being in front of him. Whether it was a good or bad kind of change, only time will tell. The world was on the brink of another great war, and it seemed very plausible to Morax that the one coming will be much bloodier than the last one that took place five hundred years ago.

It can't be as deadly as Ragnarok, though, can it? He pondered, a curious smile widening his lips. Despite the lengthy time he spent lost in thoughts, only a second passed in the real world. A flicker of interest shined through the iridescence of Morax's piercingly sharp gaze.

Rimuru, meanwhile, was not as amused. The voice in his head rang like endless doorbells, warning him of the danger the handsome man before him posed, who was capable of effortlessly incapacitating Hinata Sakaguchi. Countless warnings echoed in his head, but even so, he can't bring himself to stray away from those bright amber eyes that can only be described as ineffable.

This is bullshit…! Rimuru can't help but think so. The inner draconic will of Veldora in his stomach was threatening to collapse the finite void space with the dragon's raging emotions, threatening to burst out of his Stomach like a dam.

He knew instantly who this was. Great Sage's continued warning voice disappeared from his mind as a blanket of fear covered him and a knot of strings grasped and tightened around his imaginary heart. His nonexistent breathing became ragged and it became difficult to think. All this happened by merely staring into those eyes.

It made sense.

Rimuru was aware of the existence of the other dragons. However, while the existence of the others was made known in public, not much was known about them except for their titles and names. Velzard is said to reside in the frozen continent, Velgrynd dwelling in a volcanic crevice somewhere east, and both Veldanava and Veldora were missing.

That only left one more—Velmorax, the Myriad Dragon.

Velmorax was famous among the human nations due to the book called "Tales of the Myriad Dragon's Path." The dragon had a substantially positive reputation amongst mortals unlike the other dragons—particularly Veldora who'd done nothing but cause destruction.

Rimuru's mind, gripped by fear, flickered like a dying ember. But then, a memory – a short tale of old he had read in Engrassia mere days prior – surged forth like a spark unearthed from the ashes of fear.


In the mists of time, more than a thousand and less two thousand years past, when the world was young and magic flowed like rivers through the land, there arose a being of power and majesty. This was Velmorax, the Myriad Dragon, fifth of the True Dragons and embodiment of void and destiny. His birth was magnificent, felt across the entire world as an echo.

As Velmorax took his first breath, the very world shimmered. Mountains trembled, oceans surged, and the stars themselves seemed to lean closer, eager to witness the awakening of this new god. For Velmorax was no ordinary creature, but a living consciousness of nature and existence, a fundamental pillar of creation.

In those early days, the young dragon's mind was a maelstrom of possibilities and power. Every thought sparked new wonders; every breath shaped the world around him. As he explored his newfound existence, Velmorax sensed a calling - a destiny that would shape the fate of countless beings.

Guided by this inner purpose, Velmorax turned his gaze to a stretch of empty sea. With a thought as vast as the sky above and as focused as a laser, he reached deep into the ocean's depths. The water churned and roiled, great plumes of steam rising as the dragon's power worked its magic. Slowly, majestically, a new land began to emerge from the waves.

Mountains thrust upward, valleys carved themselves into lush refuges, and rivers sprang forth as if eager to explore their new home. Velmorax breathed life into this nascent realm, infusing it with a fraction of his own essence. Forests sprouted, teeming with creatures of every description. The very air hummed with potential.

As the land stabilized, Velmorax named his creation Cair Paravel. It was to be a sanctuary, a place where all beings could find refuge and purpose under his benevolent rule. The dragon sent out a call, felt in the hearts of those who would become his first followers. They came in droves - humans seeking wisdom, demons yearning for redemption, monsters looking for acceptance, and majins drawn to the wellspring of magic that saturated the new land.

Velmorax watched over his worshippers with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. He saw their struggles, their triumphs, their capacity for both great good and terrible evil. In time, he came to appreciate them, these fragile, fleeting creatures who looked to him for guidance in reverence.

The dragon shaped Cair Paravel into a realm of harmony and balance. Under his rule, old enmities were set aside. Humans worked alongside demons to build great cities, while monsters and majins collaborated on wondrous works of art and magic. Velmorax's vision of equality became the foundation upon which this new society was built.

As centuries passed, Cair Paravel flourished. Its cities grew ever more magnificent, its people ever more diverse. Velmorax's wisdom flowed through the land like a golden thread, binding all in common purpose. Yet the dragon himself remained somewhat apart, a benevolent but distant figure to most.

Like a star caught in the shallows of a well, its brilliance a whisper away, yet an eternity separates desire from touch—the dragon seemed so close yet so far.

For Velmorax, eternal and ever-changing, knew that true growth came from allowing his people to find their own path. He appointed the Sovereigns to oversee the day-to-day governance, while he focused on maintaining the delicate balance of forces that kept Cair Paravel safe and prosperous.

And so, a thousand years after its miraculous genesis, Cair Paravel became a reflective mirror to Velmorax's power and vision. It is a land of wonders, where magic and science intertwine, where ancient traditions and bold innovations coexist in harmony. Though challenges arise, both from within and without, the people of Cair Paravel face them united, secure in the knowledge that their god watches over them still.

A land of myth.

In the highest tower of the grandest city, upon a throne of starlight and shadow, Velmorax contemplates the ebb of destiny he has woven. And though his thoughts encompass the vastness of eternity, a part of him will always remain connected to the land he raised from the sea and the people who call him their god.

The old tale of the Myriad Dragon's Path had remained for a thousand years, and it shall do so for a thousand more, and beyond.


No shit, this guy's someone who can legit pull a land out of the sea, how am I supposed to get out of this? Rimuru thought, panicking. Now that he gained an accurate grasp of his situation, he was feeling hopeless rather than resistant.

But Rimuru's eyes widened. Tempest…!

He almost forgot, but he needed to check on Tempest. Even now, when he tried activating his spatial powers, there was no available point in Tempest that can be teleported to, as if the coordinates of such place were undefined.

"I'll let you go," the cool and minty voice of the man in front of him called out, inevitably drawing his attention up. "But I want a word with you after you deal with whatever you have going on," he added, "It's about my brother, who I'm sure you know very well."

Rimuru, with buckets of imaginary sweats dripping down his face, nodded furiously. Then, speaking once more with that same fixed smile on his face, "Then, that's that. I'll be seeing you soon. We're not yet finished, Rimuru. You and I."

With that, he vanished from the scene, forcefully warped by the dragon in front of him. A serene bright light overwhelmed his senses, dulling his vision as the man vanished like mist, and before he knew it, he found himself at the teleportation array found at the sealed cave.

Rimuru slumped to the ground, his body limp and powerless as Ranga immediately rushed out in concern. Vesta and Gabil were also in the cave along with an injured Souei. Everyone voiced their worries but it all drifted pass his mind. Rimuru had never once felt so threatened before.

Veldora's brother… Velmorax… so absolutely terrifying, he thought, wide-eyed.

<<…--rning: The city's coordinates are confirmed to be undefined. After a thorough analysis of the Prison Field and Holy Field, it is likely same types barriers enveloping city, which invalidates any spatial-transportation ability.>>

The sage's voice was like a soothing pill that calmed his chaotic mind as Rimuru began to stand up with a firm expression on his face. He began to listen to the concerns of his companions and sternly asked for an update on the situation.

Although he was scared shitless by Velmorax, he can't deny that it was because of him that he was alive by knocking out Hinata Sakaguchi.

The only thing I can do for now is do as I must… I need to confirm everyone's safety.

The words of Velmorax echoed in his already disturbed mind, and he felt his conviction wavering. Velmorax knew about Veldora residing in his Stomach—that much was sure. As for how? He had no idea. But he can't help but be anxious for when the inevitable time comes where he meets that dragon again.